Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Ninety-Three: Mission Demon King Online

"Chen Qing, where do we go to find so many high-level magic stones? I heard from His Majesty the emperor, it is estimated that not one thousand high-level magic stones is enough to support us to fly out of the Tak civilization."

As soon as he left the palace, Lei Ming complained helplessly.

High-grade magic stones are not high-end goods, even in Moha's shop, only intermediate-level magic stones are sold.

After several battles in the Tak civilization, no matter it is the magic crossbow, magic scroll, or magician’s supplies, the magic stone is needed, and the high-level magic stone is almost consumed.

Although high-level magic stones can be regenerated through magician empowerment, the cost of materials and the time cost of magicians are a big problem.

The production time will depend on the magician's production proficiency and his own level. Even for a level 70 magician, it takes about an hour and a half to empower the raw materials into a magic stone.

Chen Qing is stronger than a level 70 magician, but even he estimated that it would take an hour to make one, and Lei Ming beside him is a fighter, so he can't make high-level magic stones at all, and Chen Qing can make them all by himself. It is estimated that the year of the monkey and the month of the horse will be achieved.

Chen Qing looked relaxed. This matter is quite difficult for the aboriginal NPC, but for Chen Qing, it is easy!

Patting Lei Ming on the shoulder, Chen Qing summoned the horse and rode on it: "You go back and wait, I will go out for a walk by myself, don't worry, this matter is on me!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Qing patted his horse and ran out of Tucker City, ignoring Lei Ming's bewildered eyes.

On a certain road outside Tucker City, two players are rushing back to Tucker City to hand in the quest on an inferior pony. One player's ID is "drinking a pot of sake in the middle of the night", and the other player is called "Qing" .

These two players have not joined any clubs for the time being, so they can be regarded as idle players.

"Drinking a pot of sake in the middle of the night" suddenly saw a horse riding in front of him, running towards him.

"Huh? Isn't that Chen Qing?"

Chen Qing is now considered a celebrity among the players. Several videos of him in the faction war, including the videos of Tuan Mie Black Skull and others, have been flying all over the forums!

The two recognized Chen Qing from a long distance away, and immediately felt like meeting a celebrity.

To their surprise, after seeing the two of them, Chen Qing stopped beside them.

"It's great to meet you!" Chen Qing showed surprise on his face, and chatted with the two of them familiarly.

Seeing Chen Qing being so enthusiastic, "drinking a pot of sake in the middle of the night" didn't know why he had a bad feeling, so he couldn't help hesitating: "Chen Qing, what's wrong?"

The name of Chen Qing, the shadow of the tree, "Drinking a pot of sake in the middle of the night" does not forget how many players this "task devil" cried in the past, and how many people have cast a shadow on this game.

Seeing Chen Qing so close at this moment made his hair stand on end.

I saw Chen Qing sighed, and said slowly: "Recently, the Tak civilization has just experienced a few fierce battles. Now that the national power is short and the high-level magic stone is scarce, I don't know what to do. Can you two help me?" Find 10 high-level magic stones, and I will definitely repay you two."

As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, a task popped up in the panel of the two of them.

[E-level task] Help to find the magic stone

Quest Requirements: High Sorcerer's Stone: 0/5

Task reward: a string of Tianmeng necklaces, 2W experience.

Failure penalty: Chen Qing favorability -100, gold coins -10

(Note: This task is mandatory, if you do not accept the task, it will fail by default.)

Drinking a jug of sake in the middle of the night:  …


The two looked at each other.

I... just know! Seeing Chen Qing is really not a good thing! Can there be a mandatory mission here?

I saw Chen Qing's bravery on the battlefield before, and thought that this guy had changed his gender, but now...

Didn't there be a master who analyzed that as long as you don't provoke Chen Qing, he won't send you tasks?

Come out, great god, let the three of us have a good chat, and see if we don't beat you to death!

The two of them suddenly wept, and silently rode on their inferior pony and embarked on the road to search for the high-level magic stone.

In fact, the experience reward of this mission is barely acceptable for players with an average level of 30, and there is a string of necklaces with unknown functions as rewards, so it is not impossible for the two of them to receive them.

It's just that the cost of high-level magic stones is very high. The average cost of a piece of high-level magic stones is around 30 gold coins, and many magic shops do not sell high-level magic stones. It is not so easy to buy high-level magic stones.

The value of gold coins in the early stage is still relatively high for players. The two players who have not joined the club have a maximum deposit of 50 gold coins. Now they have to take out 150 gold coins all at once.

It feels like my body is being hollowed out!

After Chen Qing assigned tasks to the two players, he happily continued to look for the next lucky one.

The news that the "task devil" came back to the rivers and lakes was also posted on the forum by "drinking a pot of sake in the middle of the night", which immediately aroused the vigilance of the players.

"Fuck! Chen Qing is here! Run!" Several players were playing monsters leisurely, when suddenly one of the players saw a figure on a horse appearing in his sight from the corner of his eye.

After seeing who was coming, several players were so frightened that they lost their souls. They didn't even care about the mobs that died after only two or three hits, and hurriedly summoned the inferior pony to run away!

Chen Qing frowned when he saw the reactions of the few people.

Yo huh? Still want to run? no way!

Full level slow force field!

Don't even try to run away!

A few minutes later, several players stood in front of Chen Qing with mournful faces, with a heroic appearance.

"Pay attention to discipline. I understand everyone's desire to serve the country, but you still have to line up to receive tasks one by one! Come, come, one by one, everyone has a share!"

"Huh? The man at the back, yes, it's you! I always look around when I'm in line, and I feel like you can't wait? Well, I'll arrange a double share of the Philosopher's Stone for you. You don't have to thank me. I, Chen Qing, do good deeds." Never leave a name."

Seeing a group of players lined up honestly like chickens, Chen Qing nodded with satisfaction. This is the third round. If everyone receives the task of 5 high-level magic stones, then only 200 One player can easily complete this task.

Chen Qing knows it well, and he won't let the player fail to complete it. For the current players, 5 high-level magic stones can be obtained by biting their teeth. , Put some experience in, improve your proficiency, and soon you can make high-level magic stones by yourself, and the cost is even less than one-tenth of the magic stones on the market.

You see, not only can it provide players with a good opportunity to enter the Sky Alliance, but it can also urge players to improve themselves, killing two birds with one stone. How nice!

Now there are not many NPCs who care about players like me, Chen Qing thought.

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