Online Games: This Poison Doctor Is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 83 Control blood output! This operation is amazing!

Frozen snow!

The northernmost copy of Tianyin City.

want to enter here.

A team of five is required.

This is one of the entry conditions.

The other is.

There must be at least one teammate in the team who has reached level 80 or above, otherwise the system will judge that you are here to die and will not be allowed to enter.

Xuefei Lin is already level 83.

conditions are fully met.

It takes 50,000 ~ Apocalypse Coins to transfer from Tianyin City to the Frozen Snow dungeon.


And the chance of brushing the ice pet Tian-Jing in the frozen snow.

Only one in ten thousand.


If it's not for the battle pet.

Not many people are willing to come to this copy to brush the wild.

too expensive!

Not worth it.

"Is this frozen snow? It's so cold!

Wang Cong couldn't help shivering.

For the past two days, I have only been there to help Lin Hao sell equipment.

Neither he nor Yan Feng had time to level up.

Barely reached level 32.

"After entering the dungeon, I will try to bottom out the health bars of those wild monsters, and you will kill them yourself, so that the possibility of exploding the ice pet sky crystal will be higher.

Lin Hao explained.

He already has a hell pet.

If killed by him.

Those, the possibility of exploding the ice pet sky crystal will be very, very low.

It is estimated to be one in ten thousand!

This is the judgment of the Apocalypse system.

But Xue Qianqian and the others didn't have their own pets.

Killed by them.

The explosion rate can be as low as 1 in 10,000.


Every other Apocalypse can buy an ordinary pet in the pet shop in the city.

But few are willing to do that.

Ordinary pets do not add any abilities to their owners.

The growth limit itself is also very low.

Take the time to cultivate such pets.

Earnings are too low.

Unless it is really impossible to play high-level pets.

make such a choice.

"Brother doctor, you are so kind to us! Wang Cong looked grateful.

If it is his own words.

on the current level.

I can't even think about such a thing.

Frozen snow!

He and Yan Feng were not even qualified to teleport.

Unless you can group up to level 80 teammates.

But a level 80 apocalypse, who would pay attention to their two level 32 rookies?

Lin Hao smiled: "Let's go, enter the copy. 35

to oneself.

Lin Hao is not stingy.

【Snow Monster】

Level: 60

HP: 300000

I: 10000

Defense: 5000

"The first wave of wild monsters is coming. I will control the blood output. You are optimistic about the timing. Violent Bear, Gale, your two levels are too low, so you can directly use violent bombs."9

"The night of Qianxue, you are the same.

Although Xue Qianqian is already level 57.

But she is an ice-type shooter, and the damage is not very powerful against snow monsters that are also ice-type.


Lin Hao also asked Xue Qianqian to prepare violent bombs.

This is a powerful and explosive consumable.


But against monsters below level 100, the lethality is not bad.

It's just too expensive.


All four nodded.

At the same time, I couldn't help but look at Lin Hao one more time.

Control blood output!!

What kind of precise operation does this have to dare to say such a thing?

Lin Hao also stopped talking nonsense.

With the movement of his mind, he can control the passive activation, and he can easily control the damage of skills.

Including passive talent poison.

"Good and Evil Diagnosis!


Just a skill, the blood bars of those snow monsters bottomed out instantly.

All have only about 100 blood points left.

see this scene.

The hearts of the four people couldn't help but boil with a deep adoration.

Really accurate blood output!


No need to remind Lin Hao.

After Xue Qianqian and the other three came to their senses, they started throwing wild bombs at the snow monster.

As for Xue Feilin, she used a spell attack.


Xiao Yan cried out unhappily.

A look that really wants to rush up.

But Lin Hao's order came first.

It can only watch in place.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Boom! Boom! Boom...

One by one violent bombs exploded on the snow monster, or nearby.

Those snow monsters have low defense.

But the blood volume has bottomed out.

It simply cannot withstand such an explosion.

They fell to the ground.

The first wave of snow monsters ended, and the second wave appeared again.

Lin Hao glanced at the attributes of the second wave of snow monsters, and also carried out precise controllable strikes.

The task of harvesting was left to Xue Qianqian and others.

In a blink of an eye.

The harvest of ten waves of snow monsters is over.

Sure enough, there was no ice pet Tianjing, but only an ice spell skill book.

"Keep going.

Lin Hao took the lead and walked towards the depths of the ice and snow forest.

This copy comes before.

He has already checked.

There are a total of thirteen levels, and each level has 8 to 15 waves of wild monsters.

Can't get out of one pass.

Then clear all thirteen levels.

Still can't blow up.

........for flowers·

Then brush it again.

"Xiao Yan, go and attract monsters! 99


After receiving Lin Hao's order to attack, Xiao Yan shouted excitedly, then transformed into a hellfire armor on his body, and plunged into the ice and snow forest in front of him.

"Roar! 35



Xiao Yan's roar could be heard from time to time in the ice and snow forest.

Then there were more strange screams.

After two minutes.

Xiao Yan ran over with thousands of wild ice and snow monsters.

I saw the snow waves rolling in behind.

It was as if the entire icy forest was rioting.

"be ready!"

Lin Hao smiled.

Quickly check the HP and defense of those icy wild monsters.

Get started!

"Good and Evil Diagnosis!

"Good and Evil Diagnosis!"

Accurately control the damage of blood, so as to ensure that a large amount of wild monster's blood will bottom out under his attack.

Xue Feilin and others admired Lin Hao with all their might.

"Shoot! 35

Pieces of ice and snow wild monsters kept falling to the ground.

The experience points of Wang Cong and Gale Wind are even more like riding a rocket.

Climbing soaring.

The growth rate of Xue Qianqian and Xiaoyan is not slow.

But Lin Hao and Xuefeilin's are too slow.

Rao is so.

It's also faster than just brushing wild monsters outside.

"Hahaha... I broke out the ice pet Tianjing! Wang Cong was the first to laugh.

He excitedly held a crystal crystal like jade.

【Ice Pet Sky Crystal】

Quality: medium

Function: It can hatch random ice pets.

"Medium ice pet Tianjing, it's not bad, but our goal is to high-level ice pet Tianjing, continue to the next level. 55

Lin Hao can't despise a pet of this quality.

Use it for your brother.

Also too shabby.

Use it if you want.

If it is not a hell pet, it needs to trigger the corresponding task first, and it is possible to explode.

Lin Hao all wanted to take them to Hell Valley.

But no way.

To trigger the first task, Xue Qianqian and the others have to do it themselves.

Lin Hao can't help with this.


The frozen snow has become the best choice for farming pets in Tianyin City.


There are also other places where you can spawn pets.

But the quality is not as good as the frozen snow.

The third pass.

Nothing came out.

Fourth pass...

The fifth level...


Lin Hao took the four and kept moving forward.

And each level can achieve accurate blood output control.

This operation is simply divine! Enter.

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