And when Qin Mu put himself in the star screen, he smiled and looked up to the sky.

At the same time, there was a calm expression on his face.

Jeroka and his subordinates on the side didn't know what happened to Qin Mu, and they didn't know why he was so calm.

Jeroka asked Qin Mu carefully.

"Brother, you won't have any problems this time, will you?

"Hehe, don't worry, Jeroka "630", let me show you my true power."

Speaking of which, Qin Mu's eyes were calm.

Jeroka's subordinates looked at Jeroka with a questioning meaning in their eyes.

The first is to ask Jeroka if she can do it.

Second, let's take a look at what Jeroka means.

Do they just trust Qin Mu? Or do they rush to run now?

Jeroka looked helplessly at his subordinates and said a word.

"How are we going to run now? We have been blocked by earth and rocks, now believe him, I also think it should be right to believe in him.

Jeroka said so.

Hearing what Jeroka said at this time, the people under him were stunned.

After thinking about it, they could only sigh and nodded.

For the time being, it can only be like this, and at this moment, the jade meteor of the jade tiger has already shot down and landed on the top of the star screen barrier.

Suddenly there was a loud bang.

It was so big that everyone present could not help covering their ears.

But after such a fright, they saw that it was no problem this time!

Is this what Qin Mu can do?

Is this the power of Qin Mu?

They were filled with surprise.

But no matter what they thought, Qin Mu's barrier was still intact this time.

The Jade Meteor just hit the star screen barrier in mid-air with ripples, without any breakthrough.

Although the star screen barrier seems to be full of cracks.

And it looks a little shaky.

But just like the dog-skin plaster that sticks to the human body, it won't fall off if it wobbles, and it won't break if it wobbles.

Qin Mu raised his head and said to the Jade Tiger who was outside.

"What? Is this your power? It seems that your power is nothing but that, and the boss of this world is not good either.."

Qin Mu spoke out and mocked the Jade Tiger.

At this time, the jade tiger's expression was full of anger.

Jeroka and his men on the side were surprised.

Because they didn't expect Qin Mu to be so strong.

The boss of the elite world can be shaken by his own strength.

At the same time, it can also provoke the world boss.

That means Qin Mu still has a hole card.

The equipment on this kid is definitely not weak.

Many people looked at Qin Mu with greedy expressions as if they saw delicious food.

They were greedy for Qin Mu's equipment.

Qin Mu's chant speed, release speed, and the power of skills.

They can all see 1.5 in their eyes.

If the equipment on Qin Mu's body is normal, it will never have such an effect, which can make a player press the elite world boss.

It may have to be legendary equipment.

When those of them were imagining there, Qin Mu sighed faintly, looked at the Jade Jade Tiger, and continued to speak provocatively.

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