Online games: The eyes of insight at the beginning, see through everything

Chapter 65 Good news for Lao Liu! Heavenly power + Wanjiemen = life-saving magic skill!

The surrounding space was enveloped by a mighty dragon power, forming a special field around it!

The golden dragon shadows were looming around, and each dragon shadow had the lethality comparable to Long Aotian's full-strength attack before!

"Boy, your black pot can only block attacks from one direction, but in my domain, I can control the dragon shadow to attack you without dead angles!"

"Moreover, in my domain, all attacks must hit the target! This time... I'm afraid you will die here."

Long Aotian, who turned into a golden dragon, said indifferently: "However, I am still willing to give you one last chance!"

"Relax your whole body, let me put a mark on the origin of your soul, from now on, you can still become a high-ranking Tianlong man!"

"This is the last kindness of this king to you!"

"Do you agree or refuse?"

Long Aotian's golden eyes like the scorching sun looked down at the earth, his eyes fell on Lin Bei, waiting for the latter to give him the final answer.

However, what answered him was Lin Bei's clear and loud "CNM!"

[Tip: The domain is the exclusive ability of the extraordinary strong! In the domain, the combat power of the extraordinary can be greatly enhanced! Different domains have different functions, but they all have the characteristic of 100% attack hit target! ]


Domain·Dragon Killer: In the dragon form state, the dragon domain formed by the fusion of the mighty dragon power and the power of heaven and earth.

Function: 1. Must hit; 2. Continuously generate dragon spirit power to attack the target; 3. Damage increase by 50%; 4. Imprisonment of space, prohibition of teleportation; 5. Death penalty increased by 10 times, with a certain probability of permanent attribute loss.

Restriction: After the domain ends, it falls into the "Extraordinary Blockage" state, temporarily unable to use extraordinary power, lasting 30 minutes.


Under the gaze of the Eye of Insight, the basic information about the domain and the functional characteristics of "Dragon Killer" were all visible to Lin Bei!

"Imprisoning space, prohibiting teleportation?"

Lin Bei sneered. No matter how strong the domain is, it is only a supernatural power, and it cannot have any impact on the teleportation of the Gate of All Worlds!

He looked up at Long Aotian, who had transformed into a golden dragon, and took the initiative!

"Heavenly power!"

Lin Bei shouted in a deep voice, and a mighty heavenly power spread from his body, directly suppressing the surrounding domain.

With a click, dense cracks appeared on the border around the domain!

As if it would break at any time!

Long Aotian was shocked when he saw this, and then a mouthful of hot golden blood spurted out of his mouth!

-60000000! (Heavenly power)

A terrifying damage number floated from the top of the golden dragon head, which was extremely dazzling!

Heavenly power can directly cause real damage of 10% of the target's upper limit of life!

So just one blow made Long Aotian's blood surge, and he almost couldn't keep his body steady and fell from the sky!

"This is impossible! You are just a mortal! How can you possibly shake the domain of my dragon clan?"

However, what answered him was Lin Bei's sneer.

"Your domain uses dragon power, and I release... Heavenly power! Compared with Heavenly power, you are just a small reptile! What's impossible?"

Seeing the strength of Heavenly power, Lin Bei wanted to end the transmission and fight with Long Aotian on the spot.

But just as this thought came up, the effect of Heavenly power he exerted ended.

Under the continuous injection of Dragon Power by Long Aotian, the "Dragon Killer Fighter" domain that was about to fall apart was actually repaired little by little and restored to its original state.

It's a pity that Heavenly Power can only be used once, and the duration is only a moment.

Otherwise, once the opponent's domain is broken, it will be in a state of extraordinary blocking for half an hour, unable to use extraordinary power to fight.

And without extraordinary power, Long Aotian will not be able to cause real damage to him, Lin Bei.

With Lin Bei's extremely high defense now, if they really fight, it's hard to say who will die!

"What a pity. Although the power of heaven is strong, it is only a flash in the pan and only affects the domain for a short time."

Lin Bei looked at Long Aotian who had already vomited blood, and wished that he could give him a hard blow immediately!

The golden blood spilled and turned into a golden blood rain.

Xiaofen used the mysterious rune on the dragon egg again without knowing when, greedily absorbing the golden blood rain falling from the sky.

"Big pot! This blood rain is a good thing!"

"I know it's a good thing, but it won't work this time. Next time I'll take you to absorb enough!"

Lin Bei felt helpless, looking at Long Aotian who was gradually recovering under the suppression of the power of heaven, and sighed: "Alas, it's time to go."

But he was a little unwilling to leave in such a humiliated way!

He always felt unhappy if he didn't do something!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!

Lin Bei directly opened the gate of the world, and the light enveloped himself, and disappeared in an instant.

The next second, his figure actually reappeared in the crystal palace where the treasure was buried.

Without saying a word, he rushed directly into the depths of the palace. Without even looking around, he raised his hand and put the source of the glowing object that the Eye of Insight saw into his backpack. Then, with a thunderous roar, he teleported again and left the palace in an instant!


As soon as Lin Bei left, a golden dragon shadow formed by countless dragon spirit powers fell from behind, and with a roar, the crystal palace was instantly razed to the ground!

"Damn it! My spirit pearl! My limit-breaking stone! Ahhhh... I want you to die! I want you to die!"

The roar of the golden dragon shook the sky, like rolling thunder, and it was heard hundreds of miles away!

"Human, even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will grind you to ashes!"

Countless dragon shadows poured down, like thunder plowing the ground, and in just a blink of an eye, the Shili Slope below was bombed into a ruin!

Shili Slope has become history!

The Jade Dew Spring has also dried up completely!


"Hahaha, exciting!"

On a mountain peak a full 100,000 miles away from Shili Slope, the power of space condensed, and a figure slowly stepped out from it. It was Lin Bei with a happy face.

He didn't have time to think about it, and quickly took out the two glowing items that he risked his life to take from the depths of the crystal palace and placed them in front of him.

However, he was stunned after just one look.

"I guess Long Aotian is going to vomit blood in anger, right?"

Lin Bei looked at the attribute descriptions of the two items, and thought of the scene of Long Aotian's impotent rage. There was only one word in his mind - cool!

"Hmph, even if I charge some interest in advance this time, you wait for me, I will give you a surprise soon!"

He has a lot of black material about Long Aotian, and... he had already marked him with the Wanjie Gate before leaving. In the future, as long as he has the strength, he can teleport to him at any time!

If you haven't beaten him, just use Tianwei + Wanjie Gate to teleport and run away!

Come back and beat him when you become stronger!

He has discovered that the weak time of using Tianwei to cause 10% real damage to the target is enough for him to open the Wanjie Gate and leave easily.

The combination of the two is simply a life-saving skill necessary for home travel, murder and arson!

If you miss a hit, escape thousands of miles away, the main point is a cool and unexpected!

"What is this called?"

"Old Six's Artifact!"

Lin Bei's face was full of satisfaction, and his heart was at ease.

"Hey, but...where is this place?"

He looked around and found himself on a mountain that towered into the clouds. The clouds rolled like waves, and under the sunlight, they looked like golden waves.

Just now, the situation was urgent, so he used random teleportation directly.

Now, he didn't know where he was teleported to.

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