Then this big vine is attacking the enemy.

Qin Mu has used hundreds of skills all at once, and his face is still so calm, which is a bit unexpected.

No one else thought of it.

But what I have to say is that skills like vine entanglement are still not enough to see.

The reason is that the vines themselves are not hard things.

If that one is a steel bar, maybe this jade tiger can't do anything about it.

But it's just the most common vine.

The Jade Tiger waved his green and transparent claws, and ripped apart all the vines, allowing himself to move again and rushing towards Qin Mu again.

But this time it wasn't so simple, Qin Mu already had the absolute upper hand when facing the Tiger of the Emerald Jade.

Qin Mu's next step is to show this jade tiger a good look and see what he can do.

Just when the jade tiger with his jade light rushed to Qin Mu's side, Qin Mu's defense began to be arranged.

Indeed, the defenses arranged by Qin Mu all came from another ability of his own.

"Hundreds of water accounts.".

The water flow became like a barrier in Qin Mu's hands.

But the barrier seems to be made of cloth.

Qin Mu easily used the piece of cloth in front of him.

Baishui Liujing began to block the attack of the jade tiger again and again.

The Tiger of Jade Jade has nothing to do with Qin Mu's hundred-water flow account.

Now I can only watch Qin Mu's Hundred Water Flowing Tent block him, and at the same time it is like a big hand covering him.

Then Qin Mu used his power, as if he was playing with the jade tiger.

Qin Mu shook his hands easily, and after a while, the jade tiger was dragged out by Qin Mu.

At this moment, the Jade Tiger is like a mouse tired from playing with a cat.

He was thrown aside so easily.

At this time, the eyes of the Jade Tiger Tiger were full of angry expressions.

Because he thinks Qin Mu has played him.

At this time, he wanted to earn back his face and the majesty that belonged to this world boss.

Then Qin Mu must be killed, and this one must be taken back from Qin Mu.

Thinking of this, the Jade Tiger suddenly took a deep breath and jumped towards Qin Mu again.

The Jade Tiger and Qin Mu were fighting each other, although Qin Mu also lost blood, but not much.

The skill of reducing damage was used by Qin Mu, and at the same time most of the damage was blocked by Qin Mu.

Under such circumstances, the Jade Tiger has no way to take Qin Mu.

Just when Jade Tiger was imagining this, Qin Mu showed a completely different state.

Because at this time Qin Mu actually laughed out loud.

At this time, Qin Mu raised his head and looked at the Jade Tiger, all smiles appeared in (Wang Hao) Qin Mu's eyes.

"`" Jade Tiger, your strength is indeed very strong, but do you think you are my opponent in this situation?

Seeing that Qin Mu still dares to walk towards the Jade Tiger.

Jeroka and his subordinates on the side were surprised. The hundred water flow accounts and various abilities that Qin Mu used before, all indicated that Qin Mu was an extraordinary person.

Jeroka was very surprised.

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