Qin Mu, who thought of it here, also nodded, and he expressed his understanding.

If that's the case, let's see what kind of favor this Jeroka can do for you.

Just as Qin Mu was imagining it, Jeroka led Qin Mu towards the inside.

Before the two of them walked in there, they were stopped by two NPCs in front of the institute.

"This is the Magic Research Institute of Pingyang City, you people can't enter at will."

"Can't enter at will?"

Hearing this, Jeroka was a little unhappy, and 02 shook the sign in his hand directly in front of the two NPC guards.

In fact, this is just a process, he only needs to show his props.

As soon as the two NPCs saw this sign, they immediately showed the state that NPCs should be in.

At first, his complexion changed greatly, and then he immediately spoke to Jeroka.

"I didn't expect it to be Lord Jeroka, are you looking for our director?

"Yes, I'm going to see Fero now.

Hearing what Jeroka said, of course there was no problem with the two soldiers.

So the two NPCs immediately walked inside with Jeroka and Qin Mu.

Qin Mu also secretly rejoiced in his heart this time.

Fortunately, I met Jeroka this time. If I hadn't met him, I would have had some setbacks.

Looking at the appearance of these two NPCs, if they are not related, it is estimated that they will not be able to enter.

Qin Mu thought so in his heart.

After a while, the two NPCs took Qin Mu and Jeroka to a splendid gate.

This gate is unusual at first glance, and Qin Mu, who is a mage, can immediately feel the magic fluctuations on it.

The gate is black with a purple and gold texture.

It looks graceful and luxurious, and in the middle of the gate, a golden circle is still swaying and circulating.

Looks like it should be a magic device.

It really is a magic research institute, where magic devices like this can be seen everywhere.

And Qin Mu clearly realized that the magic device installed on this door has only one function.

That is just decoration.

Sure enough, it is indeed the office where the dean of the Magic Research Institute is located.

"Okay, the two of you can go in, but be careful not to annoy our director."

The two NPCs just said so, and then slowly went down.

After seeing the two NPCs gone, Jeroka smiled at Qin Mu and started talking.

"There's nothing wrong with my brother, let's go in the two of us. 35

Jeroka gently pushed open the door.

Qin Mu saw countless good things around.

Various devices for refining medicine 647, various magical devices, flying ones, escaping ones, and even some mechanical puppets are there to sweep the floor to do some basic work.

Of course, these robotic dolls are all powered by magic.

I don't know who made such a thing, it should be quite unusual.

Qin Mu was thinking in his heart, and suddenly a cough sounded.

The scene changed quickly, Qin Mu saw that the ceiling was cracked, and there was actually a floor above it.

Originally, Qin Mu was still hesitating, not knowing what kind of magic, changed the decoration here.

You must know that when Qin Mu looked up before, there was only this flash of stars in the shed.

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