The men under him shook their heads blankly, and then nodded again.

They understood what Jeroka's question meant.

It's not Qin Mu's skills at all, but what Qin Mu did this time.

At this time, the Jade Tiger's blood volume dropped by a full ten percent.

He lost ten percent of his blood before.

This time, the Jade Tiger's HP value was only about 80%.

But Qin Mu, who fell from "630", did not feel tired and did not show stagnation.

Don't look at the power of his Zenith Sword has been used by himself.

But after the light comes the ultimate darkness.

Qin Mu raised his hands, and the ground under his feet shook.

Subconsciously, Jeroka and the others took a step back.

In just two or three seconds, after looking at the surrounding situation, Jeroka couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The others felt it too.

Exciting! This is too exciting to play! This is a bit too scary to play!

Because in just a few seconds, they were surrounded.

What surrounded them was nothing but groups of skeletons.

And it is still appearing behind, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

After seeing this situation, Bingfa became more and more firm in her thoughts.

He looked at Huo Fa and asked a question to Huo Fa.

"Do you have a feeling right now? I always feel like what I'm thinking is right. 99

The fire method was also very surprised, so he shrugged his shoulders at the ice method.

"Tell me, what is it? How do you feel? 55

The ice method hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"I always feel that this person doesn't consume mana when he uses his skills!"

Bing Fa is serious in his eyes, and his expression means that he is not joking this time.

Fire method also hesitated there.

At first he was shocked, he thought the ice mage was joking.

But after seeing the seriousness and seriousness in Bing Fa's eyes, he began to nod his head there.

At the same time, I also believe what the Ice Mage said, Qin Mu's skills are really not costing mana.

Otherwise, he called so.

And no magician, even a new magician, would not use skills like this.

Because that was just pushing him to the limit.

At that time, there is only one end, and that is to be shot to death by monsters!

They can't be so stupid.

So Qin Mu should have some cards.

Otherwise, his use of skills is really cost-free, or he can store his spells in some artifact in advance.

Just as they were imagining it here, the jade tiger also began to resist.

He was indeed beaten up before.

When Qin Mu's skills were photographed on him, he was confused for a while.

But now it is different.

He adjusted his state and watched the undead biting him like lice on a dog.

1.5 The jade tiger could not help but roar again.

A cyan storm spewed out, just like what was done before.

It is the power of the jade wind to fight against those undead.

It's just that maybe the undead is not a player, and it didn't bring him such a big threat.

Therefore, the jade tiger at this time did not use the powerful jade wind that was used against Jeroka and his men before.

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