Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter 95: Tianmeng's Classification System

"You are too dark, a necklace needs 50 high-level magic stones! I think it's worth 30 at most!"

"30? Why don't you grab it? 50 is the price of conscience, it can't be lower!"

"Then, let's take a step back, how about 40?"

"45! One price, whether you want it or not!"

"...That's OK! Deal!"

In Tucker City, early in the morning, Chen Qing and a player with the ID "Non-Chief" were haggling over the price with a blushing face and thick neck.

"Drip...get the mission."

[D-level task] Obtain the advanced magic stone

Task Reward: Sky Alliance Necklace (Advanced Edition), 10W Experience

Task conditions: 0/45 high-level magic stone

Failure penalty: Chen Qing favorability -100, gold coins -10

Seeing that 5 high-level magic stones were successfully chopped off, Fei Chief left contentedly to prepare 45 high-level magic stones.

Chen Qing looked a little unhappy, sitting in front of the booth and swearing at the non-chiefs, as if he was very dissatisfied with the behavior of bargaining.

But he was quite satisfied in his heart, he made a profit!

The price of this high-level magic stone is about 30 gold coins, and 45 high-level magic stones are 1350 gold coins, which is very profitable!

You must know that although the role of gold coins is not that great in the early stage, in the interstellar society, there are too many places to spend money, and even some job changes need to consume a lot of gold coins. The gold coins accumulated now can allow Chen Qing to enter the interstellar society. After the society is much better off!

In the past two days, Chen Qing successfully found a business opportunity in the Tianmeng necklace and asked craftsmen to help create different versions of the Tianmeng necklace.

Sky Alliance Necklace (Normal Edition): Become a first-level member of the Sky Alliance

Sky Alliance Necklace (Premium Version): Become a second-level member of the Sky Alliance

Sky Alliance Necklace (Extreme Edition): Become a third-level member of the Sky Alliance

Different versions of the necklace have different styles. The style of the regular version is simply a small pendant with the word "Heaven" engraved on it.

But the premium version and the supreme version are different. They are inlaid with various sparkling gems, especially the supreme version, which is full of diamonds. The design of the entire pendant is also very beautiful.

Even these two versions of the Sky Alliance necklace are more gorgeous than the Sky Alliance necklace worn by Chen Qing himself.

When Chen Qing saw the style of the supreme edition necklace made by the craftsman, he couldn't wait to shout: only 998, only 998, South African black pearl diamonds to take home!

So... the first round of street stall economy in Tucker City was driven by student Chen Qing.

If you want the advanced version of the Sky Alliance Necklace, you need to take a D-level mission and collect 50 advanced magic stones.

The supreme version is a C-level task, collecting 300 high-level magic stones.

5, 50, 300. The gap between the three is relatively large, which is intentional by Chen Qing. The higher the rank of the members of the Sky Alliance, the higher the threshold for joining.

Of course, there must be differences in the benefits that members of different levels will enjoy in the future, because the Sky Alliance has not yet formed, so Chen Qing does not know what specific benefits will be available, but job transfer knowledge, spaceship Basic benefits such as education, skills learning, etc. must be included.

Chen Qing initially divided the members of the Tianmeng into five levels, with the lowest level being the lowest level and the highest level being the fifth level.

As for the fourth and fifth levels, Chen Qing didn't plan to open up this time, and he didn't even plan to open up this threshold to the outside world in the future.

If you want to upgrade to level 4 or 5, you can only redeem these two levels by accumulating meritorious service by members of the internal third level.

Such a mechanism has two advantages.

First, it can help Chen Qing screen out the value of players. The higher the value, the more players dare to take on difficult tasks, and naturally they can obtain higher-level Sky Alliance permissions.

Like the previous "African Chieftain", he took on an advanced version of the task.

Chen Qing, a non-chief, knew that he was a top-level figure in a medium-sized club, and he was indeed capable of taking on advanced missions. He could collect all 45 high-level magic stones through the strength of the club.

And two people like Phantom God and Poison Rose accepted the task of the supreme version, 300 high-level magic stones.

The two didn't even negotiate the price, and just took it, which shows that the club behind them is enough to support the two to complete this task.

With different abilities and resources, the value of players will naturally be different. This is Chen Qing simply marking a level for this crop of leeks.

Second, this mechanism can bring players a sense of belonging. The higher the level of members, the sense of belonging to the Sky Alliance will definitely be different. If they can continue to get more favorable items from Chen Qing, of course no one is willing to leave Tianmeng!

Moreover, members of the fourth and fifth ranks can only be obtained through a large amount of merit accumulation. Before leaving the Tianmeng, such players will also think about whether to give up the merits they have accumulated with great difficulty.

This can greatly increase the cohesion of the members of the Sky Alliance!

Chen Qing happily checked the inventory in his panel. Yes, the market is very good. Up to now, there are more than 4,000 items for the normal version, more than 300 items for the advanced version, and only 7 items for the supreme version.

If all these tasks are settled, there will be about 3.7W high-level magic stones. With so many high-level magic stones, it is estimated that the Tucker royal family may not have many Chen Qing.

Of course, with so many demands for high-level magic stones, the magic shop would definitely not be able to satisfy them.

In the past two days, the magic shops in the Taco civilization were basically visited by the players, and the high-level magic stones that should have been sold out.

Advanced Sorcerer's Stone, out of stock!

The task was received, and the gold coins were sufficient, but the Philosopher's Stone was gone.

This is embarrassing.

But soon, some players discovered business opportunities from it, and they found tutors who were specialized in learning, and learned the expertise of empowerment.

The Empowerment Specialty can not only empower the Sorcerer's Stone, but also empower all kinds of weapons and equipment, so it is not considered a tasteless profession.

It's just that usually advanced magicians need to upgrade their proficiency to level 3 before they can perform empowerment.

So even if someone learns this specialty, there are still not many players who can reach the empowerment standard.

The high demand for advanced magic stones directly caused the price of advanced magic stones to soar all the way. From 50 gold coins at the beginning to 100 gold coins each, the price has directly doubled.

And correspondingly, the price of materials for making advanced magic stones has also risen sharply.

Chen Qing has driven the upgrade of the entire high-level magic stone industry chain of the Tucker civilization almost by himself, and even the NPCs have made a fortune by taking advantage of this opportunity.

"Collect a large number of advanced magic stones, as much as you can! 95 gold a piece, the price is beautiful!"

"I undertake the production business of high-end magic stones, and provide raw materials for 70 gold pieces, and those who do not provide raw materials, 100 gold pieces!"

Soon there were all kinds of players on the streets of Tucker City, either selling high-level magic stones or buying high-level magic stones. High-level magic stones became the hardest currency of Tak civilization. Some players just simply Wanting to complete the mission, some players became resellers of advanced magic stones themselves, and made a fortune with Chen Qing.

Chen Qing's eyes turned green when he saw that a player earned 95 gold and sold it for 98 gold, and sold a lot of it!

I'm hungry! !

Chen watched eagerly as his own leeks were cut off by other vendors, and his teeth itched with anger.

We... can't bear it, I have to let these people who cut up my leeks have to spit out how much they eat, Chen Qing thought secretly...

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