But it feels weird.

Under such circumstances, Qin Mu could still laugh.

But strange is strange, we still have to go forward.

But as he approached Qin Mu step by step, he seemed to feel that victory was within his grasp.

Qin Mu's strength is not weak, and the equipment on his body should be good equipment.

If one or two pieces were to come out, it would be another fortune to sell to Yanlong City.

You can also use "617" for your subordinates.

The most important thing is that he can enter the territory of those dryads.

Retrieve the Treasure of the Dryad, then go back and turn in the quest.

That quest item is extremely important to Eggy.

He couldn't have given up that quest item.

So Eggy walked towards Qin Mu step by step.

When Eggy was within ten meters of Qin Mu's body, Qin Mu's laughter burst out.

"Hahaha, what you think is really naive, do you really think I'm just a mage?"

It is not false that Qin Mu is good at spells.

But it doesn't mean that a mage can only spell spells and nothing else.

This time, Eggy's little thought is probably going to go to waste.

Qin Mu condensed his hands and formed two magic circles around him.

The circle on each hand is about four meters in diameter.

With a bang, Qin Mu covered the two arrays to the ground.

Then the earth made a sound after another, cracking from the middle.

Two giants came out below.

Eggy sees this is not right.

The spell itself can be blocked with the Shield of Demon Breaker.

But these two giants are obviously not running for magic.

A body covered with ice, and those stones above a body were burning with raging flames.

These two giants even had their fists the size of a pot.

Hit yourself to death.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

Eggy's complexion changed.

Then I saw that he didn't open his Demon-Breaking Shield, but instead his body became a bow.

Pulling his right hand back, a golden spear appeared on top of his right hand.

"The Spear of the Sky!"

In an instant, Eggy shouted four big characters in her mouth.

The golden spear blasted towards Qin Mu with the strength of his body.

The golden light flashed across in an instant and was about to come to Qin Mu.

But in the face of this energy-like physical attack, Qin Mu was not afraid at all..

The right hand flicked again.

A transparent barrier was placed in front of Qin Mu.

This transparent barrier forcibly withstood the spear of the sky.

The golden energy was actually embedded in Qin Mu's crystal shield.

The defense of the magic crystal shield is not covered.

Seeing that Qin Mu actually defended his attack.

An ugly expression appeared on Eggy's face.

Because Eggy didn't expect Qin Mu to block his attack so easily.

Seeing that Eggy's complexion became unsightly, the two giants also approached his side.

This time, Qin Mu's face was full of disdain and ridicule towards Eggy.

"Don't you think that your 1.5 is very strong? The ability to break magic? I not only have the power of magic, but I can also summon!

As soon as the words fell, the two giants had already killed Eggy's side.

Eggy couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and now he has entered a state of battle.

The only thing he can do is to change it out of his own package, and another golden shield and his body form a system.

This shield is a golden tower shield.

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