Chapter 218 County Flower Appears! Successfully Repaired the SS Demigod Level Hony Secret Realm]!

It is extremely difficult for others to ripen the sacred mountain snow lotus.

For Su Yi, it couldn’t be easier.

However, he not only wants to complete this task and get the task reward, but also get the holy mountain snow lotus as an ingredient to increase the upper limit of physical strength.

Including the circle around the holy mountain snow lotus that reaches the order a [Holy Mountain Truffle~.

[Holy Mountain Saussurea] After maturity, the flowers bloom for only ten minutes. After ten minutes, the petals will fall, and the main body will turn into new buds. It will take another 10,000 years to grow into flower bones. ”

“If I ripen it, can the fallen petals be given to me? And the accompanying sacred mountain truffles around.”

Hearing Su Yi’s request, Murong Qianxiang thought for a while, and said: “It is the greatest luck to see the blooming scenery that is hard to see for thousands of years. If adults want petals and sacred mountain truffles, I will give them to adults. Yes, after all, they are the essence of heaven and earth, not mine.”

Su Yi nodded.

Before I came to the flower, I observed this sacred mountain snow lotus flower.

Found this thing is indeed a bit magical.

It can actually mobilize the nine elements of heaven and earth on its own, circulating around it.

Su Yi uses the power of the law of nine elements to speed up and increase the concentration of elements in accordance with the law of its circulation.

All of a sudden, the nine elements in a radius of 10,000 meters rushed here all at once.

Following Su Yi’s thoughts, poured into [Holy Mountain Snow Lotus).

Standing behind Murong Qianxiang and Vicky, they saw that Su Yi didn’t need to do anything. He didn’t need to chant spells, nor cast his seal, they could mobilize the power of the nine-color elements at will.

This powerful control really moved them.

“It would be great if I could become such a Nine Element God Mage one day…

Vicky, who is also a mage, secretly thought of her beautiful eyes with unconcealed envy.


Under the majestic force of the nine elements, the sacred mountain snow lotus, which was originally just a flower bone, began to bloom slowly.

At this moment, [Master of Illusion Art·Murong Qianxiang] was so excited that he didn’t dare to breathe more

The eyes were fixed on the gradually blooming sacred mountain snow lotus, without blinking.

I am afraid that even a second of the beauty will be missed.

With the blooming of the sacred mountain snow lotus, each translucent petal has the brilliance of the nine-color elements flowing.

A total of 36 petals are overlapped, and under the radiance of nine colors, it is beautiful.

“It’s so beautiful, it’s so beautiful…

Murong Qianxiang murmured, tears even flowing in his eyes.

Good times always pass quickly.

Ten minutes passed.

The petals of the sacred mountain snow lotus began to fall.

Every time a piece is dropped, Su Yi is included in the space backpack.

When all the 36 petals were collected, Su Yi unceremoniously took away the surrounding a-level [Holy Mountain Truffles].

Move all of them into the independent living space and hand them to the surprised little chef.

The sacred mountain snow lotus re-emerged in the ice and snow, turning into new buds, waiting for another ten thousand years to grow.

Murong Qianxiang closed his eyes and recalled the glorious scene just now, with a drop of tears in the corner of his eyes, murmured:

“The most beautiful is just a flash in the pan. I can see such a beautiful scenery. Why am I not satisfied?”

“Ding! Congratulations on your successful completion of the special and unique task of the ss level (the holy mountain snow lotus that is difficult to achieve in ten thousand years)!”

“You get special items for the mission reward [Fatal Mind]*1 (this item can increase the effect of “Hony Secret Realm”*200%), special items (race link card]*5, [task achievement points]*100,000!”

“Ding! You get npc[Master of Illusion·Murong Thousand Elephants] extra reward [experience value]*1 million, [task achievement point]*500,000!

Murong Qianxiang, who calmed down, bowed to Su Yi: “Thank you, Master God, for allowing me to see such a magnificent scene in my lifetime.”

“My lord’s intention, the orc prophet has already informed me. In fact, the question that Emperor Wu asked me for before creating the “Hongyi Secret Realm” was very simple…

Murong Qianxiang whispered.

In fact, there is still a little pride in his heart.

After all, the two noble gods and wizards both asked her questions.

Except for the Orc Prophet and the Feather Queen, this honor is probably only owned by her in this world.

Vicky was surprised when she heard what the master said.

“The Orc Prophet? Emperor Wu? Hongyi Secret Realm?”

The connection of the three nouns is enough to prove that what Su Yi asked must be extraordinary.

She hurriedly pricked up her little ears, not daring to miss any word in the conversation between the two.

Murong Qianxiang recalled: “He asked me for advice, it was the hearts of the people.”

“How to find the most fragile point of the human heart, use illusions to continuously attack and seduce, and then rely on the [kill] character text and my own perseverance to achieve the effect of quickly improving the will attribute.”

Murong Qianxiang looked at Su Yi: “To this question, according to my hundreds of years of research on illusions and human minds, this is how I answered them.

“Anything, no matter what it turns out to be, can actually be deduced to what it was.”

“Sometimes you don’t even need to do anything deliberately, it can return to its original state on its own. The same is true for the weakness of the human heart.

“No matter how it pretends and how invulnerable it appears, in the face of the illusion that directly hits the weakness of human nature, it will automatically return to the original point and return to its most vulnerable side in the face of the illusion that directly hits the weakness of human nature.

Hearing Murong Qianxiang’s words, Su Yi’s eyes suddenly brightened, and a flash of lightning flashed across his mind!

“Anything, no matter what it turns out to be, can actually be deduced to its original state.

“It doesn’t even need you to deliberately do something, it can return to its original state on its own?”

Su Yi quickly took out the pile of [damaged Hony Secret Rune materials from the backpack space.

Then observe carefully.

Actually let him discover some clues!

These seemingly messy rune materials have some kind of connection with each other.

This connection is like divine power, and like the power of the law of nine elements.

It’s just that some of the connections have been broken.

“According to the ultimate theory of the real world, everything in the world is actually an increase in entropy! They are all on the way into chaos and chaos.”

“If you want to reverse the irritation and let it become orderly from chaos, you need to add a kind of order force.

“In the game world, “divine power” is the basic force that makes up the orderly operation of the world.”

“If I connect the broken links between the rune materials and provide the divine powers needed for restoration, can these rune materials be restored into the “Hongyi Secret Realm” by themselves?”

Thinking of this, Su Yi could no longer restrain the thoughts in his mind.

Immediately begin to deduct it.

Set deduction goal: [Improve the connection between rune materials]!

“Ding! The current deduction needs to consume (stamina)*30000! Do you want to continue the deduction?”

I go!

It really can be done!

Su Yi was excited.

The repair method that originally required at least 63,000 to obtain, now 30,000 points of stamina can be done!

Seeking flowers…

“Consumption (stamina)*30000, the deduction is successful in the deduction! You get all the information of [Perfect the connection between the rune materials”!”

Su Yi immediately renewed the broken connections in the rune materials according to the information obtained by the deduction, using the power of the law of nine elements.

This step is very complicated.

After all, there are a lot of rune materials, and at the same time this connection is inextricably complex.

Fortunately, he has “automatic mode”.

This kind of complicated and mechanical operation is left to it.

To Murong Qianxiang and Vicky, Su Yi, who turned on the [Automatic Mode], stood in silence in front of a pile of rune materials.

Murong Qianxiang comforted and said: “[Hongyi Secret Realm] After all, it is a semi-god secret realm of SS. It took a full year before and after becoming Emperor Wu to gather all the alchemists and enchanting masters of the three tribes, as well as countless treasures of heaven and earth. , It was built and perfected successfully.”

“Now I want to restore a bunch of scattered rune materials into a semi-god level secret realm. The difficulty is conceivable. You don’t have to be too anxious, Lord Godmage.”

Vicky listened beautifully and stared roundly.

“It turned out to be a semi-god level secret realm!

“What does it do? Su Yi cares about it so much?”

But seeing the pile of rune materials scattered in front of Su Yi, Vicky breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, it’s just a bunch of materials, otherwise, if he were to get a Demigod Secret Realm, wouldn’t his strength be even more abnormal…

at this time.

Automatic mode] Efficiently complete the repair contact work.

Su Yi squatted down, looking at the rune materials piled up in front of him, while shooting a bit of [Divine Power], he said:

“Well, all connections have been perfected. You are already a pile of mature rune materials, and you have to learn to restore it yourself.”

Murong Qianxiang:



Vicky couldn’t help laughing out of her voice, and quickly covered her small mouth.

Looking at Su Yi squatting in front of the material, I suddenly felt that this annoying guy is a little silly, cute and cute!

Murong Qianxiang used some words, euphemistically said: “Master Shenmage is really humorous.”


In Murong Qianxiang and Vicky’s smiling eyes.

That mess of rune materials, buzz!

It started to combine automatically!

It seems that there is a magnet attraction between each other. Each piece of rune material can accurately find its own position, and stack and combine with other rune materials.

In just five or six seconds, it was assembled into a rectangular house with a length of five meters and a height of three meters.


As soon as the house was assembled, a circle of five-colored glow swept around.

It represents this demigod level [Hongyi Secret Realm], which has been completely restored!

“Ding! Congratulations on your successful restoration of the SS Demigod [Hony Secret Realm]*1! You have gained control of the Secret Realm! You have obtained a special item (Honey’s Certificate) *1 (Improve the Hony Secret Realm training effect +100%)!”

“Ding! Your only exclusive god-level mission for the sss rank [Road to God] has been updated!

“Please use [Hongyi Secret Realm] to enhance your [spiritual will attributes] until you can combine [pseudo-god, false-god, and false-god-soul] into one and become the true god!”

“When the task is completed, you will get [Divine Power]*10,000, [Experience Value]*100 million, “Quest Achievement Points]*10 million, “World Reputation Value]*10 million!” Five,

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