Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Thirty-Four: Killing The Liko Clan Mission

"Let's go, let's go find Russell." Chen Qing's voice came over.

Desna looked at Chen Qing in surprise, and was taken aback.

All kinds of black charcoal-like skin on Chen Qing's body were continuously falling off, revealing the white and tender skin inside, as if the person who was injured just now was not him.

Chen looked at Desna's surprised eyes with a smile on his eyes.

What about our recovery ability, making trouble with you?

At this moment, the frequency of bombardment outside has weakened. Chen Qing took a look at the primary space warp on his panel that had been converted to CD. Now, as long as he doesn't get bombarded by more than three giant cannons at the same time, he is basically fine.

And without Agur, a large hatred attractor, it is impossible to encounter three giant cannons bombarding him at the same time.

Two thin figures quickly ran out of the huge pit.

At this moment, the artillery fire outside was indeed much less than that at the beginning of the bombardment. Under Chen Qing's carefulness, he perfectly avoided the artillery fire from the bombardment.

Not even elementary space warping was used.

But Chen Qing and Desna's mood did not improve because of this.

War is brutal.

Everything around has been changed beyond recognition, and all kinds of buildings have already become dilapidated under the bombardment of giant artillery. The place where Chen Qing lived for nearly nine months is now in ruins.

People I knew in the past, the proprietress of the ramen shop, and a few classmates had all died under the bombardment of the giant cannon.

If Chen Qing was just a player, the pictures in front of him would definitely not touch him in the slightest, because he knew that these pictures were just the result of data formation, and they were virtual!

But now, he has been living here for nearly nine months. For him, this is a real world, and many people have even become his friends.

Now that the homeland he lives in has been ruthlessly wiped out by artillery fire, how could Chen Qing not be angry in his heart!

At this moment, two tasks suddenly jumped out of his panel:

[B-level mission] Invasion of the Liko tribe

Mission introduction: The Liko tribe wantonly invaded their homes and destroyed the harmonious atmosphere that should have been. As a member of the Tak civilization, you need to take up arms and defend your homeland!

Task requirements: Help the Tak civilization resist the invasion of the Liko tribe

mission rewards:

Every time you kill a low-level Liko invader, you will get an additional experience +1000

Every time you kill a middle-level Liko invader, you will get an additional experience +2000

Every time you kill a high-level Liko invader, you will get an additional experience +4000

Kill the commander of the Liko tribe to gain extra experience +1W

If you succeed in resisting and killing more than 100 Liko tribes, you will get a piece of core technology knowledge of the Liko tribe, title: Disaster of the Liko tribe, gold coins +1000, universe reputation +10, Tucker civilization reputation +500, random passive One skill, one intelligence card (effect: increase intelligence by 30% within half an hour)

Failure condition: Tucker civilization is defeated

[C-level task] Leader

Mission introduction: For some reason, Russell, Du Hua, and Desna, who should have been sheltered by the Wanten organization, were threatened by war. As the future team you have trained, you need to be responsible for their lives.

Task requirements: Ensure that Russell, Du Hua, and Desna can survive the war.

Mission rewards: experience +1W, gold coins +500, Russell's favorability +100, Du Hua's favorability +100, Desna's favorability +300, and every surviving person can have the power to acquire the opponent's passive skills at any time .

Failure penalty: if one person dies, the favorability of the other two will be -200.

The trigger task is within Chen Qing's expectation. As long as you participate in the major event of the version, the task will be triggered. This can be regarded as an iron theory that players have been groping for.

It's just that the second mission made Chen Qing a little speechless. How could it kill the other two? -200 favorability?

Co-authors, you don’t know the reason why you should be blamed on me if you die?

With the guidance of the task, Chen Qing had a perception of the positions of Russell and Du Hua, and Chen Qing found that they were both in the same position.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking at the positions of the two, they probably were not within the coverage of the artillery fire.

The two should be safe right now, otherwise this mission would be meaningless.

Chen Qing took Desna's little hand and ran all the way, running towards Russell and Du Hua without caring about anything.

From afar, Chen Qing sensed a wave of powerful magic waves heading towards the Silent Forest. In these magic waves, Chen Qing sensed the existence of energy-level weapons similar to giant cannons.

I am certain in my heart, it seems that the support of the magic crossbow and the Tucker civilization has arrived.

Sure enough, with the deterrence of the magic giant crossbow, the bombardment of the giant cannon quickly stopped, but Chen Qing knew that the Liko tribe would not let it go. There should be a short period of confrontation between the two armies, and then the hand-to-hand war will begin. break out.

At that time, the Lico tribe will invade the Tak civilization in an all-round way, and soldiers and strong men from the Lico tribe will continue to flock in.

Chen Qing's first task is to kill the soldiers and strong men of the Liko tribe.

According to Chen Qing's estimation, the level of the low-level Liko invaders should be at the 30-40 level, the middle-level ones at the 40-50 level, and the high-level ones at the 50-70 level.

As for the commander, Chen Qing should reach the terrifying 100+ stage by visual inspection, and among the Liko tribe who came to this world, there must be other lone strong men. These strong men are not affiliated to the army, but alone advance.

These are unstable factors. It is not guaranteed that Chen Qing will meet a strong man with 100+ in the army of the low-level Liko tribe to rest in the army.

It is also possible to meet such strong people in the deep mountains and old forests.

A lone traveler has no trajectory and rules of action, and cannot judge.

But fortunately, this kind of lone traveler is usually noticed by the strong of the Tak civilization. As long as Chen Qing's luck is not bad, there should be no big problem.

After the giant cannon stopped, Chen Qing and Desna speeded up a bit, and soon found Russell and Du Hua who were practicing in the wild.

When the two saw Chen Qing and Desna's arrival, they were overjoyed and rushed to greet them.

"Ah Qing! What happened in the town? Du Hua and I saw a lot of artillery fire towards the town. What happened?" Russell asked Chen Qing anxiously.

Chen Qing sighed.

"It's a long story..."

After all, he told the two of them about the Lico tribe's invasion of the Tak civilization.

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