Qin Yang doesn’t have the energy to play games with clever ghosts now, he is still ready to hurry up to do the main task, anyway, these two goods have been hidden for two hundred years, and it will have no effect to hide them for one more night.

All the way north, he shuttled half the map and finally came to the last place of the Dharma Formation guarded by Yinggou Town, which was a small forest with a large yellow spring tree, a strange plant that grew after being rooted in the corpse and nourished by the dead air.

Legend has it that the Yellow Spring Tree was originally a plant that grew under the Nine Ghosts to absorb the essence of carrion, and when the corpse rooted in the roots was completely absorbed, the Yellow Spring Tree grew and formed.

This tree is a very high-grade material, the whole body is full of treasure, the leaves are good materials for medicine, the bark can be used to make rattan armor, the core is extremely hard, it is a forging material, and even the roots can be used to refine equipment.

Since they all came, Qin Yang cut down a few trees by the way, collected the materials, and saved them for later use, maybe they would be used later.

He roughly turned around and found that there were only four mature Huangquan trees, and the others were still growing, and the immature Huangquan trees could not be used, so he only collected these four trees.

Next, it’s time to win!

The last formation is located in the middle of the Huangquan forest, and the formation is blocked by thick leaves, and it is difficult to see where the formation is without looking closely.


When the formation is stimulated, the avatar of the winning hook also appears, the doppelganger of the four ghost generals is the guardian of the formation, and this broken formation is the ancient teleportation array, the dead qi in the shadow graveyard is transmitted from an unknown place through the teleportation array, in order to prevent being destroyed, so the four ghost generals will also project the doppelganger through the teleportation array!

Win Gou is the most difficult of the four ghost generals, for no other reason, just because Win Gou has the legendary King Kong not bad body, his body is the strongest and hardest body, which can be called invulnerable.

-769 [Crit].


Even Qin Yang was taken aback, this defense power was too terrifying, it almost reduced his damage by half.


Not only is the defense strong, but the win hook also comes with a [anti-damage] effect, which can return the damage received to the enemy in the form of a percentage, which is the most disgusting point.

Very scary talent!

In desperation, Qin Yang took out two bottles of life potion and continued to restore his blood volume while attacking, although the degree of counter-injury was not enough to threaten him, but it was necessary to habitually maintain a full blood state.

Besides, he has a lot of life potions, he ransacked the grocery store in the novice village, these potions are nothing rare for him, it’s a big deal to steal again… Bah, just go get it again!

How can you call stealing something in an upright way!


Win Gou is a very powerful fighter, just hitting with his body, he can deal strong damage and knock off effects, and his body is the most terrifying weapon.

[Penetrating Charm].

At this time, the role of the penetration charm is undoubtedly much greater, no matter how strong your defense is, directly ignore it for 10 seconds and cause real damage.

Taking advantage of this 10-second opportunity, Qin Yang went around and went crazy to output, his current output ability is very strong, almost all swords and knives can hit about fifteen thousand critical damage.


“Stupid humans, you can’t stop Queen Michana, the undead will one day return, darkness will come again, and your end is not far away!”

When the HP drops to ten percent, the doppelganger of the winning hook gradually dissipates as before.

Qin Yang walked to the center of the formation, poured magic power into it, and after destroying the formation, the ground shook slightly, and a voice came out of his mind!

“Ding, complete the mission [Broken Ancient Law Array] and get rewards: experience +5000, gold +1.”

“Ding, you’ve upgraded to level 11.”

“Ding, the magic array has been destroyed everywhere, but the dead qi of the shadow cemetery has not disappeared, go back and ask if anything unusual has happened to the heavy building!”


Qin Yang was a little speechless, this plot is really a pit father, he has done this, and he actually wants to let him run.

It took more than half an hour of effort before Qin Yang returned to the mass grave, where the gravekeeper Chonglou was already waiting, with some anxious looks on his face.

“Young man, something has happened, we need your help!”

“Huh? What’s wrong?! Qin Yang walked over.

“There is a collapse in a place on the east side of the mass grave, revealing a skull-shaped underground hole, which is constantly coming out of the dead air, we guess there should be a hell gate there, the undead want to enter our world through the hell gate, once they succeed, it will be a catastrophe!”

“Since our gravekeepers stay in the Shadow Cemetery all year round, and their bodies are contaminated with decaying corpse qi, there is no way to get close to the gates of hell, so I can only ask you to go and stop the conspiracy of the undead clan!”

“Ding, the main quest [Gates of Hell] has been detected, mission introduction: Go to the collapsed underground cave, find the Gates of Hell, and seal it!”

Well, sure enough, it’s the last step, it seems that the destruction of the magic array should activate the Gate of Hell, and now you only need to defeat the defender of the Gate of Hell to clear the Shadow Graveyard Reading!

The guards of the gates of hell….

It should be Michana’s doppelganger!

“Exactly, the time is almost up!”

PS: Please support!

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