Facing the overwhelming flood, the Nai family still chose to withdraw their troops. After Wang Jing's order, they completed the withdrawal within two days.

After Chen Qing and the others watched the Nai family's rebels retreat, they also assembled, not far behind the Nai family's army.

Chen Qing was wearing a set of black magic armor. This is the magic equipment specially given to Chen Qing by His Majesty the Emperor after learning about Chen Qing and Lei Ming's report. It has a certain damage reduction effect.

The unit Chen Qing was in was the second division of magic. He stood in front of the army and followed the first division on a horse.

Although it was chasing soldiers, in order to catch the opponent by surprise, they did not follow too closely.

Chen Qing noticed that some of the people leading the team in front were constantly looking for some kind of mark from the ground and moving forward.

It is clear in my heart that it is estimated that His Majesty the Emperor has planted spies among the rebels of the Nai family.

This is really too normal. Chen Qing believes that even if there are spies from the Nai family on his side, it's just that the secrecy work is done well here. Except for a few people, no one else knew that there were spies. this action.

Given the speed at which everyone is marching, the spies probably have no chance to sneak out to report the news!

One advances, the other follows.

The rebels in front didn't realize that there was a small tail behind them, and continued to move forward.

It is because the path from Rick City to Donghuang Canyon is too safe, surrounded by mountains on both sides, and there is only one road to go forward.

The rebels never expected that there would be an army waiting in advance in the Donghuang Canyon to encircle and suppress themselves.

The two armies marched towards the Donghuang Canyon under the situation that the enemy was clearly in the dark.

A day later, Wang Jing, who was walking in the forefront of the rebel army, reined in the reins in his hand, glanced at the Donghuang Canyon in front of him, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

During the process of withdrawing troops, he always had a bad premonition, because it was impossible for the Tucker royal family to expend so much effort just to let him migrate, and there might be some conspiracy waiting for him behind it.

But after arriving at Donghuang Canyon, although Wang Jing still felt strange, the big stone in his heart was finally let go.

As long as they reach Donghuang Canyon, their army will be safe for the time being.

The Nai family is basically all over the east because of their military power, and the Donghuang Canyon can be regarded as the only way for Tuck City to go east.

Wang Jing did not know how many times he had walked through it. With his rich experience in leading troops, he had already seen that the Donghuang Canyon was surrounded by dangerous peaks, and only the middle road could move forward. Under this special terrain, it was impossible for the enemy to move forward. Raiding his own army from both sides.

Moreover, there are many thorns in Donghuang Canyon, even if there are pursuers behind, it is difficult to pursue them under such terrain.

Wang Jing believed his own judgment too much. He glanced at the army behind him. During this day's trek, his army only rested once. Logically speaking, it should have been stationed and repaired again now, but Donghuang Canyon Right in front of him, as long as he entered the Donghuang Canyon, he and the others would basically be out of danger.

Wang Jing never thought that there would be a secret passage in the Donghuang Canyon that would allow people to ambush people halfway into the Donghuang Canyon. Safety was at hand, so how could he put the army and family in crisis.

Wang Jing gave up the garrison and forced the somewhat exhausted rebels to continue to garrison forward!

What he didn't notice was that after the rebels entered the Donghuang Canyon, there was the sound of horses running behind them.

The royal army began to speed up and catch up!

You have entered the urn, start to collect the net!

After the rebels entered the Donghuang Canyon, they did not choose to stop in the Donghuang Canyon. The special thorn bushes here made it impossible to station!

A sense of crisis kept pouring into Wang Jing's heart, making his heart beat continuously.


Just as Wang Jing had this idea, countless warriors in dark green armor jumped out of the thorn bushes, holding long knives, and charged towards the rebels.

At the same time, the shouts of killing came one after another, and countless magicians rushed out one after another. Some chose to attack from a distance, and the magic elements in their hands continued to accumulate, while some wore magic armor and rushed to a place not far from the rebels. attack.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The rebels didn't react for a while, and a bunch of people were hacked to death by the fighters who rushed out.

After reacting, they could only hastily organize a defensive counterattack.

But even so, caught off guard and fatigued, the rebels immediately fell into a passive state, and were soon killed to the point of abandonment.

After Wang Jing casually killed several attacking fighters, he shouted loudly: "The coalition forces obey the order! After the three armies are broken, the rest of the brothers are going to withdraw from the Donghuang Canyon the same way!"

After hearing Wang Jing's words, the rebels immediately found their backbone, and began to organize counterattacks and retreats in an orderly manner, slowly stopping the momentum of defeat.

And Wang Fei, who was recovering from his injuries, also came out with a knife at this moment, and charged towards the magician camp of the royal army. Countless spells fell on him without causing too much damage.

As a fighter, Wang Fei also has the ability to strengthen the charge!

In an instant, Wang Fei rushed into the magician's camp, raised his long knife, and wantonly harvested the life of the magician.

But soon a figure jumped out of the royal barracks and directly fought with Wang Fei.

The unstoppable Wang Fei was stopped immediately.

This figure is an enshrinement of the royal family. Although it has not reached the 100th level, it is not far from the 100th level mark. How could the emperor not consider the combat power of the two brothers of the Wang family in this surprise attack.

As the royal family with superior high-end combat power, they are not worried that no one will attack the high-end combat power of the rebels.

"Damn it!" After Wang Jing saw this scene, he immediately realized that the royal family's level-breaking battle strength should also be hidden in the local legion.

Now the only way out is the direction behind him. After withdrawing from here, he may not be able to escape from the pursuit!

But at this moment, a dense royal army appeared in the same direction as the rebels retreated. After seeing this army appear, Wang Jing's pupils shrank violently!

This army appeared like a ghost, blocking all the way for the rebels to retreat.

It was Chen Qing's army that followed the rebels.

For high-end combat power, Chen Qing is not enough, so it can only be handed over to the masters of the Tucker royal family to solve it, but for the rebel army, Chen Qing still has a certain degree of oppression.

Ordinary soldiers of the Tak civilization are mostly level 20-30, and the level of the centurion, that is, the captain, will be higher.

However, soldiers of this level did not pose much of a threat to Chen Qing. He took the lead and rushed into the enemy's formation on his horse, constantly condensing magic in his hands to harvest the lives of the rebels.

When the rebels' attack hit him, part of it was offset by the space distortion, and the rest did little damage to Chen Qing's high magic resistance. In addition, the blood recovery speed of his starry sky behemoth made him lose blood become very slow.

As long as he is not besieged by high-level rebels, Chen Qing is like no one among the rebels!

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