The location of the town of Mok in the Tak Civilization, at this moment, many players still choose to stay here and continue to do tasks.

Each player has a different way of playing the game. Some players are more aggressive and like to PK with others, so they choose to join the camp at the first time, but some players are relatively Buddhist, and they only see hatred for the camp. I am not interested in fighting, I just want to experience the game normally.

And with the help of the players, Mork Town gradually restored its pre-war appearance, giving players a sense of belonging to Mork Town, and also ushered in the first post-war magic transfer instructor—— ——It was Agur who died under the giant cannon in his previous life!

Because of the existence of Chen Qing, this flamboyant middle-aged man has no impulsive cannon in this life. Now that the war is over, he chooses to continue to return to the familiar town of Mork, and builds a classroom in the original classroom. A similar classroom is used for teaching.

This also gave most of the Buddhist players a reason to stay in Mok Town.

Just today, players are still looking for the task of post-war reconstruction everywhere as before, and suddenly there are bunches of white lights next to it.

This is a sign that new players have come to Mok Town. The old players around have long been familiar with this phenomenon. Every day, new players will enter the game, which is normal!

It's just how it feels that there are so many players today...

An ordinary player glanced at the white light around him strangely, his eyes widened suddenly, and he stared blankly at the position of the white light.

A player with a golden ID of "Emperor Skull" on his head came out of the white light first, and the IDs on his head were all "XX Skull" in the same style.

"Emperor Skeleton!" The player murmured to himself in disbelief.

The Emperor's Skeleton actually came to the town of Mork? Is he going to choose a career as a magician?

The player felt a little excited.

This is big news! Going to the forum to post now will definitely attract a lot of attention!

For ordinary players, every professional player can be regarded as a boss-level person, and they are usually far away from them, let alone the golden ID professional player who was once a world champion!

These golden ID professional players even have some star effects. Among ordinary players, each golden ID professional player has a very high popularity, and some even receive endorsement advertisements from time to time.

King Skeleton's Fame Battle attracted a large number of King fans by virtue of its do-it-yourself style of play and extremely sharp operations. The player who saw King Skeleton descending on the town of Mork posted the incident on the forum , immediately attracted the attention of a large number of players.

"The great emperor has come to the town of Mok! Are you going to choose the magician profession this time? Wow, look forward to it!"

"I think it's not that simple for the emperor to come to the town of Mork. Don't you see that there are many members of the black skeleton behind him?"

"Could it be that some boss was discovered? Has a boss been discovered recently in the Taco civilization?"

"BOSS? Why did I think of Chen Qing and Lei Ming?!"

The players' brain power is very strong, and in a few words, they can guess the purpose of the emperor's skeleton descending on Mork town!

And the Emperor Skeleton side.

As soon as he landed, the Scarlet Skull greeted him immediately.

Facing the golden ID-level professional players, even the Scarlet Skull didn't dare to take it big, so he pooled money to buy a steed, and came to Mok Town early to wait for the King Skull's arrival.

"Brother Emperor!"

Emperor Skull nodded after seeing the bloody skull, and said, "Let's wait here for a while, Xinghui and the others are also planning to come now."

As for the ordinary players who came to watch around, Emperor Skeleton didn't care.

He has long been used to the feeling of being the center of attention wherever he goes, and the news that he has landed in Mok Town should have already been posted on the forum!

A smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Skull's mouth.

At this moment, another large number of white lights continued to descend on the town of Mok.

The Emperor Skeleton couldn't help turning its gaze to the position of the coming white light.

"Dharma God"

"Outsider Madness"

"Mecha Master ZI"

Three shining golden IDs suddenly stepped out of the white light, causing the surrounding players to exclaim.

"Oh my god! The law is divine! My idol! I was there in the finals that won the championship two years ago!"

"Outsider madman and ZI! Oh my god, aren't these two fighters and mechanics? Why did they come directly to the Tucker civilization? Is there any major event here recently?"

"Long time to see you, this is the first time I've seen four golden IDs gather outside the professional league, hurry up and record it!"

"These four golden IDs are probably here to participate in the faction war. Brothers, how about we join in the fun with the past?"

The four golden IDs gathered in the Tucker civilization were sent to the forum by the players immediately.

It went directly to the top of the list, and the Tucker Civilization, which was originally popular because of the special faction-type novice village, instantly became the focus of players' attention again.

And this time, among the players who pay attention to the Tucker civilization, not only mage players, but also players of other professions are paying attention.

All players have reached a consensus - the four golden IDs came to the Tucker civilization on the same day, and there must be major events happening in the Tucker civilization recently.

Everyone quickly set up a small bench, waiting to eat the big melon of the Tucker civilization!

"Emperor!" The Master Master came out immediately after coming, and nodded with the Emperor Skull with a smile on his face.

These professional players knew each other more or less in reality, so they wouldn't deliberately divide into groups and keep a distance.

Several teams soon merged together.

Emperor Skeleton took a look at the number of people, and nodded in satisfaction: "It seems that the three of you have spent a lot of money this time, and each family has an average of 300 people, plus the 500 people of the Black Skull in the Tak civilization, it is considered super. Team battle!"

A group of more than a thousand people is indeed a super group battle!

You must know that even if each player can only deal a minimum damage of 1 point when fighting a boss, more than a thousand people can deal more than a thousand points in one round of attack.

On average, more than a thousand blood points are lost per second, which is a terrifying amount for a boss of less than level 100.

Of course, the actual team battle cannot be calculated in this way. In the actual team battle, the congestion caused by the movement, the people killed by the boss, and the attack failure judgment caused by the level difference between the player and the boss must also be counted.

The actual output efficiency should be between 30-50% of the overall output.

But this can be regarded as an extremely terrifying amount, and players can continue to be resurrected to fill the vacancies that were killed.

Although in order to prevent players from using up high-level bosses through continuous resurrection, the game company has set a setting that the CD will increase after continuous death and resurrection within half an hour, but everyone can also have four times within half an hour. Effective resurrection.

Emperor Skeleton doesn't believe that a BOSS that is less than level 50 can kill his regiment more than four times!

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