Chapter 120 “Spirit Will” Attribute Breaks Through 500,000! New Ability!

Li Changfeng ignored the contempt of the old seniors.

Seeing Su Yi walking alone, he hurried to catch up.

After all, this is Lieyang Academy’s hope in the future!

It is even more precious than Ge Qiusheng!

Where can I really watch Su Yi go to the martyrdom?

“The snake clan may rush out of the underground seal at any time. At this time, he must not be allowed to act alone.

Li Changfeng greeted the teachers and students around him, and chased Su Yi anxiously.

Here Su Yi just stepped out of the Demon Dao dungeon.

Suddenly I got a lift!

The whole person seems to have gotten through the heart.

Whether it is eyesight, ear power, or control of various powers, suddenly there is a new perception and improvement.

He subconsciously used a metamorphic level skill (ice spear technique).


The 2,304 two-meter-long ice guns all stopped in the void.

From a distance, it looks like a hedgehog.

It did not fly directly to the target as before.

“I… can I control my skills to such an extent?!”

Actually “Can you pause at will?”

Li Changfeng, who was chasing it out, and a group of teachers and students suddenly saw this scene.


They have never seen such a sight.

After the skill is displayed, where has it been frozen and suspended in the void?

Isn’t it all directly inspired?

Especially now there are still more than two thousand ice guns exuding the cold air, densely distributed in the void.

It’s like a pause in time.

It seems that the enemy will be able to pierce the heart with a thousand arrows in the next second.

This kind of horrible sight made everyone palpitate.

Even Li Changfeng and other top powerhouses felt a deadly threat in the face of these ice guns.

Su Yi’s heart suddenly moved, as if thinking of something.

Open the personal properties panel quickly.

Then his eyes suddenly condensed!

[Spirit Will Attribute: 500,000!”


Su Yi took a sharp breath.

Found the reason!

It is the extraordinary skill control ability caused by the skyrocketing mental will attribute!

“But why did it suddenly break through 500,000? It was only 170,000 before, isn’t it…

He quickly opened the [Protection World Ranking List).

First place: [Ling Yan], a superhuman race, points: 15000!

Second place: [Wind Bells], superhuman race, points: 7000!

Third place: [Chou Shisan], superhuman race, points: 5200!

Fourth place: [Su Yi], human race, points: 3500!

Fifth place: Dharma Phase] Superhuman race, points: 3000!


“I actually fell to fourth place…

“Moreover, the top ten in the ranking list are all dominated by the superhuman race!

Su Yi roughly counted.

The entire superhuman race has 15,000 people, and they have contributed up to 2.7 million points in total!

The human players on Su Yi’s side, the same 15,000 people, only contributed 600,000 points.

The two sides add up to 3.3 million, and 10 points feedback 1 point of mental will attribute.

Just let him break through to 500,000!

This caused a qualitative change in power control.

“This group of superhuman players are too fast and too active!”

Su Yi originally thought that before the end of the game, he could obtain an extra 300,000 mental will attribute.

Unexpectedly, it didn’t take long before the two parties helped him directly rush his attributes to 500,000.

However, when I think of the human players, the points are actually more than 4 times different from the superhuman players!

Su Yi frowned.

“What kind of waste did I collect?

He immediately took a screenshot of the scoreboard and sent it to the Su Jiajun Guild channel, @ all members, cursing:

“As long as you have a trace of shame, you will not pull the points of the two sides to this level!

The members of the Su Family Army also had a hard time saying, one after another:

“Boss, don’t blame us, the superhuman race is like crazy, everything is madly smashed into the points!”

Boss, “Don’t worry, I just finished main mission four, and now I accumulate points.

“Brothers, hurry up and help the boss score points after finishing the task! The semi-artifact must not be let the gang of tortoises and grandchildren of the superhuman race fall!”

Su Yi’s driving is still effective.

The points of Terran players on the standings began to slowly rise.

On his side [spiritual will attributes have also steadily climbed again.

Seeing this, Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.

He suddenly understood why the capitalists said 996 was a blessing.

After all, watching the tens of thousands of people in the guild every day and not squeezing them to earn something for themselves is really uncomfortable.

“I don’t know how far I can control my skills and power if the [spiritual will] attribute breaks through one million.

When the attribute is 100,000+, Su Yi can manipulate weak powers such as communicator signals.

When breaking through 500,000, you can suspend the skill display at will.

What about 1 million?

2 million?

Su Yi has an intuition in her heart.

The mental will attribute breaks through 1 million, I am afraid that it is not only capable of fighting strength like an arm.

It will also have a great impact on his own skill power.

Even with his current mental will attribute breaking through 500,000, there is still a feeling of inexplicability.

It should be more than just the ability to suspend skills.

“Well, I have to give the superhuman race a little more excitement, lest they stop making progress with pride.

………For flowers….

This group of superhuman players is too powerful.

Squeeze more, I’m afraid we can witness even greater miracles.

Su Yi raised his hand and exchanged his 230,000 HP into points.

(193,557 basic health points, plus [10% of the pet ice dragon’s resident health value granted by the dragon physique, which is 40,000 points, for a total health value of 233,557.)

All of a sudden, there was only a fraction of more than 3,000 blood bars left.

However, he has 【Chapter of Order·Life, which can restore 1% of the blood volume per second.

It will be full in a hundred seconds.

Far exceeds the recovery speed of [Athena’s Blessing] to health.

230,000 health points are 2,300 points.

Su Yi’s ranking in the standings instantly rose to third place.

And steadily climbed at a rate of 1800 points per hundred seconds.

At this time, the Superhuman players also noticed the change in Su Yi’s ranking.


Loli’s assistant Feng Ling’er reminded in surprise: “President, it’s not good! That Su Yi has exerted strength again and squeezed into third place!”

Ling Yan, who was about to join the Snake Clan, heard the news, his eyes jumped, and coldly said:

“Want to exert strength?

“Notify all the members of the guild, under the circumstance of ensuring the basic combat strength, do everything you can to give me the points!”

“I want him, Su Yi, to be squeezed out of the top ten in the standings within an hour! No sacred artifacts can be left to him!

“Yes! President!”


The new standings competition has started again.

Su Yi looked at the soaring “spiritual will attributes” on the personal attributes panel, and she was happy in her heart.

Not after a while.

His mental will attribute reached 550,000 points.

“I feel it…

“After the mental will attribute breaks through 500,000, it seems that the skill cooling time can be shortened?!”

Su Yi checks the cooldown time of the “Judgment of Light” attribute skill of “Chapter of Order·Light”.

Originally it was 22 hours, but now it has been shortened to 20 hours and 51 minutes.

The cooling time of other skills has also been shortened, but it is not as obvious as the [Judgment of Light].

Su Yi’s heart moved.

Use the “Super Brain Deduction Talent” to deduct it.

Immediately obtained the formula of [Spirit Will] attribute to shorten the skill cooling time.

[New skill cooling time-original skill cooling time: (1+(spiritual will attribute -500,000) 1 million)

Seeing the formula, Su Yi immediately understood.

“In general, the more mental will attributes, the shorter the cooldown time of all my skills.

In this way, the speed of upgrading the [Chapter of Order] alone can be much faster. Several.

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