Chapter 115: Comparing Resources With My Mother? I’ll Make You Cry Rhythmically!

Superhuman players have no main missions in the Secret Realm of God Blessing.

At the same time, all the blessings of the gods in the secret realm were taken away by Su Yi alone.

So when the president Ling Yan gave the order.

A total of 15,000 people immediately began the action of boosting the will of the world and frantically increasing their points.

“Ding! You give [No. E-17173 World Will” to help (stamina)*50 and get (points)*0.5!”

“Ding! You help [Magic Value]*300 to [Number E-17173 World Will], get points)*3!

“Ding! You Xiang (No. E-17173 World Will” helps [Power of Faith]*0.02, and gets [Points]*2!”

“Ding! You help [No. E-17173 World Will” to help level 25 advanced equipment [Wild Boots]*1, and get (points)*1.2!

After Ling Yan, Feng Ling’er and other superhuman players, follow the task prompts.

Loli’s assistant, Feng Ling’er, said with a small mouth: “President, is it easy to reach 100 points like this, there is no problem-question.”

Ling Yan threw in hundreds of pieces of equipment at will, and immediately converted more than 400 points.

Looking at [Protecting the world’s points rankings, the number of points I’m far ahead, I calmly said: “Don’t be paralyzed, Human Su Yi will definitely not give up fighting for the top of the standings.”

“You immediately let people collect the resources of the guild, and this guild leader will stack up to more than 10,000 points!”

“Semi-sacred weapon (Tianwen), I am determined to get it!

As the players began to help.

Powers of different shapes gathered together toward the large array of six-pointed stars that slowly rotated in the void.

Get this help.

The will of the world trembled slightly.

The divine power sent to Tiangong is also a little bit more.

At the same time, wisps of pure will attributes were also fed back to Su Yi’s side.

The latter’s mind began to ring with crisp reminders constantly.

“Ding! Player [Ling Yan] assists all kinds of equipment*389, you get [No. E-17173 World Will” Feedback Pure Spiritual Will” attribute*48!”

“Ding! Player [Windbells help various equipment*75, you get [No. E-17173 World Will” feedback pure [Spirit Will Attribute +10!

“Ding! Player (Chou Shisan) help…

“Basically 10 points correspond to 1 point of mental will attribute?”

Seeing the soaring mental will attributes in the attribute panel, Su Yi silently calculated.

“Everyone is compulsory at least 100 points, 30,000 players means at least 3 million points, and converted to at least 300,000 mental will attributes…

“Ahem, this attribute is good enough!”

Superhuman players are getting hot on points.

On the Su Family Army, while doing the main task of the God Blessing Secret Realm, he still hesitated about the task of this level.

In the guild channel, Qin Bo and others asked: “Boss, can this S-tier task be done?”

Su Yi rolled his eyes: “I don’t usually see how smart you are. Show me your IQ at this time?”

“Can you still do it?

“As long as you have less than 200 points, you will sit down under the tree and cut your belly!”

With Su Yi’s mandatory orders and guarantees.

Qin Bo and others immediately cheered up.

“Boss, promise to complete the task!”

“Boss, I have three extra pieces of equipment. Why don’t you give it to the boss to help you rise to the top of the standings!”

“Yes, boss, the semi-artifact must belong to my human player!!

The words of the guild members reminded Su Yi.

“If I don’t compete on the leaderboard, maybe the superhuman players will be suspicious…

Thought of this.

Su Yi raised his hand to assist the various low-level equipment accumulated in the backpack.

The points suddenly reached 2700+!

Top of the list!

Anyway, these tier equipment can’t be sold for much money.

It is better to change to the mental will attribute.

He stayed with the D-tier equipment, and he could sell a lot of gold coins when he returned to the rotation hall.

Seeing the energetic look of tens of thousands of players in the secret realm, Su Yi showed a gratified smile.

“The players of the two rival races, united as one, work together to contribute attributes to me.

“Ahem, such a harmonious scene, Shentu Online Games has been in service for four years, hasn’t it been?

Su Yi couldn’t help sighing in her heart: “Only with both virtue and ability like me, can we contribute to such a grand occasion!”

On the side of Superhuman players, seeing Su Yi who suddenly reached the top of the list, they were all shocked!

“President, that Su Yi really came!”

“More than 2700 points… this guy seems to have exhausted their entire human players!”

President “Come on! Don’t let him take our number one!”

Ling Yan glanced at Su Yi in the distance, her beautiful eyes shone with coldness.

“Huh! Comparing resources with my old mother?”

“I will make you cry very rhythmically!”

Now Xianxiansu waved his hand.

Dozens of groups of blood bottles and magic bottles are selected for assistance.

………For flowers………

“Ding! Player [Ling Yan] helps various props +5000, you get [No. E-17173 World Will” feedback pure spiritual will “Habitat*500!”

Lingyan’s points soared to 5400+, regaining first place on the list.

The superhuman players cheered.

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.

At present, the mental will attribute has accumulated more than 30,000.

Sure enough, unity is strength!

Su Yi began to use health and mana slowly to help.

Anyway, he has 【Athena’s Blessing】recovery, and he has enough life and mana.

Points began to increase steadily.

This also gave Ling Yan pressure.

In order to maintain their number one position, continue to invest more resources to improve points.

At the same time, she remembered the previous lore plan. It has been so long, why hasn’t there been any movement on the snake clan?

If he can directly pronounce Su Yi as an undercover snake clan, then he will completely lose the qualification to compete with himself.

In this way, the top spot and semi-artifact in the standings are absolutely in their pockets.

Ling Yan picked up the communicator and said in a low voice, “Respected Elder Snake Clan, have you started taking action there?”

The elder of the snake clan also frowned, and said to the communicator several times, but there was no movement on the other side.

The snake clan princess looked at him with increasingly cold eyes.

“what happened?”

Tuoba Maran said solemnly: “Dignified elder, who has lived for hundreds of years, will not drop the chain at this critical time and say that there is a problem with the communicator?”

The elder of the snake clan was scolded in cold sweat by the princess. He fiddled with the communicator in his hand and quickly explained: “His Royal Highness, there may be a small flaw in this thing, I will solve it…

at this time.

A general of the snake clan came to report: “His Royal Highness! Command from the patriarch!”

“All the space seals of the proving grounds have loosened! The power of the large arrays has been drastically lost!”

“The patriarch ordered me to assemble to the underground tunnel to prepare for battle immediately! Counterattack the human race!”

Heard the report.

Tuoba Maran and the elders were shocked!

The elder of the snake clan took a deep breath and trembled: “This is a major change that hasn’t been seen in a thousand years!”

“My snake clan has a thousand-year blood feud, and it is very likely that I will get revenge today!

For a time.

Tens of thousands of snake tribes quickly withdrew from the mysterious realm of God Blessing under the order of the snake tribe princess Tuoba Maran.

Before Tuoba Maran left, she took a deep look at Su Yi.

“When this princess enters the four major academies, she will definitely grab you as a husband!”

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