When these meteorites fell, they caused great damage to these undead.

Watching the undead army under him be killed one by one.

Qin Mu frowned.

Because he discovered a terrifying point, that is, Emperor Yan's current mana has not dropped much.

If I were myself, I would call so brazenly.

Although his mana will not be consumed under the infinite firepower talent.

But time is a waste, and Qin Mu doesn't want to waste time like this anymore.

But just at this moment, someone spoke up.

"Xiaoyan, you can stop now."

It was Eggy who spoke, and when he looked back at Qin Mu's face, he was still provocative.

"Boy, do you have anything to say now? Your undead can't threaten me 617s at all.

Of course, there is a reason why Eggy dares to be so arrogant.

That is Qin Mu's data, he can only see the blood volume.

If he could see Qin Mu's mana and find that Qin Mu's amount was not consumed, he wouldn't be so arrogant.

Because Qin Mu didn't lose any blue, he summoned so many undead soldiers.

Unlike Yandi, more or less Yandi still has some consumption.

Seeing Dandan being so arrogant there, Qin Mu sneered and said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, the two of us might as well get this out of the way.

"What do you want to say?"

Qin Mu saw a ray of light in Eggy's eyes.

If it's not good, this egg has some special thoughts in his heart, what does he want to do?

"The two of us play singles, what do you think? If I win you let me in, if you win, I turn around and leave.

Hearing what Eggy said, Qin Mu smiled.

"Okay, let's come together then."

"Beware of weirdness."

The Elf Queen prompts Qin Mu at the back.

But Qin Mu was not afraid.

In this way, he stood in front of Eggy, and the people behind Eggy also began to retreat.

The battlefield just opened up and handed it over to the two in the middle.

At this time, Eggy's reaction was a bit unexpected.

Eggy suddenly threw a scroll out of his body (acbf), and the scroll was directly connected to Qin Mu's body.

At the same time, another line is connected to Eggy's body.

"Boy didn't expect that this is a duel scroll, this time the two of us must have a winner or loser, or else we will be punished by the system.

I didn't expect him to play this with himself.

Qin Mu sneered.

Eggy's death is nothing more than a level drop by one level, but if he dies, he is really dead.

So this time Qin Mu can only win but not lose.

At the same time, the duel scroll also formed an energy field with a diameter of fifty meters around Qin Mu and Dandan.

Others cannot enter this energy field.

"I didn't expect it, kid, I figured it out. I think your ID is called Mage, you are a mage. 35

"That's right." Qin Mu nodded, although he didn't know what the odd thing was about Eggy.

But it doesn't matter what Qin Mu said to him.

"It's a bit interesting to call yourself a magistrate, let's see what abilities you have and use them.

A sneer appeared on Eggy's face and hooked Qin Mu.

There is definitely something wrong with this person who dares to be arrogant like this.

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