But no matter what they thought, Qin Mu couldn't stop.

His own attack is about to come.

Just when Qin Mu decided to use Wind Thunder Wave and Ice Dragon Summon again, a whirring sound suddenly sounded from behind.

These undead fell one by one.

That's exactly what meteorites in the sky do -.

This is where the Emperor Yan made his move.

Qin Mu stopped and continued to summon the meaning of attack, and looked at Emperor Yan with a smile on his face.

He just wanted to see what the current Emperor Yan wanted to do.

What can the current Emperor Yan do?

Just when Qin Mu thought of this, Emperor Yan opened a rather large gap there.

At the same time, he said something to the people under him.

"You go down, if you are up, you will die and leave here.

Emperor Yan could see now that Qin Mu's threat to them at first might not have been a joke.

Qin Mu's own power is too powerful, and he can summon so many things with ease.

Those people crammed up, not only did not cause any damage to Qin Mu, but at the same time allowed him to push himself into a desperate situation.

Emperor Yan didn't say anything, and walked towards Qin Mu step by step.

worthy of his ID.

Every time he walked over, a flame footprint appeared on the ground.

This is exactly what Emperor Yan did, and it seems to be extraordinary.

Qin Mu had this smile on his face.

When Emperor Yan came over step by step, Qin Mu had nothing to say.

There was only a smile on Qin Mu's face.

Because to Qin Mu, this Emperor Yan doesn't matter what it is.

Even when he came over, with such a strong aura, he couldn't possibly be his opponent.

Qin Mu had such thoughts in his heart until Emperor Yan came to a place not far from Qin Mu.

Taking a deep breath, he was just about to mobilize his strength to attack from Qin Mu.

But they didn't expect Qin Mu's attack to come first.

I saw that Qin Mu summoned an ice dragon there and rushed towards the Emperor Yan.

The Yan Emperor's reaction was also very fast, he immediately squatted down, and the staff in his hand was in front of him.

0.. ask for flowers...

An invisible red light shone there.

This time, Emperor Yan actually created a fire-type energy shield.

And the shield actually blocked Qin Mu's attack.

When the ice dragon rushed to the fire attribute shield, it turned into piles of ice cubes and disappeared into the air.

Defense is not bad.

And there is also a faint meaning of counterattack.

Qin Mu thought in his heart.

At this time, Emperor Yan started, and the power he used was exactly the same as Qin Mu.

Qin Mu did not expect that Emperor Yan would use such a similar power.

Because this time, Emperor Yan waved the staff in his hand.

The one summoned turned out to be an energy dragon.

The power of the surrounding fire attributes all gathered on the body of Emperor Yan, and the one summoned was the fire dragon sprayed directly in front of Qin Mu.

However, in the face of such an attack, Qin Mu did not have the slightest fear.

The magic crystal shield was summoned again. Compared with Yandi's defense, his defense this time was more effective.

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