Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Forty-Six: Wan Teng Is Good... But Not For Me Chen Qing

After the magician arrived in front of several people, he glanced at the three of Russell and nodded without a trace.

"You are Russell, Du Hua, and Desna!" The magician had a gentle voice and a smile in his eyes.

Hearing that the idol knew him, Russell quickly responded excitedly: "My lord, you actually know my name!"

After hearing Russell calling himself a god, the magician was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly and said, "I'm not a god, my name is Lan Suo, and I'm here to pick you up this time."

"Pick us up?"

"That's right, Liszt asked me to come pick you up. Liszt and I belong to the same organization named Wanteng. This time, because Wanten has a temporary task assigned to Liszt, he has no time to get away. I'm here to pick you up, that's why I'm here." Lan Suo said with a light smile.

After speaking, Lan Suo saw the confusion in the eyes of the three of Russell, and immediately explained Wanten's origin and other things to the three of Russell.

"Lord Lan Suo, then... are you here to pick us up and take us to Wanten?" Russell asked uncertainly.

Lan Suo nodded and said: "The three of you are all born magicians with excellent talents. The Tak civilization is still too small for you. With your talents, after joining Wanten, you can get the greatest degree. Cultivate, your stage in the future should be in the universe!"

After a pause, Lanso continued: "Of course, you also have the right to refuse, it's up to you!"

Ranso is confident enough that the three will eventually join Wanten.

When Liszt asked him, he had informed him of the magical aura of the three, so he could accurately find the location of the three.

But when he compared the previous magical aura with the current three, he was surprised to find that the three had grown to different degrees during this year.

In the Tak civilization, which is relatively barren of knowledge, it can maintain this speed, which means only one thing.

These children are all involved in the war! Grow up by going to war!

After inferring this conclusion, the cultivation value of the three of Russell in Ranso's eyes immediately rose several levels.

A genius who grew up in the flames of war has a lot more temperament, experience, and potential for growth than a genius of the same level.

This kind of genius is extremely rare, because most geniuses are escorted by elders or teachers, and there are very few real battles between life and death.

Encountering one is a treasure, let alone three at a time.

Liszt really found three treasures for Wanten this time!

Lan Suo looked at Russell and the other three with a smile on his face. He believed that no one could refuse Wanten's invitation!

Unexpectedly, the three of Russell did not immediately agree to his invitation, but turned their heads to look at a handsome young man behind them.

There was a questioning look in his eyes.

It wasn't until they saw the young man nodded slightly that the three of Russell turned their heads and gave Lan Suo an affirmative answer.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Lan Suo couldn't help but look at the boy.

When the three of them made this kind of decision, they all had to consult the young man's opinion, which showed that in the hearts of the three, the young man was not only a leader, but also a very important person to the three of them.

this boy...

Lan Suo let out a sigh in his heart, he realized that he couldn't understand this young man.

Even though he has no affinity for magic, his body is filled with pure and ancient magic power, and this young man's physical strength is far superior to that of a magician, and even ordinary fighters are not enough. I am afraid that only a very small number of special existences can match this young man's physical strength. The strength of the physical body is compared.

The point is that in Lan Suo's eyes, this young man obviously has no talent at all, just like ordinary people, but his foundation is extremely solid, as if he has cultivated to the extreme in every step, and reached this height at the age of ten or so.

Is this still a man without talent?

Ranso admits that he doesn't understand.

He shook his head and looked at another boy holding a long gun.

Even from his perspective of seeing geniuses all over the universe, this young man with a spear is also a rare warrior genius, even slightly better than the three of Russell in terms of talent!

Several geniuses of this level actually formed a small team directly. I am afraid that the leader boy is more difficult than he thought.

"The other two children." Lan Suo didn't intend to miss it when he saw it, and directly threw out his olive branch to Chen Qing and Lei Ming: "Are you interested in joining Wanteng? There are not only magicians in Wanteng, but also warriors." There are also quite a few strong players, if you join Wanteng, you will be able to receive better training and have a bigger stage."

Lan Suo himself almost forgot how long it has been since he took the initiative to invite people to join Wanten!

But just when he was content to accept two more talents to enter Wanteng, he heard a voice: "Sorry, Mr. Lanso, I will not join Wanteng!"

"Well, okay, then let's go... eh? What are you talking about? You don't want to join Wanteng?" Lan Suo suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the boy holding a long gun opposite him.

"Mr. Lanso, I will not consider joining Wanten for the time being. Thank you for your kindness." Chen Qing who was beside him also said slowly.

Lan Suo stared blankly at these two people, suddenly he didn't realize it, that is the top organization in the universe, Wan Teng!

Countless young geniuses have squeezed their heads to enter Wan Teng, but they may not be able to enter. Now Wan Teng invites these two people for the first time, but they are rejected?

Could it be that I didn't clarify the difference between Wanten and Tak civilization? Ranso couldn't help doubting himself.

Then he shook his head. He only needs to bring Russell and the other three to Wanteng this time. As for the other two talented teenagers, he is just out of love for talents. Enter Wanten.

It doesn't matter if the two of them reject him, everyone has their own way, and he can understand.

"Chen Qing, won't you come with us?" Desna suddenly walked up to Chen Qing and asked in a low voice.

Chen Qing saw a hint of hope in Desna's eyes, shook his head and smiled and said: "I still have things to do in Tak Civilization, after I leave Tak Civilization, we can still meet outside, you go Wan Teng has to practice hard, and then don't be thrown away by me and Lei Ming."

After hearing what Chen Qing said, Desna's eyes flickered with reluctance, and her expression darkened.

Chen Qing also felt helpless.

If possible, I also want to join Wanten and become a related account!

But the way he acquires experience is doomed that he cannot improve through practice and learning knowledge like a normal NPC.

If you enter Wanteng, everyone's level will soar at that time, and only you, relying on the starry sky behemoth's 1% increase in experience every day, will slowly improve like a snail. I can't see it anymore!

Wan Teng is good, but not for me Chen Qing!

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