Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 994 Forbidden Army Shield Guard!

"Brother Qin Mu, you say it's not like this, what kind of situation is that?"

"It's very simple, just think about it now. If the highest pass rate of a copy is 100%, how much will it increase by 100?"

"No matter how one hundred increases, it will still be one hundred percent, and it will not become more.

Jeroka scratched her head.

Because Jeroka really didn't understand what Qin Mu's words meant.

If it is already 100%, where is it going to increase?

Qin Mu shrugged at Jeroka and started talking.

"That's right, now the probability of the two of us passing the dungeon is 100%. If you call more people, is it for them to get rewards?"5

Jeroka froze for a moment.

When he hadn't figured out how this 100% got here, Qin Mu didn't drag him to the inside.

Jeroka immediately realized that he was useless, but Qin Mu had already reached 100%.

But this is not the data given by the system, it is the data given to him by Qin Mu.

If he really overturned the car inside, he would die even if he passed this dungeon. Qin Mu was a mage, so how could a mage have the ability to revive.

You can get the first kill reward yourself, but the experience is actually lost, and you may not be able to get the first kill reward.

When Jeroka thought of this, she felt a burst of despair.

He is not a defeatist, but in the face of this matter, he really doesn't feel that there is any possibility of winning.

Just when Jeroka was imagining it here, Qin Mu laughed out loud, and subconsciously, he was about to step in.

But hearing what Jeroka said to him just now, Qin Mu showed a playful smile on his face and said to Jeroka.

"If it doesn't work, just wait, wait for your people to come."

Qin Mu just said that, but this made Jeroka feel extremely surprised.

Didn't Qin Mu say not to wait? Why did he wait again this time?

What exactly was Qin Mu thinking? Jeroka couldn't understand.

But Qin Mu didn't say anything to Jero Cardo, just waited there.

Under such circumstances (acbf), Jeroka could only helplessly shake her head.

The expressions on his face were all expressions of not knowing what to say.

After about ten minutes, someone really came.

It was a ninja, a priest, and an imperial guard who ran over.

They were all well equipped, Qin Mu glanced at them, and the three of them were not low in level.

Among them, the highest level of the ninja came to level 84, and the level of the remaining priests and the guards of the imperial guards were both level 83.

"Okay, aren't you ready now? If we are ready, we will set off for the dungeon.

Qin Mu threw out a team application at several people while talking.

Several people quickly accepted it.

But when they looked at Jeroka, they were all surprised.

They also don't know why Jeroka teamed up with Qin Mu.

This is a bit strange, but at this time Jeroka just quietly sent them a private message.

I told them that Qin Mu was the last time they faced the Jade Jade Tiger and completed the one-on-one fight against the Jade Jade Tiger.

As soon as they heard this, the three of them had no opinion.

One-on-one Jade Tiger?.

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