Lin Hao is very satisfied with this hidden profession.

He continued to check the reward.

【Bone erosion】

Quality: Legendary

Effect: The debuff generated by the owner's attack, such as bone erosion, cannot be purified.

"It's... kind of cool!"

Lin Hao is overjoyed.

After the poison debuff is stacked, if it is purified by the enemy's skills.

That is equivalent to white stacking!

The erodible bone perfectly solves this problem.

Just don't be too cool!


"Ding! The fusion is successful."

Lin Hao felt that something strange flew into his body.

That moment.

A sense of mastery over the fate of others arises spontaneously.

at last.

Lin Hao's eyes fell on the reward of the single-player wolf hunting mission.

【The Whisper of the Wind】

Quality: Legendary

+100% Dexterity

Ability: Blink of the Wind

It can flash three times in any direction, and the flashing distance grows with the dexterity value. The interval between each flashing must be within two seconds. If it exceeds two seconds, it will enter a cooldown.

Cooldown: 60 seconds

"A pair of legendary quality shoes that doubles the dexterity attribute, and comes with continuous flashing!! And flashing distance or growth!!"

Lin Hao was overjoyed again.

Strength: Increases physical attack and basic attack damage.

Physical: Improve defense and health.

Dexterity: Increase movement speed, attack speed, and dodge.

Intelligence: Increases spell power and mana.

For mages.

Dexterity is an important stat to improve survivability.

runs fast.

Dodge high.

The probability of being hit is naturally reduced.

And free attribute points, Lin Hao absolutely can not waste other attributes other than intelligence.


It's all about intelligence!

Violent output is the best.

Lin Hao equips Qing Yin of the Wind.

Dexterity: 22→44

"Talent unlocked!"

Lin Hao shouted excitedly.

After the talent is unlocked, the formidable power of 'The Poison Doctor' will be greatly increased.

It's cool to think about!

"Ding! The talent unlock task has been released, please complete the task."

"Uh... After working for a long time, I still have to do the task?"

Lin Hao was a little speechless.

There is no need to do the job transfer task, but I didn't expect there is a talent unlocking task.

Check it out then.

[Talent Unlock]

Mission content: Own an orange suit.

Mission guide: With such a unique talent, how can you not even have an orange dress? Go to the newbie village weapon shop and ask the boss.

weapon shop.

"Boss, do you have orange French clothing for sale here?"

"Sir, this is just a novice village. The orange dress you mentioned is extremely rare. Even if our store has it, it is a treasure of the town store. How can it be sold to the outside world?"

The owner of the weapon shop replied with a smile.

Lin Hao is not surprised at all.

The grades of weapons and equipment, from low to high, are: white, green, blue, purple, orange, red, and gold.

Orange equipment is the limit of equipment dropped by monsters.

And red and gold.

Only in some special dungeons, there is a 1 in 1,000 chance to find it.


Orange equipment has almost become the benchmark for advanced equipment.

If you reach the God of War level.

There are also rare platinum equipment, purple gold equipment, black gold equipment and so on.

On top of this.

It is the legendary quality costume.


It's not that the legendary quality god equipment, the current additional attributes are stronger than other equipment.

Legendary-quality equipment is more of a rare attribute.

or proportional properties.

Such a feature may not be so amazing in the early stage.

But at a later stage.

The powerful attribute enhancement it exhibits.

is the most terrifying.

"Sure enough? The boss, do you have any news about the orange suit?"

"Sir, maybe you can ask Li Woodman at the eastern end of the village. I heard him mention the news of the orange French suit a few days ago."

Lin Hao smiled: "Thank you."

He wasn't surprised at all.

It is completely the task design of online games.

And there are related posts online.

Every poor apocalypse.

All through this quest, they obtained the first orange outfit in their life.

But it's too time consuming.

Those rich apocalypse will not waste time on this at all.

Now that he's here, Lin Hao naturally didn't leave empty-handed.

Killed so many monsters before.

Also killed the wolf king.

He obtained more than one hundred Apocalypse coins.

Buying something else might not be enough.

But it's not a problem to buy some new tricks.

Nine slots for equipment.

Except for the whisper of the wind, the torture and fragments of hell, the magician's code, and the primary staff.

There are five squares left.

Lin Hao bought five primary spell books with +20 spell damage in one go.

Spell bonus: 420→520

【Vicious Medical Treatment】

Damage: 1027

Healing: 1027

【Deadly Elixir】

Damage: 1365

【Diagnosis of good and evil】

Damage: 1740

Healing: 1365

【Master of life】

Damage: 2190

Healing: 2490

These values ​​are added with a 520 spell bonus and a 50% spell damage boost.

Greatly improved across the board.

If you count the passive stacking poison, there is also the torture of hell.

The power will be even more terrifying!

Especially the big move.

In the state of five layers of poison, I don't know how much damage it will explode.

Leave the weapon shop.

Lin Hao found Li Woodman, then chopped a bundle of firewood and gave it to the woodcutter who had injured legs and feet. After receiving guidance, he went to find Aunt Wang, whose man was not at home, and helped to fetch water. After receiving guidance, he found Chef Liu who was short of ingredients. ...

More than two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Hao finally completed those maddeningly tedious and damn tasks.

Village chief: "Hahaha...Young man, I have seen all your performance in the village. It's very good. You have gained the favor of all the villagers in this village."


"I have something very important to ask of you."

"Ding! Congratulations, you triggered the village chief's commission, do you accept it?"

The task prompt sounds.

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