Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Sixty-Seven: Armor-Piercing Gunner

The curtain fell on the battle of Donghuang Canyon, and the two armies withdrew each other.

The loss of the royal army is actually acceptable to the royal family, but the loss of the rebel army can only be a helpless thing for Wang Jing.

After the outbreak of the Battle of the Eastern Desolation Canyon, both sides seemed to have entered into a period of calm tacitly.

Both armies needed time to rectify, so Chen Qing relaxed during this period of time.

What makes Chen Qing a little strange is that he always feels that the senior magicians in the military camp don't seem to treat him very much...

By the way, we didn't offend anyone by talking nonsense!

Chen Qing was a little puzzled, but he soon forgot about this matter, because the mission has been successfully settled for him at this moment.

Looking at the Giant Flame Technique lying in the panel, Chen Qing sighed silently.

Giant Flame Art has a 5-level upper limit. High-level Giant Flame Art has a very high burst rate, and after reaching level 5, it can also have a follow-up continuous damage. Compared with low-level skills such as Palm Thunder, it is more suitable for Chen Qing , but correspondingly, more experience needs to be invested.

Well, a new scripture-swallowing beast was born again.

A month passed quickly.

During this month's leisurely time, Chen Qing paid more attention to the player's movements.

What made him feel ridiculous was that in order to participate in the war between the two camps as soon as possible, most of the players chose the extreme upgrade method and only added experience to the level.

Under this extreme leveling method, the level of this group of players has indeed increased rapidly. The fastest players have reached level 30, and have successfully joined the two camps.

But this upgrade method also has a lot of disadvantages.

That is, the combat power is extremely weak.

This added a special fun to Chen Qing, who is usually in a hurry...

That is to watch the phantom god who competed with him in the previous life... being chased and run around by an ordinary mob who is 3 levels lower than him.

With all skills proficiency level 1, including the core skills of the profession... it is too embarrassing for players to fight a mob of the same level.

Even the phantom god with sharp manipulation can pull at most one mob that is 3 levels lower than him to fly a kite.

It's... quite bitter...

In general, the players still displayed their special growth ability, and quite a number of players successfully participated in the two camps.

Now both the royal family and the rebels urgently need new troops. Seeing tens of thousands of players come to report, they are very happy, and naturally they will not refuse.

As long as players meet level 15, they are basically accepted by the legion unconditionally.

Soon the barracks was full of players with all kinds of weird IDs on their heads. Once these players entered the barracks, the originally chill atmosphere in the barracks suddenly became weird.

Looking up at the starry sky: "My lord, is there anything I can do for you? Can you hold the book for you to read?"

Don't panic, I'm very strong: "Master, are you going to accept apprentices recently? I'm very strong, with invincible talent! Consider me?"

I miss you a little bit: "Mr. Centurion, what materials do you want me to help you collect? ... What? You don't need it anymore? No, Mr. Centurion, if you think about it carefully, there must be something missing."

As soon as Chen Qing and Lei Ming walked into the barracks, they heard a mess coming from inside the barracks.

Lei Ming was at a loss, but Chen Qing turned a blind eye.

If this player hadn't been like this, Chen Qing would have been surprised. Didn't you join this camp just to collect missions and change jobs? Now the military camp looks like a bird, it's normal!

Not to mention, just in the past few days, Chen Qing really saw a player get a job transfer task from a blue-robed magician, and changed to a junior elemental magician. .

Chen Qing still remembers the loveless eyes of the blue-robed magician when he was hugged by the player's thigh and refused to let him go.

Poor, helpless and weak.

Moreover, this blue-robed magician probably never imagined that his task of "pointing" the player in order to send the player away would become his nightmare.

After the player with the ID "Playing Doudou Everyday" successfully changed his job, he wrote a guide about how he obtained the job transfer task and posted it on the forum.

Now it's a hornet's nest, and now as long as a magician in a blue robe walks in the barracks, there will always be a few slutty players hanging on him.

As a result, Chen Qing hasn't seen the blue-robed mage operating in the barracks recently.

"Chen come there are so many strange people in the barracks recently... eh?" Lei Ming whispered to Chen Qing, but only halfway through the conversation, a player approached beside him.

"Hello, Mr. Lei Ming! I'm your fan! Your unique temperament attracts me all the time!" The ID on the player's head is called "Bi Ka Lord's Faith".

When Chen Qing heard this, a familiar feeling rushed over his face, and he turned his head to look over.

Ah? It really is him.

This is Chen Qing's old acquaintance. In his previous life, he was a well-known player known as the "Boss Shit Stirring Stick".

This guy is not a professional player, and his operation is not top-notch, but his ability to scout for news is unparalleled in the world. He can hear the news wherever the boss is spawned, and which club organizes a dungeon.

He only watched the boss's blood volume being hit to crippled when he suddenly made up the knife, and he was famous for relying on K to get a good head.

However, this guy also obtained the specialty of a teleportation talisman in his previous life, and he has an inexhaustible number of teleportation talismans. After K finished his head, he directly left with a teleportation talisman. Countless people were itchy by him, but they took him no way.

Unexpectedly, in this life, this guy also received news from the camp and chose the Tak civilization.

Lei Ming glanced at "Master Bee Ka's Faith" in surprise, and said hesitantly, "You know me?"

Of course he doesn’t know him, but it doesn’t prevent him from seeing the level information of Lei Ming and Chen Qing through the panel. Compared with the surrounding NPCs, the level and age of the two are simply outstanding, and anyone can guess These two are probably the key NPCs in the game.

"Of course! Boss Lei Ming, your heroic demeanor on the battlefield has attracted me deeply. I have imagined countless times that I can have such a powerful force as you, and I can cross the battlefield!" Master Bika looked at Lei with his eyes shining brightly. bright.

After hearing his words, Lei Ming regained his energy immediately, and asked excitedly, "Are you also at the battle in Donghuang Canyon? So you think I'm handsome on the battlefield too!"

Chen Qing:...

Lei Ming's reaction made Master Bee Ka's faith a little confused. How could he have participated in the battle of Donghuang Canyon? This battle is as strange as a background introduction to the players, and he didn't even know that Lei Ming participated in it. through this battle.

But seeing Lei Ming being so "on the road", Lord Bee Ka's faith was secretly happy, and he sighed calmly: "That's right, the scene of Boss Lei Ming rushing to kill the enemy on the battlefield of Donghuang Canyon is already deep. It is deeply imprinted in my heart, Mr. Lei Ming, to tell you the truth, I have a dream, that is, one day I can become heroic and invincible like you, but it is a pity that I am still too weak now. I can't find my direction, and I don't know when I will meet a teacher who can teach me!"

Lei Ming looked at Master Bee Ka's faith with dim eyes and a sad expression on his face. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the time when he was a child and foolishly ran to fight with wild beasts in order to become stronger. An impulse surged into his heart. Soon he blurted out: "Are you willing to become a fighter? I can teach you the way of a fighter!"

Chen Qing:? ? ? ?

After hearing these words, Lord Beeka's belief immediately nodded frantically for fear that Lei Ming would regret it: "Yes! Yes! Of course I am willing!"

As soon as the words came out, he immediately froze.

What the hell? Warrior? What about the magician?

Just when he reacted and was about to refuse, a task popped out of the panel.

[D-level task] Lei Ming's teaching

Mission introduction: The same experience resonated with Lei Ming, making him decide to teach you the special family martial arts of the Lei family!

Task Reward: Change job to become a hidden job—Armor-piercing Gunner

Mission conditions:  …

Looking at the dazzling words "Hidden Profession—Armor-piercing Spearman" on the task panel, Master Bee Ka's mouth suddenly opened wide in faith, and he looked at Lei Ming in disbelief.

This... I got a hidden job just by grabbing it casually?


The author has something to say:

I have been waiting for a long time, and I agreed to add an update today... because I had something to go out at noon, and I immediately coded it when I got home. Fresh out of the oven~Thank you for your support! (In addition, it seems that some students pointed out the problem of the wrong chapter number. I have already modified it, but it seems that the background modification needs time to refresh ~ it should be fine in two days)

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