Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter 48: The Real Crisis In The Future

The relationship between players and NPCs in this world is very complicated. Sometimes it may be a cooperative and intimate relationship, but sometimes it is very likely that the player who was still clearing the task with you one second will bring a large number of players with you in the next second. Raise the long knife to you.

Disorder and self-interest are synonymous with players.

Chen Qing was a member of the player collective in his previous life, and he is well versed in player psychology.

So this is why he has to stay in the Tak civilization and wait for the players to come.

Contacting players in advance and establishing a corresponding connection with them is what he is going to do.

And Tianmeng is a platform for him to establish a connection with players.

Although the establishment of Tianmeng with Russell and others is meant to be playful, but Chen Qing actually wants to plan Tianmeng as a top-level manager with cosmic NPC geniuses, and then gather resources to provide players with all kinds of help and benefits.

After the players have tasted the sweetness, establish a reward and punishment mechanism or a reputation mechanism to standardize management.

Even if there are players who plan to fight Chen Qing and others as bosses in the future, they will weigh whether it is worth it.

After being kicked out of the Sky Alliance, there will be no corresponding benefits!

The biggest challenge for NPCs in the future is not the ever-changing situation of the universe, but the disorder of players!

After arranging all this, it was finally time for Lanso to pick up the few people and leave the Tak Civilization.

"Chen Qing, do you remember that after leaving the Tak civilization, you must come to Wanteng to find me! I will wait for you in Wanteng!" Desna stared at Chen Qing's eyes and said, from her eyes, hidden Chen Qing and she herself didn't notice any trace of inexplicable emotion.

"Don't worry, I will bring Lei Ming to find you in the future!" Chen Qing said loudly, and immediately a spaceship descended from the sky.

This is Lanso's spaceship, which has been docked in the outer space above the Tarquin star system before. At this moment, in order to pick up a few people and leave, it finally landed.

Under Desna's reluctant eyes, Russell and others finally embarked on the road to join Wanten.

From this point of view, although the plot has some twists and turns, it is still developing temporarily according to the original plot.

After watching the spaceship quickly fly away from the planet of the Tucker civilization, it disappeared from sight.

Chen Qing and Lei Ming looked at each other.

The two of them still have something to do next, which is to help Lei Ming get revenge.

According to Lei Ming's personality, it is obviously unrealistic for him to give up his hatred. In his last life, it was because of the success of revenge that Lei Ming embarked on the road to leave the Tucker civilization.

And Chen Qing didn't want to persuade Lei Ming to give up revenge.

Parents' blood feud, if you don't report it, you can't justify it!

This time the war brought a huge disaster to the Tak civilization.

Nearly half of the magician troops died directly in this war, and most of the rest were non-elite troops.

Even the main city of the Tucker civilization was bombarded by space battleships. Although it was not the core area, it also caused a lot of damage.

Speaking of the main city of the Tak civilization, as the largest city and administrative and economic center of the Tak civilization, the forces and factions inside are also intricate.

Generally speaking, the factions of the Tak civilization are mainly the royal line, which is also the strongest line, holding the greatest military power, followed by the Guhui line, which is mainly responsible for the economy and trade of the Tak civilization, and controls It controls nearly 30% of the commercial modules of the Tucker civilization, and the other two are the Magicians Association and the Nai Family.

The Association of Magicians is considered a neutral force, and its organizational structure is relatively loose, so it will not interfere with too many internal struggles.

But the Nai family is different. The Nai family is extremely powerful, even faintly surpassing the Guhui lineage. It can be regarded as a powerful force in the Tucker civilization other than the royal family lineage.

And unlike Gu Hui, who only focused on economy and commerce, the Nai family's building blocks were very complex, not only involving commerce, but also possessing the family's own armed forces.

The object of Lei Ming's family feud is the person in charge of a certain branch of the Nai family.

Even though Lei Ming and Chen Qing had grown considerably during this period, they were clearly not strong enough to face a big family of Tak civilization like the Nai family.

Chen Qing was not in a hurry. As early as the war, the five of them had been famous on the battlefield for a long time, and the royal family of the Tak civilization had contacted them more than once.

For this level of genius, even the Tucker civilization also attaches great importance to it, and wants to absorb all 5 people into the royal family.

But Chen Qing will obviously not agree to the invitation of the royal family of the Taco civilization. For a few people, although the Taco civilization is stronger than a few people now, after everyone grows up in the future, the royal family of the Taco civilization still has great limitations sex.

It seems that the high-ranking royal family of Tak Civilization also understood this truth, so they did not force a few people to join. Instead, after being rejected by a few people, they expressed goodwill to a few people and wanted to maintain contact with them.

Although the royal family of the Tak civilization did not dare to confirm whether a few people could grow up smoothly, it did not hinder the use of some insignificant small favors to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

Now that the Tak civilization has just ended the war, post-war reconstruction has become the main theme.

Moreover, a large number of magicians died, and the Tak civilization fell into a temporary shortage of military power.

Chen Qing wanted to wait a bit. The situation is not very stable now. Reconstruction after the war is one thing, but Chen Qing and Lei Ming don't have a deep enough understanding of these forces in the Tak civilization.

Things in the main city are like muddy water to the two of them, they can't see clearly.

Who has suffered the most in this war? And how much did the Nai family lose? Will there be some changes in the pattern of the main city after going through the war?

In Lei Ming's last life, his revenge lasted for more than a year before he managed to bring the Nai family under control.

In addition, the war with the Tak civilization took longer than this life, a full 5 years.

There is no doubt that when Lei Ming was preparing for revenge in his previous life, he was definitely much stronger than the current Lei Ming.

Therefore, Lei Ming in the previous life was able to succeed in revenge, but Lei Ming in this life may not be able to succeed in revenge.

If the two of them directly exposed their purpose like Hanhan, they might face being hunted down by high-level mages.

Chen Qing didn't want to go to bed every night worrying about whether a magician with a level of more than 70 would suddenly appear to attack him.

So Chen Qing briefly discussed with Lei Ming, and persuaded Lei Ming to give up the idea of ​​immediate revenge.

After the discussion between the two, Chen Qing decided to advance to the main city of the Tucker civilization, and then hibernate to wait and see the changes in the situation.

Find opportunities in the chaos and complete revenge.

So after seeing off Russell and the others, Chen Qing and Lei Ming packed their luggage casually and walked directly towards the main city of the Tak Civilization.

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