Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter 50: The Core Knowledge Of The Liko Tribe

Of course Chen Qing was waiting for this moment.

If he remembered correctly, the Nai family was also a rebellious boy before. After the war between the Tak civilization and the Liko tribe, the Nai family began to become dishonest.

Since they had turned their backs, the Yi family would not let go of such a good opportunity.

With Chen Qing and Lei Ming alone, even in two or three years, there might not be a chance to destroy the Nayi family, and they had to rely on the power of the royal family.

And Chen Qing came to Tuck City to meet the emperor just to get familiar with him, and then waited for the Nayi family to show their rebellion, and the two had conflicts before he could intervene in this matter.

Unexpectedly, the Nai family could not wait so much, and it happened that they showed their opposite on the day Chen Qing came to the palace!

But today Chen Qing did not immediately state his position.

Nothing to show courteousness, add suspicion.

After the two fight fiercely, Chen Qing might as well intervene in it again, and it will be well-known for wanting to use the power of the royal family at that time.

After the emperor discussed with the magician for a while, the magician took orders to leave.

Then the emperor turned his attention to Chen Qing and Lei Ming, and said with a smile: "Let the two little friends watch the joke, by the way, there is one more thing to tell the two little friends this time." .”

He clapped his hands, and soon two maids came out from the side, holding a white plate in their hands.

Chen Qing glanced at it from the corner of his eye and saw two black mysterious papers on the white plate.

Suddenly there was a guess in my heart.

Chen Qing and Lei Ming took the black paper respectively.

At the same time, the emperor's voice also sounded: "This is the core knowledge of the Liko tribe that we captured in the war with the Liko tribe. Both of them are the future stars of the Tak civilization. Said that several friends fought for the Tak civilization. I specially copied two copies of the core knowledge captured this time and gave it to the two of you, thank you for your contribution in the war!"

"Drip... the core knowledge of the Liko tribe +1"

"Drip... The invasion mission of the Liko tribe has been completed

"Drip... The leader task has been completed"

Chen Qing was overjoyed when he saw the generous settlement materials that popped up from the panel.

In the past few days, Chen Qing has been paying attention to the progress of the task, but the task has no meaning of settlement at all. I didn't expect that the settlement can only be settled after coming to the palace to meet the emperor!

Although Chen Qing really didn't understand the relationship between successfully resisting the Liko tribe and meeting the emperor, he was quite satisfied as long as he could settle the settlement.

Not to mention the core knowledge, the more the better, it is the core condition for the boss-level characters to distance themselves from ordinary players.

What Chen Qing cares about the most is a reward in the leader task settlement: any passive skill of Russell, Du Hua, and Desna!

And you can go to them to get them at any time with no time limit.

It also means that Chen Qing can wait for the three of them to grow up and then copy the skills from them!

Based on Chen Qing's understanding of the three in his previous life, he almost has a skill that he wants to copy.

There are countless powerful passives among the three, but there are only a few core ones. When the time comes, I will copy the core skills of the three, and combine the strengths of the three into a bug in the game!

It's just a pity...

Chen Qing glanced resentfully at Lei Ming who was next to him, and looked at Lei Ming in a daze.

The mission of this leader does not include Lei Ming, which makes Chen Qing quite regrettable. In his last life, Lei Ming had the passive ability to make Chen Qing cry, but now he has missed Chen Qing!

Now that the task has been settled, Chen Qing doesn't want to stay in the palace anymore.

Regarding the rebellion of the Nai family, let the emperor have a headache for a while, and the time is not yet.

After returning to the residence, Chen Qing and Lei Ming used the core knowledge of the Liko tribe one after another.

The familiar mysterious feeling reappeared. The core knowledge of the Liko tribe was not much different from the core knowledge of the Tak civilization when it was passed on. They were all learned directly from the black paper.

Soon, Chen Qing and Lei Ming absorbed the core knowledge inheritance of the Lico tribe contained in the black paper.

"Drip... Obtain the core knowledge of the Liko tribe (disabled)"

[Core Knowledge. Lico Civilization (Disabled)]

Knowledge Type: Mechanical

Knowledge effect: Increase energy usage efficiency by 10%, increase firearm skill damage by 8%, increase energy immunity by 5%, gain primary mental immunity, increase resistance to illusion skills by 10%, and increase critical strike damage by 10%.

Attribute Improvement: Permanently increase Strength: 5, Stamina: 2, Spirit: 15, Intelligence: 7

To Chen Qing's disappointment, this is the core knowledge exclusive to mechanics, and there are several enhancements that are useless to Chen Qing.

For example, the efficiency of energy usage and the damage of firearm skills have been improved.

Chen Qing wasted half of this mechanical core knowledge, and energy immunity also overlaps with the starry sky behemoth's talent, which can give him an immunity boost of about 1% at most.

The resistance to illusion skills is also a little weak for magicians with high mental power and intelligence.

But it's better than nothing, Chen Qing reluctantly regards this core knowledge as a skill that permanently improves attributes.

In general, there are still some improvements.

In Chen Qing's core knowledge module on the panel, in addition to the Tak civilization, there is another core knowledge of the Liko civilization.

It can be seen from the improvement of the attributes of the two that the core knowledge of the Liko tribe is better than that of the Tucker civilization.

Moreover, this core knowledge is still a residual product. Presumably, when the Tak civilization acquired it, only a small part of the core knowledge of the Liko tribe was obtained.

It can be inferred from this that the higher the level of civilization, the higher the improvement of core knowledge.

Not knowing how much improvement Wanteng's core knowledge would bring, Chen Qing couldn't help thinking about Wanteng's core knowledge.

I want to come to Wanteng's core knowledge to be much higher than that of the Liko tribe.

It seems that in the future, Russell and others will have to help me get a copy of the core knowledge of magicians!


Suddenly there was a soft hum from the side, and Chen Qing turned his head to look at Lei Ming.

After Lei Ming digested the core knowledge, his face showed a puzzled look, and his aura didn't improve much.

"Lei Ming, what's the matter?" Chen Qing couldn't help asking curiously, wondering how the core knowledge comprehension of the NPC without a panel was different from his own.

After hearing Chen Qing's question, Lei Ming showed confusion, and said uncertainly: "I feel... there are many things I don't understand, but it seems that I have a little understanding of the mechanics' energy use, maybe... in the future It can avoid some unnecessary energy damage when facing the mechanic."

Chen Qing raised his eyebrows. It seems that Lei Ming should have understood energy resistance, but Lei Ming did not mention any attribute bonuses. It seems that the core knowledge also needs a certain amount of time for the aboriginal NPCs in this world. to digest.

The player panel is really a good thing, Chen Qing thought so.

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