Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Eleven: Silent Forest And Gree Plain

After hearing the boy's voice from the side, Chen Qing and Russell turned their heads at the same time, and saw that the person speaking was a little fat man who usually didn't have much sense of presence.

Chen Qing quickly asked: "Do you know where Mo Ji is?"

The little fat man nodded and said: "Moji and I are good friends, and we usually walk back together after class, but the day before he disappeared, he suddenly told me that he found a fun place and wanted to invite me to it, and I was in a hurry to go back. I didn’t agree to take care of my magic pet at home, and he didn’t come to class the next day after we separated from him. I was still surprised, and I was going to ask Uncle Moha about it.”

The world of multi-warfare is not as peaceful as in the real world, and it is full of turbulence everywhere, so even though Moji has not come to class for many days, the students are not surprised, they just think Moha asked Moji to help take care of the store .

After hearing this, Chen Qing asked quickly: "Do you know where he wants to invite you to? Just point me in a direction."

There was a trace of fear in the little fat man's eyes, and he said: "The place where Moji asked me to go is the Silent Forest, which is very dangerous. I persuaded Moji to let him not go, but Moji said that he found the interesting place to be in the forest. The edge of the east side of the Silent Forest will not go deep into the Silent Forest, if you look there, you might find Moji."

Chen Qing was taken aback, and subconsciously blurted out: "Where is the Silent Forest?"

In his memory, there is no place called the Silent Forest on the planet of the Tucker civilization. Could it be that the Silent Forest was destroyed when the Liko tribe invaded?

This time it was the little fat man's and Russell's turn to be confused. The little fat man said in surprise, "Chen Qing, you don't even know about the Silent Forest? The Silent Forest is a representative area of ​​horror and death. When you were young, your parents didn't scare you with the Silent Forest?"

Russell coughed suddenly, and the little fat man came to his senses and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, Chen Qing, I forgot that your parents died in the war earlier."

The parents of "Chen Qing" in this world had already died in the war. Chen Qing had heard others mention it before, but to Chen Qing, it had nothing to do with him. He was just a time traveler. He has never even met his parents in this world, so naturally he can't talk about feelings.

He shook his head without any fluctuations in his heart, and said, "It's okay, Lockett, all I want to know now is, where is the Silent Forest?"

Locket is this little fat man. Chen Qing saw his information on the panel and called out his name in one go.

"Ah Qing, are you going to the Silent Forest? Come on, it's very dangerous there." Russell suddenly said worriedly.

Chen Qing smiled, and said to Russell: "It's okay, Russell, I'll just look outside, if I can't find it, I'll go back, I won't go deep into the Silent Forest!"

The worry in Russell's eyes still didn't dissipate, but he couldn't resist Chen Qing, so he sighed and told Chen Qing the location of the Silent Forest.

When Chen Qing heard the location of the Silent Forest, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

this location...

It happened to be the place where the Liko tribe invaded in the previous life.

The Liko invasion camp will be established in the Forest of Silence.

No wonder, after the Liko invasion, the Silent Forest will definitely be rectified in order to build a military camp. It is even possible that the Silent Forest will be razed to the ground with cannons, and then the military camp will be established on the basis of the ruins.

After the Liko tribe was repulsed, a new magic school was built in that place, but there was a museum in the school, which recorded some things during the war.

Chen Qing learned some of the history of the Liko tribe's attack from it.

Now that you already know the location, let's not waste time, Chen Qing made up his mind to leave and left.

Chen Qing whispered goodbye to Russell, and quietly left the classroom under Russell's worried eyes.

After Chen Qing left the classroom, he didn't immediately walk towards the Silent Forest. Instead, he went to the magic scroll store and spent two gold coins to buy the skill learning scrolls of Fireball and Thunder Palm.

Of course, in the eyes of players, these are consumables, but what Chen Qing got were two rubbing books.

These two skills can be regarded as entry-level skills for mages, and even apprentice mages can learn them. After Chen Qing learned the two skills on the panel, he ran to a nearby horse shop and bought an inferior horse for 1 gold coin. horse.

At this point, the cash on Chen Qing's body was officially spent.

After he got on the inferior horse, he immediately ran towards a direction slightly deviated from the direction of the silent forest.

Next to the Silent Forest, there should be Gree Plain!

Chen Qing was not that stupid, and ran directly towards the Silent Forest. From the tone of Russell and Lockett, he could still hear that the Silent Forest should be a place where higher-level monsters concentrated.

If you want to slam into it, you probably don't know how you will die.

To be on the safe side, Chen Qing still chose a slightly more advanced leveling place than the Random Stone Basin.

In the Gree Plain, there is a kind of wolf-like monster, the Flame Wolf, which can spray blue flames from its mouth to attack, and its average level is around 8.

The reason why Chen Qing chose Yanlang is because Yanlang is a social monster, and its hatred value is very easy to increase, and its leveling efficiency is much higher than that of Chaotic Basin.

Another reason is that Chen Qing's race of starry sky behemoth on the second panel has 30% magic resistance, and the flame wolf attack, which is a headache for other players, directly reduces the damage by 30% on Chen Qing's side. Perfect for Chen Qing!

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