
Chen Qing looked at Lei Ming who was lying on the ground and refused to get up for a long time, and suddenly regretted it.

Damn, you won't hit this kid too hard, will you shut him up?

This big leek can't just wither like this.

As for why Chen Qing was able to find Lei Ming's flaws so viciously, it was actually very simple... In Chen Qing's words, this is just the basic operation of professional players.

There is a judgment in the multi-war world that if you attack the enemy's weakness, you can deal critical damage, so every professional player will spend a lot of time practicing the operation of breaking the weakness.

Chen Qing, as a veteran player with ashes, is no exception.

Just kidding, we have played a lot of accounts with two or three hundred levels, if you beat you, a level 5 brat, if you still can't see your flaws, it's better to be a dog.

Just when Chen Qing was going to pour Lei Ming a wave of chicken soup for the soul, Lei Ming immediately fully let Chen Qing see the benefits of being brainless.

Lei Ming quickly got up, took a serious look at Chen Qing, and said loudly: "I lost, Chen Qing, you are very strong, but I will catch up with you sooner or later. The two will compete again to see who is stronger!"

Chen Qing:...

I can't see that the domineering and unparalleled Lei Ming will still be in the second grade, but as long as Lei Ming is not really autistic, it doesn't matter if he is in the second grade.

Chen Qing laughed, and said to Lei Ming: "I'll talk about it later, can you believe my words now? No one guides you to study, and your progress will be very slow."

Lei Ming was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "Of course I understand this truth, but the Tak civilization is a magic-oriented civilization, how could someone guide me?"

Chen Qing patted Lei Ming on the shoulder and said, "Since I've told you so, I can certainly find you a good teacher. Come with me!"

After finishing speaking, he directly summoned his inferior pony, pulled Lei Ming and rode on it.

Chen Qing's daring to give Lei Ming a guarantee is not unfounded. In his previous life, Lei Ming also tried to improve himself by fighting wild beasts in the early days, thus wasting a lot of time.

It wasn't until later that Lei Ming met a down-and-out martial artist named Kress Wan Jie by chance. Later, under Wan Jie's guidance, he finally soared into the sky.

This down-and-out warrior of Kress Wanjie also has a story to tell. He was actually a high-level member of the Warrior Alliance. Later, he was implicated and hunted down because of his participation in a certain race war. Since then, his martial arts cultivation base has been abolished, and he has become an inconspicuous lame tramp, living in the Tak civilization.

Chen Qing came to Lei Ming because he wanted Lei Ming to join Wan Jie's sect in advance, so as not to waste Lei Ming's best martial arts training time.

In his previous life, Wan Jie lived in a small city near the town where Chen Qing and others lived, and the two sides were not far away.

After running wildly for an hour with the inferior ponies, Chen Qing and Lei Ming came to a small city called Aesop, and Wan Jie lived in this city.

Chen Qing took Lei Ming to wander around Aesop City, including the small house where Wan Jie lived in his previous life, and finally found Wan Jie who was drinking in a tavern.

Seeing the decadent middle-aged man with an unshaven beard in front of him, Chen Qing shook his head, and pulled Lei Ming to sit opposite him.

Seeing two ten-year-old children sitting across from him, Wan Jie was stunned for a moment, then waved impatiently and said, "Kids, this is not the place for you to come, go out, and don't bother me."

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Mr. Wan Jie, I need to find you."

Hearing Chen Qing call out his name, Wan Jie's eyes flashed, and the hazy feeling of alcohol disappeared in an instant. He squinted his eyes and looked at the child opposite, and said lightly, "You mistook me, my name is Curry. .”

Chen Qing shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter to me whether I'm called Curry or Wanjie. I came to you just for one thing. The partner next to me wants to practice Warrior One. I can't find it in the Tucker civilization." There is someone who can teach better than you, as long as you are willing to teach him, I am willing to pay you accordingly."

Wan Jie was startled. The attitude of the kid opposite him was so tough. He seemed quite sure of his identity. Judging by his demeanor and tone of voice, he looked like a ten-year-old kid. Is it a child?

"Hahaha, kid, are you kidding me? I'm an alcoholic who can only teach people how to drink, how could I be with a warrior." Wan Jie picked up a glass of beer next to him, and took a gulp. Said indifferently.

Although he knew in his heart that his identity might really be grasped by the child-like person opposite, but as an old Jianghu, how could he be easily deceived by someone with a few words.

Lei Ming next to him was watching the conversation between the two in a daze. Hearing this, he quickly pulled Chen Qing's clothes and said in a low voice, "Chen Qing, this person is right. He looks like an alcoholic. If you don’t know anything, how can you come and teach me the knowledge of Warrior One, let’s go.”

Chen Qing didn't care about this guy's worries. Instead, he said to Wan Jie on the opposite side with deep meaning: "Xinghan Civilization was defeated after the Sagittarius Battle, and its high-end combat power was almost wiped out. Now because of the existence of the universe protection law, the star civilization An asteroid can survive for the time being in the Han civilization, but this cannot avoid the colonization and cultural brainwashing of the big civilization. It has only been a little over two years now, and people will not forget the hatred, but after a long time... I don’t know how the spine of the Xinghan civilization can survive. How long."

This passage had nothing to do with the conversation between the two, but after hearing Chen Qing finish speaking, Wan Jie's eyes flashed with pain, and his hand on the table turned white from excessive exertion. stand up.

"Who are you?" Wan Jie's voice was no longer cynical, but a little cold.

Chen Qing looked directly at Wan Jie's cold gaze, and said softly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that if you can teach the little friend next to me named Lei Ming, he can fulfill your heart on your behalf. What you are concerned about. And in return, I will do my part for you when the time comes."

Only then did Wan Jie shift his gaze to the dazed Lei Ming, looked him up and down for a long time, and then slowly said: "The talent is good, and they are the embryos of natural fighters. But there are many such people in the universe. Fan Xing, how are you sure that he can shake a civilization that is not weak with his own power in the future?"

Chen Qing leaned back on the chair with a smile, shook his head and said, "Of course I have my own judgment, the most important thing is that you have no other choice, right?"

Wan Jie pondered for a moment, then finally shook his head and said: "Although what you said is correct, it doesn't mean that I have to give my knowledge selflessly. I can teach him for a while, but if he doesn't meet my expectations , I will also tell him to get out."

After a pause, Wan Jie suddenly patted the beer glass in his hand, and said to Chen Qing with a rogue and market look on his face: "Also, when I teach him, you have to pay for my drinks, And if there is a day in the future, you need to help, you know what I mean."

Chen Qing was stunned, huh? In the previous life, you taught for free, so why did you engage in extortion as soon as I was present in this life?

The co-authors treat us as parents who bring their children to cram schools?

But I can't bear to have a child... Bah, I can't bear to let leeks be attached to gold coins, in order to be able to take Lei Ming under his command in the future, these gold coins are actually nothing.

As for the possibility of Lei Ming not meeting Wan Jie's expectations, Chen Qing never thought about it. In the future, Lei Ming will be a fighter who will step into the god-level realm. It's good to hit a place.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Qing agreed without hesitation, took out ten gold coins and handed them to Wan Jie: "Here are ten gold coins, enough for you to drink for a month, I will give Lei Ming to Wan Jie." You, teach him well!"

At the same time, a task immediately popped up on Chen Qing's panel:

[A-Level Mission] Wan Jie's Promise

Mission introduction: As a defeated civilization, Xinghan civilization has been treated unequally. Rex Wanjie accepted your commission, but at the same time, you need to complete the future agreement for him.

Mission objective: liberate the Xinghan civilization and provide ten years of protection for the Xinghan civilization.

Mission rewards: Experience +10W, Gold Coins +1W, Xinghan Civilization Favorability +100, Wanjie Favorability +100, a core knowledge of Xinghan Civilization, obtain the title: [Xinghan Star], a skill learning card (passive) , Faith +2W.

Mandate: ten years

This is the first time Chen Qing has received an A-level mission after entering this world, and this A-level mission is a high-level mission, and Chen Qing may need to wait for Chen Qing to be able to complete this mission after level 150.

But the rewards for this task are quite generous. In addition to Chen Qingxin's core knowledge, there is also a reward for a passive skill learning card.

The effect of the passive skill learning card is to learn a passive skill of an enemy that has been defeated by Chen Qing. Chen Qing is not too friendly. He knows too many perverted passive skills. With this card He can completely exploit the opponent's passive.

In the previous life, there were not many skill learning cards, and each one was an item that could be priced at sky-high prices. Chen Qing had only gotten one in his long career, but he did not expect this A-level task to be so expensive. I can get one, but I don't know if it's because of the overwhelming European spirit or as a special preferential treatment for NPC.

In addition to this task, there was also an inconspicuous E-level task, which was basically to ask Chen Qing to pay gold coins, and the reward of the task was to increase the double favorability of Wan Jie and Lei Ming.

Looking at these two missions, Chen Qing is quite satisfied. With the connection of missions, Lei Ming's connection with himself will be one step closer. Basically, this leek is stable.

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