Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Fifty-Three: The Arrival Of Players

In the past few days, there has been chaos in Tucker City. Chen Qing and Lei Ming have also noticed it naturally, and there are constant magical breaths erupting in Tucker City.

But because the two were outsiders, they lived in the residence where the Tucker royal family used to entertain foreign guests.

So the two of them were not "cared for" by the Nai family!

The war that broke out in the east of Tucker City lasted for almost a week. In the end, Li Zhong, the general of the Tucker Royal Army, was beheaded by Wang Fei.

In the end, it was the royal family who had to send two Supreme Emperors to sit in the army, so that the defeat did not continue.

The two Supreme Emperors belonged to masters with a level of over 100. They had a very obvious deterrent effect on the rebels. They came to the battlefield and killed the two generals who had reached level 80 among the rebels in front of the army.

Even Wang Fei was seriously injured by the two. If Wang Jing hadn't appeared on the battlefield to rescue Wang Fei, Wang Fei would have died on the battlefield.

The army of the royal family suffered heavy losses, and it was not suitable to fight again, while the rebel army was shocked by the mighty personal strength of the Supreme Emperor, fearing that they would be beheaded by surprise, and temporarily retreated to the adjacent city.

The two armies did not continue to break out large-scale battles for the time being.

After Chen Qing got the battle report in the city, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

During this period of time, he and Lei Ming lived in the city, and the two of them were not idle, but kept collecting information everywhere.

Chen Qing has a corresponding understanding of the general division of forces in the Tucker civilization.

The Royal Legion and the Rebel Army are not the only two legions. Apart from these two legions, the Nai family controls the military power of the entire area in the east, including the guarding army stationed in the border, which also belongs to the power of the Nai family. , It’s just that these legions are probably still in a state of trekking now, the war stopped too suddenly, and the choice of rebellion was also very fast, which made it too late for both the royal family and the Nai family to gather their own troops.

The military power on the west side of the Tak civilization is biased towards the royal family, and the leaders of the army are all direct descendants of the royal family.

The north side is biased towards the Association of Magicians, and many of the generals are from the Association of Magicians.

Originally, the Magician Association was a relatively neutral and Buddhist lineup, but because the assassination plan carried out by the Nai family in Tucker City touched the hearts of many magicians, this time the Magician Association began to favor the tower. This side of the royal family.

The rest of the south is somewhat ambiguous.

Chen Qing learned that although the south side belonged to the royal family of the Tak civilization on the surface, in fact, it was the Gu Hui lineage that really had the right to speak on the south side.

Nowadays, Gu Hui's lineage has shown a relatively ambiguous attitude towards the Nai family's rebellion, and they continue to evade the orders issued by the royal family with various reasons.

Gu Hui's lineage seemed to be waiting and watching, vacillating between the royal family and the rebels.

But Chen Qing understands that at this time there can be no swaying forces, and neither the royal family nor the Nai family will allow the appearance of a side watching from the sidelines.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the two families will lose both sides and watch you grow up alone and reap the benefits of the fisherman?

Gu Hui's lineage made this choice abnormally at this moment, and there is only one explanation for this.

That is, Gu Hui's lineage actually made a choice a long time ago, but they just stood still for the time being.

As for who to choose, Chen Qing figured it out after a little thought. Gu Hui's lineage should have gotten through with the Nayi family in advance. Otherwise, if Gu Hui supported the royal family, he should have jumped out and scolded the rebels at this time. , How can I hide it like this.

If you look at it this way...the two sides are actually quite powerful, and they can fight back and forth!

In fact, the royal family also suffered a dumb loss this time, and they were so aggrieved to death.

Originally, the power of the royal family far exceeded that of the other three powers.

But as soon as the Liko tribe went down, an elite army of magicians belonging to the royal family just evaporated.

In addition to the year of struggle, troops have been continuously invested, which is actually equivalent to the total amount of a royal army.

Although other families also sent troops to participate in the war, they definitely did not spend as much on the battlefield as the royal family who was the ruler of the Tak civilization.

Under the ebb and flow, a delicate balance has just been reached.

Of course, as a long-term ruler, the royal family still has its strong heritage.

One is that the reserve of war weapons is stronger than that of the rebels, and the other is that the reserve of high-end power is also stronger than that of the rebels.

During this period of time, Chen Qing has a certain understanding of the high-end combat power of the Tucker civilization.

To his surprise, there are quite a few people in the Tucker civilization who have surpassed level 100.

There are a total of 6 people in the royal family with high-end combat power exceeding level 100, the emperor himself, two overlords, two generals from the west legion, and a master enshrined in the palace.

In the Association of Magicians, there are three high-end fighters above level 100: the president and two vice presidents.

Counting the forces in the south, there are two people in Gu Hui's lineage: the patriarch of Gu Hui's lineage and the general of Zhennan.

And the Nayi family, as a powerful force against the royal family, has only three members: Patriarch Wang Jing, General Zhendong, and the Patriarch of the previous generation.

From the comprehensive point of view of high-end combat power and military strength, although the Nai family does have the strength to challenge the royal family, it is still inferior to the royal family.

The two are about 64 or so.

Does the Yi family have great hopes?

According to Chen Qing, it is simply too big!

Just kidding, if I am stronger than you, I will rebel, just stand on my own and play with you slowly.

Who has always been stronger than the royal family in rebellion? Stronger than the royal family and still need to rebel?

There is a gap of 64 between the two. From Chen Qing's point of view, the probability of the Nayi family's success is already very high!

Now that the two armies are stalemate, there will be no large-scale team battles in a short time. The timing is just right for Chen Qing.

Early in the morning, Chen Qing contacted Seldon to prepare to go to the palace again to meet His Majesty the Emperor for a wave of self-recommendation.

It was just the time for the appointment to enter the palace.

Just when Chen Qing opened the door and was about to walk out of the room, his eyes widened suddenly and he stood still.

Because, in his panel, a prompt message appeared.

"Drip... The channel is open, and players have officially entered the world of multi-dimensional warfare!"

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