In desperation, these nine dragons could only hit the nine Qin Mu's bodies respectively.

Hope to find Qin Mu's trace and kill him.

But it has to be said that the nine giant dragons hit the ground, and after smashing out nine sparks, they did not attack the real Qin Mu.

Qin Mu was still there, no problem at all, and there were three left standing there.

For a while, Emperor Yan had anger in his heart.

Anger grows from the heart to the gall.

In a hurry and annoyance, he crossed his hands and put the staff in front of his own.

Another two giant dragons shot out, and they were shot on the other two Qin Mu clones.

But in this situation, Emperor Yan did not think that he would be empty again.

The two attacks he hit in the past hit the two clones again.

Then don't think about it, the only one left is Qin Mu.

Emperor Yan condensed his fire dragon power again, and wanted to knock down the last clone and kill Qin Mu.

But he didn't expect Qin Mu to burst into laughter at this time.

"Hahaha, Emperor Yan, can't you?"

The fire dragon condensed by Emperor Yan gathered up.

He looked straight at Qin Mu, and asked him, "What do you mean, boy?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? Do you really think you were unlucky and didn't find me? To tell you the truth, no!"

Speaking of this, Qin Mu laughed, his attitude was already obvious.

Hearing what Qin Mu said, the expression on Emperor Yan's face also became ugly.

Aren't you being tricked because you want to follow Qin Mu's words?

"Emperor Yan, let me tell you, my figure can move among these twelve clones at will. What you hit is just air, and the power you use is nothing at all."5

Speaking of which, Qin Mu smiled and looked at Emperor Yan.

After hearing Qin Mu's stimulation at this time, the anger in Emperor Yan's heart couldn't be suppressed.

"Boy! You will pay for your arrogance."

Emperor Yan roared angrily, and then slapped his hands on the ground.

But this is not just an attack on Qin Mu.

On the contrary, it was a special ability of Emperor Yan that appeared wave after wave in him.

The light of the spell that came out formed a fiery red circle with a radius of ten meters around him.

The Yan Emperor's energy penetrated into it like this.

The state that the current Emperor Yan can show is absolutely extraordinary.

I just don't know what he can do next.

Just as Qin Mu was imagining this, Emperor Yan suddenly raised his hands high and held up a huge meteor in front of him.

The moment he appeared, he threw his hands in front of him, the meteorite streaked across the sky with a flash of fire, and 617 charged directly towards Qin Mu.

Both Yu Youwei and the Elf Queen exclaimed.

Yu Youwei also covered her mouth.

Because this kind of power seems to be too extraordinary, this time after the explosion, it is difficult for ordinary people to bear and resist.

This power is a bit too strong.

Just as Yu Youwei was imagining here, Qin Mu chuckled lightly.

Relying on such a meteorite tree, there is no way, Yan Emperor can't help himself.

Don't look at the fact that Emperor Yan summoned his formation to strengthen the meteorite technique.

But it's the same thing.

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