Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter 73: The First Player Of The Sky Alliance

After hearing the sound, Chen Qing turned his head subconsciously, and saw a player with the ID "Wu" looking at him nervously.

Chen Qing couldn't help being curious, what kind of information could be exchanged between the player and himself, could it be the information from the rebels?

"What information?"

"Boss Chen Qing, there is information about you. Someone wants to harm you. If you promise me to teach me about magic, I will tell you." The player hesitated.

Chen Qing suddenly realized that this player wanted to hide his profession from himself.

But since it's information about me, and it's accompanied by dangerous information, of course Chen Qing wants to know, so Chen Qing nodded and said: "Don't worry, if the information is really about me and it's true, then I'll let you learn My knowledge of magic!"

After seeing Chen Qing nodding, "Wu" was overjoyed!

Many players now think of the fear of being dominated by the quest demon king when they talk about Chen Qing, so when they learn that clubs such as the Black Skull are going to be unfavorable to Chen Qing, even players who are in the same camp as Chen Qing think of the fear of being dominated by Chen Qing, Under certain circumstances, no one took the initiative to tell Chen Qing.

"Nothing" is also the scene where players gave way to Chen Qing today, and suddenly realized that Chen Qing might not know about the Black Skull Alliance.

He clearly felt that this was an opportunity to gain a hidden profession.

Sure enough, Chen Qing quickly agreed to his conditions, and while "Wu" was overjoyed, he also made a certain decision in his heart.

Surrounded by players, when he told Chen Qing about the Black Skull Club, it would definitely reach the ears of the Black Skull Club, which meant that once he told the story, he would most likely be hostile by the Black Skull. If you can join a club of the same level as Black Skull, you will not be targeted by Black Skull.

"Boss Chen Qing, someone from the rebel army wants to harm you!" Wu whispered.

After Chen Qing heard this sentence, she frowned and looked at "Wu". After seeing the serious expression on his face, she suddenly realized a certain possibility in her heart.

Some people on the rebel side wanted to harm him, which sounded like nonsense, and there were too many people on the rebel side who wanted to harm him.

But besides being half an NPC, Chen Qing is also half a player. If "Wu" said this to him out of a serious attitude, rather than trying to tease the NPC, then there must be another meaning.

In other words, the "people" on the rebel side are not NPCs, but players!

And "Wu" regards himself as a pure NPC, so naturally he won't directly say anything about the player.

Chen Qing understood it in his heart, and asked calmly: "The people who want to harm me are people like you, that is, people who suddenly came to the Tak civilization recently."

"Wu" was shocked when he heard Chen Qing's words. Few NPCs could realize the uniqueness of players, but this person named Chen Qing seemed to know that players were different from ordinary NPCs.

In his heart, the image of Chen Qing suddenly grew taller. This person will not be the protagonist of the future space war, right?

The protagonist-type bosses are also divided into levels. Some are only strong for a period of time, and may not have a sense of existence in the next version, but some can remain strong until the final version.

"None" once met an insider who claimed to be a game developer on the forum and said that the boss who has been strong until the final version will be more or less aware of the difference between the player and the NPC, as if his own thinking consciousness is not Controlled by the game is the same as left and right.

"Wu" suddenly felt as if he had discovered something terrible, and quickly replied: "Yes, it is people like us who want to harm you."

As soon as the words came out, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, and quickly added: "It's another group of people, not us!"

Chen Qing nodded, he didn't care about "Wu"'s slip of the tongue, he could understand what the player said.

If this news is true, then there must be some clubs that want to target him, and maybe even target Lei Ming together.

As for the reason, it must be that some clubs are eyeing the beheading rewards of their "protagonist bosses", and they are planning to strike first before they grow up.

Chen Qing couldn't help but secretly sneered.

As for his own club, he knew with his feet that it was the top clubs that had defected to the rebels, one Black Skull, one Starlight, these two must be inseparable.

As for whether there are other clubs involved, Chen Qing thinks there should be, but he can't directly ask "Wu" how many clubs there are. He is worried that if he really asks, "Wu" will be scared. Half dead!

"Then do you know exactly how many of them there are?" Chen Qing asked again in a low voice.

"Wu" thought for a while and said, "The exact number is not clear, but it should not be less than two thousand."

After finishing speaking, "Wu" glanced at Chen Qing anxiously, he was really worried that Chen Qing would ask questions like why you know so well.

But his worries are obviously superfluous, Chen Qing opposite him is not a pure NPC.

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes, two thousand people?

It's a lot of money, this group of people, a team battle of 2,000 people can be called a super team battle. To organize a team battle of this scale in Xinshou Village, the two clubs must have spent a lot of money.

But he wasn't very worried. If he encountered this situation before level 40, he might be overturned.

But after level 40, he unlocked many halo-type skills, just enough to deal with large-scale team battles.

What's more... Chen Qing glanced at the starry sky behemoth's talent skill [starry sky breath] lying on the panel.

We also hold back a big move, and then we can send a "big gift" to the clubs!

After sorting out the ins and outs of the matter, Chen Qing looked at "Wu" beside him.

Chen Qing was also an ordinary player without the cover of a club before playing professionally. He knew very well that "Wu" would probably be targeted by Black Skull if he told himself such a thing.

I silently recorded this favor in my heart.

"Drip... Chen Qing Favorability +100" A prompt popped up on Wu's panel, and before "Wu" could look happy, Chen Qing handed him a bunch of inconspicuous small necklaces with the words "Small" on it. Small "day" character.

This necklace is different from the necklace Chen Qing gave to Russell and others. It looks simpler. This is a standard necklace that Chen Qing asked a craftsman to make for players who are more pleasing to the eye.

Handing it to "Wu", Chen Qing said, "You should put away this necklace first. This is the certificate to join the Sky Alliance, and you will need it later."

"Wu" froze for a moment, and glanced at the necklace's introduction on the panel:

【Sky Alliance Necklace】

Introduction: A string of inconspicuous necklaces is the proof of joining the Sky Alliance.

Role: Become a junior member of the Sky Alliance.

Looking at the introduction of the necklace, "Wu" couldn't help showing a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Tianmeng? What kind of organization is this? Why is there no introduction of Tianmeng when looking at the background introduction of the game?

After seeing the confusion in "Wu"'s eyes, Chen Qing coughed lightly, haven't you heard it? It's normal if you haven't heard of it. The current number of Tianmeng is only 5 people... oh, 6 people including you!

After giving the necklace to "Wu", Chen Qing pondered for a while, and said to him under "Wu"'s expectant eyes: "It's not impossible for you to learn my magic knowledge, but I'll make it clear to you in advance , My magic inheritance is a little different from that of ordinary magicians..."

"Wu" heard this sentence, his eyes lit up immediately, it's not the same!

"Maybe it will be weaker than ordinary magicians in the early stage..."

"Wu" shook his head, you are lying to ghosts, just look at your performance in Donghuang Canyon, how weak is this hidden profession?

"You have to be mentally prepared..."

"Wu" nodded, I'm ready to reach the pinnacle of my life, come on! Hit me with a hidden job!

Seeing the disapproval in "Wu"'s eyes, Chen Qing knew that this guy probably didn't listen to his own words.

The ancient mage... is really weak in the early stage, my friend!


Sighing, Chen Qing gave up the idea of ​​persuading "Wu", and said quietly again:

"Then... I will fulfill you..."

"You go to the town of Mork..."

"Wu" heard the familiar opening, his body trembled involuntarily, and he looked at Chen Qing with big panicked eyes.

No way...Boss! Another day trip to Mok town?

We... probably didn't say anything wrong...

"Wu" wailed, didn't he have a good chat with Chen Qing? Why was he suddenly dumped by Chen Qing for a one-day trip to Mok Town? When is Chen Dakeng not cheating?

"There is a pond near the town of Mork... I will give you its coordinates later. When you get to this pond, you can... walk like this, and then you will find a hut in front of you. Go to the hut and find a man named Masok. Old man, tell him, I told you to find him!"

Chen Qing glanced at "Wu" strangely, why did he feel that this guy's face was getting darker and darker, and his whole body began to smell of salted fish.

This is not good, people who are too salty can't last until level 200 transformation.

This time, Chen Qing really wanted to give him a chance to become an ancient mage, but Chen Qing didn't like players always coming to him to hand in quests, and would have to pretend to be an NPC and chat awkwardly with players for a long time.

Very tired!

It's better to throw it directly to Masock, anyway, no matter which of the two of them gives the player a job change task, the effect will be the same.

"Drip...get the mission..."

At the same time, a task prompt popped up in the panel of "Nothing", and without even looking at the task, "Nothing" closed the task panel indifferently.

It's all the same anyway, isn't it just looking for a small water pool, just look for it.

But then again, what kind of birdman is this Masok? How do you live in a small pool?

"Wu" was full of indignation, rode on the inferior pony, and walked away without looking back.

Chen Qing looked at "Wu" who ran out of the barracks, and opened his mouth. Originally, he was going to tell him the secret of the mission, but who would have thought that this guy would run away without looking back in a heroic manner.

Alas, forget it, anyway, when he gets to Masok, he should be able to find that the task in the panel is not an errand task, but a real ancient mage's job-changing task!

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