"The two of you stay here, and I will send someone to help you kill those tree spirits. At that time, we will share the experience equally, and you can also level up."

When he said this, Qin Mu's face was full of seriousness.

"Is this dangerous?"

Yu Youwei asked Qin Mu a little worriedly.

But Qin Mu smiled and waved his hand.

"If you believe me, there is absolutely no danger, do you believe me?"

Hearing that Qin Mu had already said so, both Yu Youwei and the Elf Queen shook their heads.

They don't believe who can not believe Qin Mu?

Just like that, they all shook their heads at Qin Mu and said there was no problem.

"But who did you ask to help us? Those who fought with you before against the Jade Tiger?

They can indeed call Jeroka back.

647 and Jeroka and the others also have the ability to deal with these tree spirits.

But for Qin Mu, such benefits naturally cannot be shared with others, and if Jeroka is called, they have no way to acquire such abilities themselves.

Qin Mu has a way to not only gain experience, but also help Yu Youwei and the Elf Queen.

Qin Mu thought so in his heart, and at the same time there was a smile on his face.

Neither Yu Youwei nor the Elf Queen knew what happened to Qin Mu.

When they looked at Qin Mu curiously, Qin Mu just started talking.

"Now I can summon.

Having said that, Qin Mu suddenly took a breath, and then there were smooth lines around him.

These brilliance were used by Qin Mu from the sky.

Then they connected to each other and condensed a six-pointed star array around him.

The corners each come with six different elements.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the power of thunder and lightning.

These forces are all here.

Then under the action of these elements, the ground began to break open.

From the inside (acbf), one figure after another appeared.

Golden Armored Warrior.

Fire giant.

water element.

Vine Armor.

Stone Tiger.

The body of lightning.

This is exactly the power that Qin Mu's six elements can use.

And the power of these six elements of Qin Mu can be said to be quite terrifying when used.

And each one is infused with ten times the ability by Qin Mu.

Whipped and delayed.

Whiplash can increase the attack speed and attack power of these summons more than ten times, which is what Qin Mu can do, but no one else can do it.

The delay is to double the health of these summons.

The time is also doubled.

If it is a general mage or a summoner, there is no way to stack it multiple times.

At most, the summoning time is extended to an hour.

But coincidentally, Qin Mu is equipped with this kind of equipment.

When these equipments are brought up, he can have superimposed power.

Add layer after layer.

Poor Shengsheng increased their duration to one week.

And whether it is blood volume or attack power, they have reached an extremely terrifying state.

At this moment, Yu Youwei and the Elf Queen didn't quite understand what was going on.

Qin Mu explained to them what the power he used was.

Hear what Qin Mu said at this time.

They both nodded slightly in understanding.

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