Chapter 225 New Race! (Will) Talent! The Law of Life! Break Through Ten Thousands of Wills!

Mind sinking into the independent life space.

In the separate space on this side, the 3,000-meter-high “Tree of the World” occupies almost the entire space.

Su Yi doubled this space again.

“Um…thank you…it’s so spacious…

On the huge trunk of the World Tree, an old face was exposed, and he said low and slowly.

The tree of the world is wise, Su Yi is not surprised.

“What kind of life race can you create?” Su Yi asked.

There was a slight smile on the old face: “It depends on your will, Master.”

“Well, then, start creating a new race of life!”

“Please specify the talent for the new life race, master.”

Su Yi had thought about it a long time ago.

“Race Talent: Will!”

“Your life race has been born. She is called [Night Elf]. This is the embodiment of your will, Master.”

Night Elf?

Pure female race?

How many cool leather armors, tender and beautiful ones?

It seems to be in line with me… well, excellent design concept!

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Life began to be born.

“Ding! Consume (experience value)*100 million, and your [World Tree] is in production. After the production is completed, you will get [Pixie]*1!”


Race: Night Elf

Talent: Will (Maximum value of mental will potential: 10 million)

Age: 0 years old

Description: The night elf is 300 years old and will grow up to be a powerful archer or mage. Although she is still young, it does not affect her faith in you in the least.

“Ding! You have gained a new believer: [Little Elf]*1!”

Su Yi looked at the green ball of light floating from the canopy of the World Tree and was silent.

“300 years of age…

“It takes 40 times to accelerate, and it will take more than seven years to see how she grows up.”

But fortunately.

The first elf born, the upper limit of will potential reached 10 million!

Su Yi immediately transferred her to the Hongyi Secret Realm.

And bound as his followers.

“Ding! Use [Divine Power]*10000, your [Hongyi Secret Realm] will increase the number of training rooms*1000, the current total number of training rooms: 1100!”

Separate this new one thousand training rooms from the original one hundred.

Then she gave the little elf the first task in her life: to cultivate her will!

The newly-born elf is like a piece of white paper.

Naturally, Su Yi just does what Su Yi says.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yi deduced a number of ways to improve the efficiency of elves’ will training.

“[Native life body, hate ignorance, there is no special way to improve efficiency]

The result of this deduction was also within his expectation.

Fortunately, the cultivation state of this little elf in the cultivation room is very stable.

Every time you can get the highest limit of the secret realm: 100 points.

And because she is not a player, she can practice for 24 hours.

In such a day, this little thing can increase 2.88 million points of mental will attributes.

At the same time, he contributed an additional 1.44 million points of will to Su Yi.

“If you make up a hundred, won’t you get hundreds of millions of wills in one day!”

Su Yi was excited.

continue to produce!

His current experience value is still more than 379.6 billion.

Enough to continue to produce more than three thousand little elves.

“Ding! Consumption (experience value) * 379.6 billion, your [World Tree” is in production, after the production is completed, you will get (Pixie) * 3796!”

“Ding! You have gained a new believer: [Little Elf)*3796!

On the canopy of the World Tree.

A cloud of green light floated out immediately.

Floating in the air and chasing each other, there is a different kind of beauty.

Su Yi quickly checked the upper limit of the will potential of these elves.

(Upper limit of mental will potential: 3 million)

(Upper limit of mental will potential: 4.9 million)

(Upper limit of mental will potential: 11 million)

(Upper limit of mental will potential: 7 million)

Soon he discovered that the volitional potential of these elves is not constant.

Although the upper limit is generally higher than the player, including the npc in the current game world.

But not all of them can reach the tens of millions.

There were more than 3,000 little elves, and only 9 were born with the will potential exceeding 10 million points.

Among them is an elf with a potential limit of 36 million, which is higher than Vicky.

In the future, he will definitely grow into a powerful magician.

At present, “3797 little elves, only 10 pass the upper limit, and the pass rate is about 0.26%.”

Although this pass rate is much higher than that of players and NPCs, it is a bit lower than Su Yi’s expectations.

Fortunately, the elf can be recycled.

Although the recovery experience is only half of the previous value, it is better than not being able to recover.

It seems that I felt Su Yi’s thoughts.

[World Tree) slowly said: “I suggest you not to recycle, my master.”

“Why?” Su Yi said differently.

“Life is different from dead things, they have their own development trajectory.

“Once recycling is used to intervene in their trajectory, this new race will have irreparable defects.”

“They believe in you, trust you, and get close to you, but if they know one day that they are just a product of cold recycling and screening, this belief will be cracked. Their growth limit will be suppressed.”

“There is no wise life that would be willing to accept such a cold fate.”

The words of the World Tree caused Su Yi to fall into silence.

“Isn’t the survival of the fittest the law of nature?” Su Yi asked.

“You are right, Master.” The World Tree smiled slightly: “But this is not the law of life.”

“Please give them space to grow and struggle freely, my master.

“(The will) is your gift to them.”

“Even if the level of talent does not meet your requirements, you can still grow with me.”

Some “children have a low starting point, but as long as you are willing to give her time and patience, she will surprise you eventually, Master.

The tree of the world is finished.

The branches began to shake slightly.

From time to time, some small green light spots floated out of it.

The elves started chasing and absorbing these green light spots.

Su Yi could even hear their cheerful laughter.

“Ding! Your believer [Little Elf” spiritual will potential upper limit +11!”

“Ding! Your disciples [Upper limit of elves’ spiritual will potential +306!”

“Ding! Your believer (elf) spiritual will potential upper limit +97!”


“The upper limit of the elf’s will potential can be increased?!”

He found.

Those elves with a low natural upper limit of will potential, each time they absorb a green light spot, the upper limit raised is many times more than those with a high natural upper limit.

This reminded him of the reason why the orcs possess a strong will attribute.

The upper limit of the orc’s will potential is actually not high, even lower than that of other races and players.

But they used the most stupid and tiring method to complete the transformation of the will attribute by relying on the relay of tens of thousands of years and countless generations.

It has grown into the only race among the three races that does not fear the erosion of the demonic energy of the Demon Temple.

“The survival of the fittest is the law of nature, but not the law of life.”

“Life lies in growth and struggle.

Su Yi took a deep breath and suddenly realized.

“Who said that the bad will not exceed the good in the future?”

“Isn’t the (will) talent I gave them the driving force behind their struggle?”

“This, it must be the reason why life is wonderful…

Su Yi sincerely said to the tree of the world: “Thank you.”

“It is my duty and honor to point you in the right direction, my master.” The World Tree smiled slightly.

Wisdom and benevolence flashed on the old face.

Su Yi calculated it silently.

If he accelerates this space by 40 times the time flow rate.

Those little elves with the lowest volitional potential upper limit of only 3 million, according to the current speed of struggle, the outside world can increase the potential upper limit of four or five million with each passing day.

In this way, it only takes a day or two to wait for these 277 little elves to meet the qualification standard.

This is a lot more cost-effective than he has to iterate and screen, and every layer of it wastes half of his experience!

Turn on [Time Link] and set 40 times time acceleration.

Su Yi took away 9 little elves with qualified will and potential, and gave this space to the world tree.

As the tree of the world said, he looks forward to the surprises these little elves will bring to him in the future.

After setting up the 9 little elves.

Su Yi started to improve his volitional attributes with all his strength.

10 little elves, one Vicky, plus myself.

It can improve his will attribute by a full 2.13 million points per hour!

that’s all.

The outside world is less than an hour passed.

Su Yi’s head suddenly “pop”!

The feeling of breaking through the shackles of life appeared again.

“The volitional attribute finally broke through ten million!”

This was faster than he had expected before.

The emergence of the World Tree and the birth of the elf, helped him too much.

Su Yi’s heart moved.

Step out of Hony’s secret realm in one step.

Come outside the palace.

Lift your foot and step on it.

The element of wind will automatically condense under his feet.

Su Yi ascended to the sky, standing in the sunset of thousands of miles.

Next second.

Ten million-level will attributes exploded with full force!

The whole person was immediately like the sun, bursting with light!

The red clouds and clouds around thousands of miles were almost melted away.

Come on “! My combat power!”

With Su Yi’s light drink.

Behind him, the Qiusheng Excalibur appeared, and the sword sounded.

Above the sky.

The strands of golden warfare threads fell towards Su Yi.

And through the transformation of the divine sword, it wraps around Su Yi’s body, once again turning into a dazzling golden armor.


This is not enough!

What he Su Yi wants to do today is an unprecedented, unprecedented combat power to become a god!

With combat power, replace the divine power in the pseudo-god, the pseudo-divine body, and the pseudo-spirit, and then the three will become one to become the true God of combat power!

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