Chapter 214 Special Items [Alteran Sacred Heart! God Fetish (Seed of the Tree of Life)!

After the demonization, Altlan was covered with black magic patterns, looking hideous and terrifying.

Su Yi squeezed Altland’s neck with the hand of the elements.

It was so cool originally!

It stopped suddenly!

How can he not make him angry if he can’t go up or down!

Alteran, who was picked out directly, finally understood at this moment.

It turns out that as the master of the dungeon, the only value of existence is to spawn monsters for this young man?

“Huh! I’m Altlanlan who is greedy for life and fear of death?

“Although you kill this seat, it’s just this copy and wild monsters, you don’t want to get it!”

Looking at Altland, who was full of desperation, Su Yi smiled and said loudly:

“Alteran, the great elder of the Feather Clan, possesses top Saint-tier strength.”

“Ten years ago, he led the feather tribe to fight against the Demon God Temple, taking the lead and taking the lead, and at the cost of severe injuries, leaving behind a demon temple branch hall master, making the then Martial Emperor, Feather Queen, and Orc Prophet, To be able to join forces to kill it.”

“Five years ago, the feather tribe was defeated, and there were countless soldiers of the tribe who were wounded on the verge of death. Altlan couldn’t bear to see this. At the expense of 50 years of life, he used the semi-divine skill “Ode to Life” to let Tens of thousands of Feather tribe soldiers survived.

“Two years ago, the Hallmaster of the Demon God Temple hid in the city of Luoying and attacked the Feather Queen who was meditating in the moon well. Tied up with the Hallmaster of the Demon God Temple, and then wanted to blew himself up with the enemy and perish.”

Listening to Su Yi telling her little by little.

Alteran, the master of the “Two Six Zero” dungeon, trembled slightly, and memories flashed in his eyes, but he was soon occupied by the black magic energy.

Su Yi sighed: “It’s a pity, I was one step ahead of the master of the Demon Temple, who demonized Altland, and the forbidden technique [Life Chain] was invalidated.

“So far, the elder of Altland, who has the courage to sacrifice himself for the country and the people, is dead!”




The last two words, like thunder, exploded in the mind of the dungeon master Altlan.

Su Yi picked up the enchanted Altland with the hand of the elements, and said contemptuously:

“What are you? Evil, tyrannical, inhumane, greedy for life, fear of death, selfishness…

“If it’s a mere rubbish, how about you also deserve to be called Altland?”

Alteran, the master of the copy, trembled violently.

The color of clarity in his eyes once occupied most of his eyes.

But in the end, in the fierce howl, he was completely occupied by the black magic energy.

Altland “That kind of idiot, deserves the same name as this one?”

“This seat can occupy his body, it is his lifetime honor!”

“Let go of this seat, this seat will kill you, tear you apart, and break your body into pieces!–!”

The enchanted Altland yelled at Su Yi like a beast.

Su Yi shook his head.

Thoughts moved.

Thousands of sharp golden swords surrounded Altland, the master of the copy.

Every sharp gold sword has the power to kill it.

Alteran, the dungeon master, immediately became extremely frightened.

Trying to levitate in the air, not daring to move, for fear of being touched by the sharp golden swords around.

“Reopen the channel, otherwise, die.” Su Yi said indifferently.

In the eyes of the dungeon master Altlan, Su Yi at this moment is like a god, irresistible.

Especially, he has been told all the details.

Any trick is meaningless in front of Su Yi.

As a high-level monster with partial intelligence, in order to survive, he can only obey orders.


The channel for a hundred monsters is opened again.

In the violent tremor of the dungeon, massive experience points and power of faith surged again.

Seeing the skyrocketing experience value, Su Yi smiled slightly.

“In this way, [Chapter of Order·Space can also rise to the top.”

“Ding! Use [experience value]*1 billion, growth level [Order of Chapter Space·Get promotion, current promotion progress: 1/10!”


“Ding! Use [experience value]*1 billion, and the growth level [Order of Chapter Space·) will be improved, the current improvement progress: 10/10!”

“Ding! Congratulations on your “Order of Order·Space” successfully upgraded to the growth SS level!


“Ding! Use (experience value) * 3 billion, the growth SS level [Order Chapter Space·] has been improved, the current improvement progress: 10/10!”

“Ding! Congratulations on your [Chapter of Order·Space] successfully upgraded to the growth sss level, reaching the top!”

【The Chapter of Order Space·) (Resonate with life and light)

Growth sss level (has reached the top level)

Increase the power of space skills by 50 times.

[Level 5 independent life space] (Space size: 10,000 cubic kilometers, level 5 space boundary [Defense 100 billion, any unit or item can be forcibly stored in this independent space, and the internal space can be cut and separated arbitrarily , Barrier or combination).

A space of 10,000 cubic kilometers is roughly equivalent to a cube with length, width and height of 21 to 22 kilometers.

If the height is moderately reduced, stretch the length and width.

Enough to build a huge city inside.

The defense of the 5th level space boundary is as high as 100 billion, even if the three hall masters of the Demon Temple are installed inside, they are not afraid that they will be able to break the defense.

“Well, when I get the power to become a god, I will take a trip to the Demon Temple, install the entire Demon Temple into an independent space, and use 1 point of divine power, and just use a God-level forbidden curse to level it.”

For the three tribes of Wu, Yu, and Beast, the Demon Temple is like a catastrophe. In Su Yi, it is just a matter that can be solved at will.

Su Yi is here to enter meditation at ease.

“Ding! The upper limit of your mental will attribute potential is +1000!

“Ding! The upper limit bonus is subject to the special benefit of Moon Well], and the upper limit of your mental will attribute potential is +1000!

“Ding! The upper limit of your mental will attribute potential is +1000!


Every hour outside.

The upper limit of Su Yi’s mental will attribute potential can increase by 2.4 million points.

But he still thinks this speed is a bit slow.

After all, relative to his combat power of hundreds of millions of points, he can break through the ten million level of the upper limit of the will potential, which is really not enough.

10 hours is 24 million. Except for eating and sleeping, you can only meditate for 12 hours a day. No!

“[Elemental Spirit·Divine Law” is my symbiotic elemental life form. If she meditates, can it also increase the upper limit of my will potential?”

Do it when you think of it.

[Elemental Spirit, Divine Method] Immediately sit down beside Su Yi cross-legged and enter the “meditation”.

One minute passed.

“Ding! The upper limit of your mental will attribute potential +2000!”

“Ding! The upper limit bonus is subject to [Moonwell special gain, your mental will attribute potential upper limit +2000!”

“It really can be doubled!

And because the elemental spirit is the elemental life form, she can meditate 24 hours a day.

As a result, Su Yi can increase the upper limit of will potential by up to 86.4 million points a day.

Even Su Yi can be completely liberated, let the spirit of the elements meditate, and he can do other things on his own.

For example, now, although only 1 hour has passed from the outside world, he has actually been meditating for nearly 20 hours continuously and is drowsy.

“No matter, go to bed first, wake up and then work

Su Yi snored and fell asleep,

The spirit of the elements faithfully fulfilled the task of continuing meditation.

So outside time passed another two hours.

Su Yi just woke up for the third time when he was full.


The violent tremor suddenly quieted down.

He raised his eyes and saw that all of the hundreds of passages disappeared.


What a mess!

Before Su Yi escaped, the dungeon master Altlan cried and said with fear:

“It’s not that this constellation is not a small critical passage, it is the entire moon well that has accumulated a fountain of magic for tens of thousands of years, and it has all been exhausted.

Really “not a drop!”

Alteran, the dungeon master, is also wronged in his heart…

In particular, the speed is 20 times for three consecutive hours, and the 100-seat channel is fully output.

He was able to maintain it till now, and he was also desperate for his old life.

I dare not slack off every minute and every second.

Otherwise, this copy of the moonwell would have fallen apart a long time ago.

The most important thing is that all the monsters he accumulated after two years of hard work in the dungeon were all consumed by Su Yi.

Even the devilish energy in his body has been used up to ninety-nine percent.

In the future, if I want to make the Moon Well reach the previous level, I am afraid that I will not have to wait another ten thousand years.

Su Yi deduced it and published what the other party said was true.

Take a glance at the harvest.

The experience value has been accumulated to an unprecedented 96 trillion.

The power of faith transformed from the devilish energy is only 70 million, which is equivalent to 700,000 divine powers.

The reason why there is so little is that there is only so much magic energy in the Moon Well dungeon at present.

Unless you let this copy accumulate for another two years.

However, 70 million demon energy is more than 20,000 times more than killing a human face demon master.

Su Yi is already very satisfied.

“ok, I get it.

Su Yi nodded.


Did not wait for the master Altlan of the copy to finish.

A sharp golden sword exploded it.

“Ding! Congratulations on your successful killing of (Feather Demonized Great Elder·Alteran)*1! Experience points]*1 million, [Magic Qi*20, [Magic Soul]*2000!”

“Ding! Absorb [Magic Qi]*20, absorb [Devil Soul]*2000, it is being transformed, and the transformation is successful! You get [Power of Faith]*20, [Mind of Faith]*2000!!

The master of the useless copy, why do you keep it?

Su Yi is about to leave the copy.

At the location of the bombed dungeon master Altlan, a translucent remnant suddenly condensed.

It looks the same as Altland.

It’s just that there is no more tyranny and evil before, there is only one body of calmness and liberation.

Can Ling bowed to Su Yi.

Thank you “.”

Then, he looked like he wanted to talk but stopped.

Su Yi smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not interested in married women.”

Alteran’s wife is eight hundred years old, and those words before are only used to anger and demonize Alteran.

Can Ling smiled and shook his head: “I can see the Excalibur behind you.”

“The sword of this sword is so high and pure, it is rare in the world. If you can get such a master of the sword, how can you be the villain of the crocodile trace?”

“It’s just that, although you have received the quest [Road to God], I still suggest that you don’t become a god before you are sure of defeating the devil. 0.5”

“It is enough for one Emperor to fall in this world, and he will no longer be able to withstand the fall of a second place.

Su Yi laughed.

Thoughts moved.

Behind him, [Qiusheng Divine Sword] appeared, floating in the void, and the sword glow was turbulent.

Director “Tell him how many demon gods we have beaten.”


The Qiusheng Excalibur suddenly swept high into the sky, and the sword was huge and sounded endlessly.

With divine light, a picture of Su Yi holding a sword and beheading the devil appeared in the void.

The scene of the heavens and the earth, slaughtering the gods and exterminating demons, shocked the remnant spirits and trembled unceasingly.

Wait for the Excalibur to disappear.

Can Ling saluted Su Yi deeply.

“It’s old and clumsy, and doesn’t know the true God face to face.”

“The Three Races Alliance has you, and the old can go with peace of mind.

The remnant spirits turned into light spots, condensed into a white light group, and flew into the Su Yi space backpack.

“Ding! You got a special item [Alteran Sacred Heart]*1!”

“Give this to [Queen of Feather Clan Queen Kailantil], and you will get (Seed of the Tree of Life)!”

The seed of the tree of life?

Su Yi deduced it.

[Seeds of the tree of life]: sss-level god-level items, watered with experience points, it will grow into life, ancient tree of life, ancient tree of wisdom, tree of time, and tree of the world.

You will get different rewards for each stage of promotion. After it grows into the tree of the world, it will give you a new race that belongs to you only, the number is unlimited.

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