Chapter 903

It takes time for a cannonball to fly.

It was Jiang Xiaoyu’s ability to predict, even if all the gunners avoided them as much as possible, it still didn’t help.

Jiang Xiaoyu glanced at it from a distance, then moved under his feet, came to the nearest shell, and resisted again.

The firepower is already insufficient, so this makes it even worse.

At this moment, the morale of the entire world guild was soaring.

Li Qianmo also saw the timing, and immediately roared again, “Brothers, work harder and sprint with all your strength!”

Everyone screamed, desperately pushing the siege ballista, forward.

Finally, two minutes later, the siege ballista in the first row reached the range.

Then they stopped.

The opponent has a magic crystal cannon, and the formation of these siege ballistas will naturally not be so dense.

The first row of siege ballistas stopped and did not hinder the passage behind them.

At this time, there were still two hundred and thirty-seven of the siege crossbows of the World Trade Union!

In less than four minutes, Qin Xiao’s magic crystal cannon blasted nearly two hundred of their siege crossbows.

But that’s it.

Two hundred and thirty-seven, but there were seventy-seven in this row.

What the opponent is after is the hit rate, so naturally he is going to the middle of the formation.

Therefore, the four rows of siege ballistas, the first row and the last row, have the highest retention rate.

Li Qianmo was also at the front line at this time.

Seventy-seven siege crossbows were deployed on the ground, and the first crossbow arrow had already been loaded long ago.

Li Qianmo gave an order, “Launch!”


Seventy-seven and the crossbow arrows immediately whizzed across the sky and blasted towards the city.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

Above the head of the city, there was an instant flying sand and rocks.

Of the twelve magic crystal cannons, eight of them were destroyed in the first time.

There is no comparability at all.

Soon, the second round of crossbow arrows was abandoned again.

The remaining four magic crystal cannons also came to an end.

Then, the remaining three rows of siege ballistas quickly reached their positions and started their firepower output.

But for a moment, the entire city wall was a piece of cake. Even the standing people are reluctant to mention other defensive measures.

Li Qianmo raised his eyebrows slightly.

Unexpectedly, Li Shang didn’t really prepare for any other follow-ups.

This was a bit beyond his expectation.

According to his estimation, in addition to the twelve magic crystal cannons, Qin Xiao’s command should have at least hundreds of siege crossbows.

Originally, he thought that Li Shang intended to stay until the last moment to come by surprise.

But now, on this city wall, it is impossible to erect a siege ballista at all.

However, on the city wall in front of him, it is impossible for him not to blast.

No matter what Li Shang’s plan is, he will continue with everything.

It didn’t take long for the entire city wall of Tuya Fortress to be shattered, and the city gate was also shattered. Lost any defense function.

When Li Qianmo was about to launch the horn of charge, he suddenly received news from Jiang Chengzi.

“Vice President, there is a situation!”

Li Qianmo was taken aback.

And at this moment, a scream of killing suddenly burst into the sky among the city gates in front.


“Death to the World’s Guild!”

“Kill kill kill!”


Everyone under Qin Xiao’s command rushed out and charged them.At this time, Jiang Chengzi continued to report the intelligence, “Vice President, there are more than 300,000 horses behind us, all in close combat, and they have come to us!”

All close combat?

Li Qianmo instantly understood that these people were completely behind.

It turned out that Li Shang’s plan was here.

He still wants to fight Li Qianmo short-handedly!

The price of abandoning a city wall is just to make Li Qianmo and the people of the World Association take it lightly and successfully complete the circumnavigation?

The tactics are pretty bold!

However, in this situation, Li Qinmo really couldn’t give up the results here and withdraw from the battlefield.

“Where did it come from?” Li Qianmo couldn’t help asking.

“Not sure,” Jiang Chengzi replied, “But it is highly likely that it came out of the mountain range before! There is probably a teleportation formation there!”

“Blame me, I didn’t check it carefully before.”

“Can’t blame you!” Li Qianmo smiled and comforted.

With such a large mountain range, with Jiang Chengzi’s manpower, it is impossible to arrange for someone to inspect it specially.

Later, Li Qianmo asked again: “How long is the distance?”

Jiang Chengzi: “There are still more than three thousand yards. If the fastest, you can reach the battlefield in less than five minutes?”

five minutes?


Li Qianmo’s eyes were calm, and he smiled slightly.

Immediately, began to give orders.

“Attention everyone, prepare for battle formation!”

“The siege crossbow continues to fire, focusing on attacking the arrow tower behind the city wall!”

“All the archers stay, relying on the siege ballista as a cover, shooting from a distance!”

“Other people, kill me!”

Immediately, all the players of the World Guild rushed out again.

The siege ballista was still roaring, falling towards the arrow tower behind the city wall one by one.

Since Li Shang dared to take such a big risk and sacrifice a city wall, how could he be embarrassed and not cooperate?

In this battle, Li Qianmo is going to break into the fortress!

Therefore, this arrow tower must be demolished!

At this time, the defense of the city wall was in vain.

After this burst of firepower, the wall at this time was already short.

It happened to reveal the arrow tower behind it.

Therefore, more than two hundred siege crossbows can be destroyed in a few rounds.

By the way, it also affected some buildings in the city.

Unfortunately, the siege crossbow is far inferior to the magic crystal cannon for attacking players, and it is difficult to work.

The siege crossbow is thinking about launching and falling through a parabola.

However, the crossbow bolt has no explosive effect, at most one or two players will be killed, which is meaningless.

Therefore, the player’s battlefield still needs to be determined by the player.

For a distance of four hundred yards, even for the slowest shield battle, it takes half a minute to sprint at full force.

Between the two sides, it was like two waves of tide, colliding together in an instant.

And the arrow rain behind the World Guild also appeared, leaning on the head of the enemy formation.

In an instant, countless white lights lit up, representing players one by one, and went to the cemetery to report.

After the second wave of arrow rain falls, the amount of white light that lights up is even more!

The third way, the fourth way…

Every arrow rain will bring up white light.

Li Qianmo, who watched this scene from a distance, smiled slightly, as if he had expected it.

Li Shang’s strategy really looked good. But it ignored the changes on the spot.

In a small city gate, so many people are squeezed out in an instant, how can there be a formation at all?

The two armies are facing each other, and the side with a bad formation is bound to be slaughtered!

On the ruined city wall, seeing this scene of Li Shang, the corner of his eyes twitched.

At this time, the speed of being killed was indeed somewhat unexpected.

However, it is still within the acceptable range.

It’s just a dead person, his battle was meant to pile up human lives!

Soon, the law and animal husbandry units in the back row will be in place to complete the formation.

At that time, stabilize the situation, wait another three to five minutes, and the players who have bypassed will arrive, and they will immediately control the situation!

At this time, obviously more than these two people can understand the situation.

The supreme naughty boy slashed a player in front of him with a sword, glanced at the front, and said, “I’m leaving now.”

Immediately, the two-headed red flame bird was summoned.

The shameless bastard behind him immediately said, “Wait for me.”

Also summoned a red flame bird.

“Are you sure?” The supreme naughty boy looked at him suspiciously!

“You are such a dish? Don’t die?”

“Wipe, you are cooking! Your whole family is cooking!” The shameless bastard went wild in an instant.

“Hehe, you have the ability to talk about it when you go to my house next time.”

The shameless bastard shut up immediately.

The home of the supreme naughty boy is the Galaxy Cluster studio!

The first studio of Tang Dynasty!

The Supreme Urchin did not bring all the flying pet teams.

This time, he was going around, and the danger was self-evident.

However, the battle situation was not as good as before, and it was necessary to take life to the point of consumption.

Therefore, he just went alone.

However, there were more than forty flying pets who followed him into the air.

There are several berserkers on every flying pet.

And these people, just ascended into the sky, swept forward more than two hundred yards, and then plunged again.

The flying unit on Qin Xiao’s side, seeing the Supreme Urchin lift off, also immediately lifted off.

However, they had just lifted off, and the supreme naughty boy had already fallen down again.

Leave them in mid-air, messy alone.

Fighting against the Guild of the World, Qin Xiao’s flying warfare tribe, can be said to be quite aggrieved.

Originally, they were more in number and had enough advantage

However, the supreme naughty boy and others never confronted them.

Each time, they directly attacked their back row.

But they couldn’t like the Supreme Naughty Boy and others, assaulting the back row of the World Guild.

Because the archers of the Guild of the World can teach them how to behave in one round of volley!

What’s more, at this time, there are more than two hundred siege crossbows in the back row of the World Guild!

The place where the supreme urchins fell was a large number of mages and priests, ready to catch up and make up the formation.

However, more than forty red flame birds, and more than a hundred berserkers, directly blocked them in front of them.

The berserkers rushed into the law and animal husbandry camps, and the ending can be imagined.

All the red flame birds flew at low altitude, spitting flames, preventing the mage from forming a fire to the highest urchins.

Berserkers such as the Supreme Naughty Boy are naturally raging crazily.

Of course, with just over a hundred people, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to kill all the mages and priests.

However, the purpose of the supreme naughty boy is not to kill.

It’s obstruction!

At this moment, if they block the footsteps of these laws and animal husbandry for a second, the front row soldiers under Qin Xiao’s command will die thousands more!

Therefore, even if he found the front row under Qin Xiao’s command and turned his head back to besie them, the Supreme Naughty Boy and others didn’t care at all.

The more people here, the more chaotic, the better!

After seeing this scene, Li Qianmo also brightened his eyes.

The action of the supreme urchin was not directed by him, but it was the most correct decision.However, Li Qianmo looked at the battlefield for a moment, and after a moment of thought, he immediately wrote a private message to the Supreme Naughty Boy, “Naughty boy, don’t die! Take the brothers and kill them back!”

The supreme urchin was taken aback.

Kill back? Then how to hinder the law and pastoral units from keeping up with the formation?

However, no one went back to question Li Qianmo’s instructions.

Including the supreme urchin!

The supreme naughty boy immediately took the brothers and began to shock back.

That is to say, the front row fighters of Qin Xiao’s army attacked.

On Li Qianmo’s side, he continued to order: “Ning Ren, Xiaoyu, boiling water, sleep for another summer, black light, dragon scales, together, charge in the direction of the urchin!”

“Other people cover!”

Before, Li Qianmo looked at that circle just to find these people.

And Li Qianmo was surprised to find that the best attackers of these guilds in the world are actually near the location of the highest urchin, and the corresponding location!

When these people heard the order, they all moved without hesitation and gathered together.

With Jiang Xiaoyu as the tip, like a sharp arrow, it stabbed in the direction of the supreme naughty boy.

And the supreme naughty boy, with more than a hundred brothers, launched a charge toward this side.

Before the two sides, separated by a distance of nearly a hundred yards, there were densely packed front row soldiers under Qin Xiao’s command.

“All the archers, all the mages, the position between the fire urchin and the little fish!”

Immediately, all the long-range firepower in this area could be reached in an instant, bursting out his most powerful output.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaoyu’s body was overwhelmed by magic and arrow rain.

But there is only this section in front of Jiang Xiaoyu.

Mages and archers are also limited by their shooting range.

Few people today can hit the side of the supreme naughty boy.

However, the first wave is not enough, and you can come to the second wave.

Under the endless firepower, Jiang Xiaoyu’s body was immediately emptied.

Even if there is a chance to survive, it will not be able to resist the output of the whirlpool and others.

Naturally, the World Guild could not easily let go of this difficult gap.

At this time, everyone understood Li Qianmo’s plan.

Only by opening a gap in the enemy’s front row and killing the brigade, their formation will no longer have the opportunity to complete it!

Jiang Xiaoyu and others rushed in instantly.

Behind him, he was immediately made up by other brothers.

Archers and wizards can naturally follow up some more.

Then, the second wave of firepower was sent up again.

After sleeping for another summer, boiling water, and dragons facing the abyss, they all rushed to the front of Jiang Xiaoyu and fought close to the enemy.

Even the black light finally ceased to be lazy at this time. It really turned into black light, constantly flickering in a small position.

Every time a shot is taken, a life will be harvested.

At this time, the firepower was the strongest, naturally, the whirlpool Ningren.

Really speaking of pure violence output, in addition to Jiang Feng, the whirlpool is invincible in the world!

On the opposite side, the supreme naughty boy was also in a siege and struggled forward.

All the red flame birds have been sent behind by them and used suicide attacks to prevent the wizards from gathering fire on them.

However, with more than forty Red Flame Birds, it will not last long to eat.

Between the two sides, the distance was narrowed little by little.

And Li Shang immediately understood how critical it was at this time.

Roared like crazy: “Stop them! Stop them for me!”

But at this moment, no matter how loudly you roar, it won’t help.

Both sides have used all their power!

Li Shang couldn’t help but hated once again, there was no elite power in his hand.

His tactics will cause such a big problem, isn’t it because he is too unfamiliar with these top combat powers?

This time, the same elites of the World Guild put him in such a critical situation.

After a minute and a second, Li Shang’s face gradually paled.

On the battlefield, there were already less than ten yards between the Supreme Urchin, Jiang Xiaoyu and others!

This distance is almost certain, and it is inevitable to get through!

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