After saying a word, Jeroka pushed Qin Mu and pushed Qin Mu in front of Ferao.

Ferao frowned tightly. Although he was not happy with Qin Mu, he still said something to Qin Mu out of Jeroka's face.

"Okay, boy, if you need any help from me, just tell me."

After hearing what Ferao said, Jeroka hurriedly stepped aside, while Qin Mu stepped forward.

"Dean, please this time.

After saying this, Qin Mu was not polite at all, and took out the mental controller he had obtained.

After taking this thing out, there are still circles of fluctuations on it.

Qin Mu could see that Ferao's eyes had changed at the time of 647.

Because at this time, when Ferao looked at this thing, there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

People of his level don't care much about money, women, or anything.

He has already focused all his attention on magic, and although Qin Mu is a technological prop, it also has magic power in it.

After all, it is powered by magical power.

Whether the level of technology or the level of magic in it, it is only high and not low.

Qin Mu thinks it would be nice if he could (acbf) get Ferao's attention.

As long as Ferao can help him solve this problem, it would be great, and he can satisfy Fei'ao's request.

So when he thought of this, Qin Mu turned his eyes to Ferao, and stared at Ferao's eyes tightly in the past.

But Ferao didn't look at Qin Mu at all.

Ferao turned his eyes to the silver-emitting device in Qin Mu's hands.

"Bring it here and show it to me.

After hearing what Ferao said, Qin Mu hurriedly handed the thing over and handed it to Ferao's hand.

At this time, Ferao looked up and down in a circle, and then nodded.

"Boy don't know where you got this thing, but I can say this thing is not ordinary. 99

Ferao made his own judgment in this way.

Qin Mu couldn't help but curled his lips, of course he knew that this thing was unusual, but what he needed Ferao to do was another thing.

This thing was created by Lao Han, Qin Mu of course knew the power that Lao Han possessed.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to come up with a general thing to deal with himself.

So Qin Mu said to Ferao.

"This thing was made by one person. This person is my enemy. I want to fight against him now. He has repeatedly asked me for trouble. This is a spirit emission controller. I want to ask Dean Ferao to pass the reaction. Tracking helps me track down where that person is."

Hearing Qin Mu's words, Ferao's eyes could not help but light up, and he gave Qin Mu a little affirmation in his heart.

In the long years, he has met many people.

Some people may be in order to win his favor, perhaps in order to hide something, and are unwilling to reveal their true purpose.

But what Qin Mu said this time was his real thoughts and emotions, which Ferao could feel.

Just when Ferao thought of this, he picked up the thumb-sized device, looked up and down for a long time, sighed and shook his head.

"No, I won't help with this."

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