Everyone in the cage on the first floor had their ears pricked up to listen to the movement from upstairs as soon as Chen Qing got on the elevator.

After hearing the roar of the guard upstairs, several people looked at each other with a hint of hope in their eyes.

Maybe, this kid who doesn't look 10 years old can really kill the guard upstairs.

In fact, when everyone in the cage saw Chen Qing on the first day of junior high school, they basically didn't have any hope for him. How could a 10-year-old child kill a mechanic of the Liko tribe.

Even if the two prisoners who gave Chen Qing the scroll and chatted with Chen Qing hadn't seen that Chen Qing managed to break into the Liko territory by himself at a young age, he would have thought that this little brat might be a little capable Only then would they talk to Chen Qing, because they were actually not very optimistic about Chen Qing's success in their hearts, and at most they communicated with Chen Qing with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But at this moment, hearing the panic and sternness in the roar of the guards, everyone had to accept this absurd reality - a kid under ten years old not only sneaked into the territory of the Liko tribe, but also single-handedly controlled the building. The guards on board were overturned.


This is the impression of Chen Qing in everyone's mind.

Not only in terms of cultivation, Chen Qing's age has reached more than 20 levels of gifted youngsters of various ethnic groups.

But with this kind of heart, and the courage to face so many strong people with a higher level than yourself head-on, the point is to win. This kid's future achievements are truly limitless.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the scroll seemed to be the key factor in determining the outcome, but the level difference between the two sides was so great. If it was someone else, the scroll might not even be able to be taken out, and it would be directly smashed into nothingness.

At this moment, another elevator suddenly turned on the descending indicator light.

Everyone's hearts were tugged in an instant, and whoever got out of the elevator would directly determine their freedom.


The elevator door was opened, and a handsome young man came out from inside. There were two obvious wounds on his body, and the serious one almost pierced his body.

But... this couldn't conceal the fact that the boy actually overthrew the guards on the third floor.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the magnetic card in the young man's hand, and they didn't notice the wound on Chen Qing's body, which was being repaired at an exaggerated speed at the moment. This was the terrifying recovery ability brought to Chen Qing by the upgrade and the blood of the starry sky giant beast .

After killing the guards, Chen Qing gained a lot of experience, and his level soared directly, jumping from level 6 to level 8.

And the leapfrog level was so high that after killing the guard, the panel actually rewarded Chen Qing with a passive skill.

【Heart of the Brave】

Skill attribute: Passive skill

Skill level: Lv1 (10)

Skill introduction: A true brave man, even if he faces an opponent stronger than himself, he can look straight at the opponent without changing his face!

Skill effect: When facing an enemy whose level is much higher than his own, the holder of the Heart of the Brave ignores the level suppression of 1% X skill level. When the skill level reaches the top level (level 10), the active skill of the Heart of the Brave is activated.

【Heart of the Brave. Active】

Activation condition: Heart of the Brave Lv10, when the HP of the Heart of the Brave holder is lower than 50%.

Skill effect: After activating the heart of the brave, the maximum HP is increased by 5%, all attributes are increased by 5%, and the recovery ability is increased by 20%.

Duration: 20 minutes

Cooldown: 5 hours

Looking at the passive skills rewarded by this panel, Chen Qing felt extremely refreshed.

This Heart of the Brave is simply a skill tailored for him. With this skill level suppression rule, it is not so exaggerated for him, and it solves Chen Qing's most troublesome problem all the time.

Don't look at the 10% weakening, but your own damage suppression will also be weakened by 10%. Between one increase and one decrease, there is almost an increase of about 20%.

Moreover, the active skills of Heart of the Brave are based on a percentage increase in blood volume and attributes. For a perverted physique like myself with huge blood volume, extremely high attributes, and good blood recovery ability, the improvement is very impressive.

While thinking, Chen Qing has not forgotten his current situation.

Quickly released Moji first, and after releasing the mechanical shackles on Moji's hand, Chen Qing continued to release the others one by one.

The strong man who spoke at the beginning took a deep look at Chen Qing, and said in a buzzing voice: "Boy, I owe you a favor this time. If we escape this time, if you have anything to do in the future, you can come The snake people are looking for me! My name is Teng Ran, just report my name when you arrive."

Other people who got out of trouble also expressed similar thoughts to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing heard the names of each and felt the not weak aura of these people, so he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

I have never heard of any of these names.

According to the abilities of these people, as long as they survived in the last life, it is impossible for Chen Qing not to have heard of their names.

This means that in the last life, these people were either sold as slaves or directly killed by the Liko tribe.

Now that I have come to this world, after releasing these people, I don't know if there will be some butterfly effect, causing the plot that I am familiar with in the previous life to start to deviate.

Although this is not what Chen Qing wants to see, but since Chen Qing has crossed over, it must be an unavoidable thing.




The moment everyone stepped out of the slave company, a rapid siren sounded.

Chen Qing's complexion changed, and he dragged Moji towards the direction he came from quickly. When Moji was rescued, the panel changed and began to guide Chen Qing on the return teleportation channel.

Right in the direction he came from!

Moji behind him basically has no fighting ability. Once he and Moji are chased by the Liko people, it is very likely that both of them will confess here.

In a hurry, Chen Qing turned his head and said to the prisoners behind him, "Run in all directions, the goal of running together is too big, you should run in a different direction from ours!"

If everyone ran with him, it is estimated that none of them would even think about running out.

Moreover, Chen Qing had his own thoughts, the target of this group of people was obviously bigger, and with them restraining the pursuer himself and Mo Ji, there would be a greater chance of escaping.

The strong man was about to speak, when suddenly several beams of energy lasers descended on where everyone was standing.

The strong man hurriedly turned around to defend himself, and only then did he block the laser cannon fired at him, but two unlucky ones were not so lucky, and were directly smashed into ashes by the laser cannon.

Seeing the situation, the strong man immediately shouted, "Run!"

Immediately, he took the lead and ran out in the opposite direction to Chen Qing.

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