Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Seventeen: Infiltrating The Liko Tribe

The weather in the Liko territory is very hot, and Chen Qing is not comfortable walking in the humid jungle. He has not yet reached the level where he can control his body to adjust temperature perception.

The trembling of the task panel became more and more intense, and Chen Qing had a bad premonition in his heart.

Damn, looking at the gradually thinning trees around, it is obvious that we are almost at the outskirts of this forest.

Moji, the little brother, doesn't have a mission panel, so he probably didn't know that this was the territory of the Liko tribe after teleportation, so he just walked towards the outskirts of the forest.

Now Chen Qing could only pray that Moji would not be discovered by the Liko tribe, otherwise Chen Qing would not be sure of rescuing Moji from the Liko tribe.

But whatever you are afraid of will come.

After Chen Qing walked for a while, he saw a light coming from not far away, and at this moment the task panel was shaking more violently than ever.

The Lico tribe is a technologically oriented race, basically taking mechanics as their main occupation.

Looking around, the cities of the Lico people in front of them are full of the feeling of futuristic technology.

This made Chen Qing, who just came out of the Tak civilization of Magic Sword Qi, have a feeling of running directly from the 20th century to the 22nd century.

Abandoning the luck in his heart, Chen Qing was 90% sure that Moji was captured into the city of the Liko tribe ahead.

If this task was only an F-level task, then Chen Qing would probably turn around and leave without saying a word.

But the task was upgraded to C level, and two related tasks were connected in series.

If this task is not completed, it is estimated that Chen Qing will have to stay here.

Because according to the urgency of the task panel, I am afraid that only after finding Moji can Chen Qing activate the task panel's guiding function for the return transmission channel.

It also means that if Moji is not rescued, it is basically impossible for Chen Qing to find the transmission channel to send back.

The consequences of not being able to go back... Moji has already set the best example.

The only thing that makes Chen Qing feel relieved is that this city is obviously a remote city similar to the suburbs of the Liko people, and it is a city that is more agricultural.

From a distance, most of the city is full of automated planting machinery and land.

The general security and technological defenses of such remote cities are not that high, and there is even a possibility that there is no monitoring machine.

Usually, mechanical civilization has an advantage over other civilizations. Mechanical civilization usually has all kinds of monitoring and monitoring equipment in important cities, and everyone who enters and exits will be automatically identified.

If black households or unidentified persons enter, the alarm system will be triggered directly.

At Chen Qing's current level, he has no ability to escape the detection of monitoring equipment.

If the city also had a similar monitoring system, it would be impossible for Chen Qing to enter the city to rescue Moji, and the difficulty level of this task could not be only C level.

The panel will not give the player an unreasonable task for no reason. This is the conclusion Chen Qing has come to after so many years of professional player career.

Judging from this point, it is not difficult to deduce that there is a possibility of lurking in the city in front of him.

After Chen Qing figured this out, he relaxed a lot, as long as he could get in, there must be a way.

Of course, he wouldn't be so reckless as to go in swaggeringly. Isn't this rubbing the IQ of the Liko tribe on the ground?

Chen Qing leaned against the trunk of a big tree, let the trunk cover his body, stretched out his head, and carefully observed the situation of entering and exiting the city.

After watching for a few minutes, Chen Qing's eyes lit up.

It is now late at night, and there are basically no people in and out of the city at this point, only unmanned transport vehicles are constantly driving in and out.

The unmanned transport vehicle that drove out was full of various crops and melons, and it was estimated that it was transported towards the demand city.

The unmanned transport vehicles that drove in were basically empty, and the trunk was empty, which provided Chen Qing with an excellent opportunity.

Chen Qing was lying on her body, and taking advantage of the darkness of night, she quietly followed an unmanned transport vehicle.

Seeing that there was no one on the left or right, Chen Qing hurriedly turned over and climbed into the trunk of the transport vehicle, retracted his figure, and hid inside.

He is not at all worried that the unmanned transport vehicle will be equipped with monitoring equipment.

Just kidding, there is still a big difference between military use and civilian use. If a civilian transport vehicle must be equipped with militarized equipment, then Chen Qing will wonder if this race has persecution paranoia.

Soon, this unmanned transport vehicle drove smoothly into the city of the Liko people.

Chen Qing in the car also heaved a sigh of relief.

The unmanned transport vehicle didn't stop until it entered the parking lot of an automated farm. Chen Qing looked around with the help of the panel, found no one, and quickly climbed off the transport vehicle.

Although the Liko tribe is not a humanoid race, it is also a race that walks upright. Chen Qing grabbed some hay that had not been disposed of. Can recognize him as a human race.

The streets of the Liko people were deserted at the moment, and most of the Liko people were sleeping. Chen Qing walked on the street without bumping into people from the Liko people, because they were far away. Chen Qing subconsciously avoided the Liko people.

Chen Qing glanced at the data displayed on the panel.

Hey, any non-combat civilians of the Lico tribe have a level of 13 or 4. If they encounter guards or even military personnel, the level cannot be counted from level 20.

Sure enough, we still had a clear idea of ​​the form, so we rushed in without the first time.

Chen Qing's current level is level 6, and he has increased the proficiency of Palm Thunder to the highest level. For Chen Qing now, it would take five attacks to kill a civilian.

It seems to be very strenuous, but in fact, the attribute points of civilians are generally rubbish and average, and there is no targeted training. Moreover, civilians basically don't have any skills or aggressiveness. If Chen Qing wants to kill an ordinary resident of the Liko tribe, he basically just throws away his skills and is done.

The Liko tribe itself has racial hatred with the human race, and its appearance is also inhuman. Chen Qing didn't feel any guilt at all when he killed it.

What a place for leveling, it's a pity that I can't expose myself, otherwise Chen Qing would kill civilians instead of avoiding them!

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