Looking at the dumbfounded medieval businessman, Chen Qing sneered.

You are the one who cheated!

This player named Medieval Merchant, Chen Qing, has been paying attention to him for a long time. He was the first person to drive up the price of high-grade magic stones, causing many players to spend nearly double the amount of magic stones that could be collected easily. Wrong money.

And all the wronged money went into the pockets of these profiteers, and Chen Qing had to take the blame for the key.

If I don't cheat you, who are you cheating on?

So Chen Qing casually made a simple design, making use of the medieval businessman's keen sense of business, and made a simple bureau.

As long as they stop releasing quests, players naturally don't need high-level magic stones. The 10,000 magic stones in the hands of medieval merchants are either rotten in their hands, or they can only be sold to NPCs for less than 50.

Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay!

Chen Qing ignored the expression of the medieval businessman who was about to cry, and pulled Lei Ming back to his residence.

Next, you just need to wait for the players to come over and complete the tasks one after another. With so many high-level magic stones, you can fly casually even if the distance is several times longer.

Five days later, after the last player handed Chen Qing 5 high-level magic stones, all the missions given by Chen Qing were considered complete.

Seeing that the time had come, Chen Qing went directly to the palace again to meet the emperor.

"Chen Aiqing collected all the high-level Philosopher's Stones so quickly, which is beyond my expectation. In this case, the two lovers will follow me!" Then he took Chen Qing and Lei Ming to the royal family's treasury.


The emperor opened a magic mechanism casually, and amidst the sound of stones rubbing against the ground, the treasury inside was revealed.

Chen Qing looked around, and his eyes turned green.

My god, there are so many good things about this emperor.

There are all kinds of weapons, armor, gems and spirit beads, which are randomly piled up in every corner of the warehouse like the cheapest stones.

Chen Qing picked up a bunch of the priceless top-grade magic stone alone.

Chen Qing is speechless, co-author Your Majesty does not have a high-level Sorcerer's Stone, not because of poverty, but because it is too bad to be put in the treasury?

However, as a small aircraft, it is really not suitable to use the top-grade magic stone, as it is easy to burn out the magic circle, and the emperor didn't hide it on purpose.

Soon Chen Qing and Lei Ming followed the emperor to a pavilion. After reaching the top floor, Chen Qing saw the legendary magic spaceship.

Chen Qing:...

This... If I remember Chen Qing correctly, it should be the joint magic spaceship made by Fat House Happy Water in the real world when it sponsored this game...

The entire hull of the boat looks like a huge can of Happy Water, with the can buckle on it and the logo on the fuselage are exactly the same.

In this kind of quaint and fragrant pavilion, Chen Qing saw a magic spaceship that looked like happy water in a fat house, and Chen Qing only felt that he had been hit by thunder and thunder...

This sense of disobedience...almost embarrassed Chen Qing to death.

Unscrupulous game dealers, real dogs, when will the emperor go out to practice? Twenty or thirty years ago, such an early historical background could place advertisements... Chen Qing vomited blood.

"Chen Aiqing, what's the matter? Is there anything strange about this magic spaceship? Speaking of this spaceship, it was the latest model at the time, and the price was very expensive. I bought it after being ruthless! Hey, when I was exploring civilizations outside , take this spaceship, anyone who sees it will have to praise me for being fashionable!" The emperor's eyes were shining, and he touched the spaceship lightly.

Hearing the extremely disobedient word "fashion" came out of the emperor's mouth again, Chen Qing almost spit out old blood, and complimented with a half smile and tears on his face: "Your Majesty has good eyesight!"

The emperor gave Chen Qing a strange look.

It's strange, ever since Chen Aiqing saw this spaceship, she couldn't speak well. Hey, maybe she was intimidated by the appearance of this spaceship, young man, I understand!

Not talking nonsense, the emperor said directly: "Now I have lent this magic spaceship to the two lovers, I hope that if the two lovers can achieve success in the future, don't forget that the Tak civilization has always been the hometown of the two! "

After hearing the emperor's words, Chen Qing and Lei Ming quickly suppressed their smiles and said solemnly, "Of course I won't forget my hometown!"

After seeing the two people responding, the emperor nodded in relief, then took out a long spear and a magic long sword from the storage space, and said to the two: "Take these two weapons, my love. , as a parting gift from me to the two of you!"

Chen Qing and Lei Ming quickly shook their heads: "We are already very satisfied if His Majesty can give my brother and me a magic spaceship. How dare you accept His Majesty's gift again!"

The emperor pretended to be serious and said: "I asked the two of you to accept it, and you two will accept it. Besides, I didn't give it to you for nothing. Maybe there will be things that need your help in the future."

Chen Qing asked curiously: "Is there anything your Majesty can do for you? Just ask!"

The emperor pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Alas... After these few battles, I suddenly felt that the Tak civilization is too conservative, and whether it should really integrate with the interstellar society... After a few days of thinking, I decided , it's time for the Tucker civilization to connect with the interstellar society..."

Chen Qing was stunned and said, "Your Majesty, what do you mean..."

The emperor nodded and said, "If the two lovers are in a higher civilization, please do one thing for me."

Taking a deep breath, the emperor slowly said: "I have already built a teleportation array in Tucker City. After the two of you arrive at the higher civilization, go to the higher civilization to help Tucker Civilization apply for the link of the teleportation array. After that ...and please use this space positioning stone to build a corresponding teleportation array for the Tak civilization."

After finishing speaking, the emperor took out another inconspicuous stone from the storage bag and handed it to Chen Qing.

This stone is the space positioning stone. Usually there is a main stone and a pair of two stones. There will be a connection across space between the main stone and the auxiliary stone. As long as the main and auxiliary stones are respectively set up in two places to form a teleportation array, The effect of mutual transmission can be achieved.

The emperor wants to connect the Tak civilization with the interstellar society this time!

Chen Qing silently took over the Space Positioning Stone.

How do you feel... Your Majesty the Emperor, being dominated by the system?

In the next version, players are about to enter the interstellar society, and as a result, you are immediately ready to build a transmission channel. I suspect that you are dominated by the system, Your Majesty!

But it's hard to say, it's possible that the emperor was stimulated by these two wars, and it's hard to say that he decided to open up the Tak civilization.

Now that they agreed to the emperor, Chen Qing and Lei Ming unceremoniously took the magic sword and spear into their pockets.

These two pieces of equipment are all blue equipment, and the quality is a level higher than the two used before.

The equipment in the multi-war world is divided into several levels: white, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gold, myth, etc., white equipment is the last, and myth is the strongest.

Of course, Chen Qing seems to have heard that there are higher equipment above mythology in his last life, but he has not come into contact with it at the level of a player.

The blue equipment is already considered very good equipment. Chen Qing's magic long sword can provide him with 20% armor-piercing effect, 20 points of intelligence and damage enhancement and other effects, and his combat power can also be slightly improved.

Afterwards, after the emperor and the two explained some basic things, Chen Qing and Lei Ming got on the fat house happy spacecraft under the emperor's signal.


After a sound of start-up sounded, the Fat House Happy spacecraft broke through the sky and flew towards the space.

When the spaceship took off, many players also saw this scene.

"Fuck! Look, the happy water in the fat house is flying in the sky!"

"??? Do you want to drink the fat house happy water? Are you hallucinating? Huh? Damn, it really is!"

"Is this ad placement? Why does it look like a spaceship?"

"It's a spaceship, look there are people on it!"

"Wow, really! The ones sitting on it are... how do you feel like Chen Qing and Lei Ming?"

After the players saw the magic spaceship sailing into the clouds, they discussed excitedly.

Chen Qing and Lei Ming really stepped into the interstellar society!

At this moment, a system message appeared on the panel of Chen Qing and the player at the same time: "Drip... The first player "Siruiqi Muzixin" has upgraded to level 40, and the system will shut down the server to update the version in half an hour. Players, please arrange the offline time reasonably, I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, please understand.”

(PS: The version of the Tucker civilization is over, and the interstellar society that I have been thinking about has finally ushered in! Not much to say, friends, let’s enjoy the interstellar society with me tomorrow!)

(Ps: py a new book when the new snow comes: "City: A New Occupation Randomly Every Time", students who like urban literature can go and read~)


The author has something to say:

Cough cough... Let me declare that this book is not finished yet, there are still stories below! Don't think it's over and give me one star on purpose, thank you all the judges. (bow)

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