Chapter 161 Passing Standards

When Jiang Feng appeared from the sneak, the golden warrior’s hollow eyes suddenly lit up with a golden light.

With a wave of the halberd in his hand, Jiang Feng’s vision around his body suddenly went dark.

The original golden desert world has become a hazy space full of blue-gray.

In the space, there are only two people.

Jiang Feng, and the Golden Warrior.

[System: You have entered the Samsara despair of the Golden Samurai. All displacement skills are blocked and cannot be used. The duration is 30 seconds. 】

Jiang Feng didn’t panic, he had anticipated this a long time ago.

The condition that triggers that inheritance is to persist in not dying for thirty seconds in this space.

After that, the golden warrior would change from a hatred state to a neutral state, and would no longer chase Jiang Feng.

If you insist here for 30 seconds, it means that you can’t be touched by the Golden Samurai.

A 35-level lord, even if Jiang Feng blocked it frontally, it was also a spike.

All movement skills were banned, only Movement Technique could be used by Jiang Feng.

This test requires Movement Technique.

Jiang Feng looked at the gold in front of him and ignored him, his eyes firm and confident.

bring it on!

Jiang Feng said silently from the bottom of his heart, and then turned on the state skills, raid!

Jiang Feng will come, naturally there is enough confidence.

Although Jiang Feng in the previous life passed this first level test at level 16, it triggered the inheritance.

But the Jiangfeng at that time, the movement speed attribute was not as good as the level 10 now.

The golden warrior, with a hollow body, could not make any sound. His figure flashed, suddenly jumped in front of Jiang Feng, his halberd pointed and pierced Jiang Feng’s chest.

Jiang Feng did not retreat, Samsara was in a desperate situation, only twenty yards in diameter, and there was not much room to retreat.

Jiang Feng twisted his waist, letting the halberd be too long, and at the same time his figure slashed forward, and when he passed by with the golden warrior, the Lihuo Sword was still on his body, wiping a spark.

Jiang Feng not only does not retreat, but also fights back.

Although, it can’t hurt.

Since what you want is Movement Technique, Jiang Feng will show the Movement Technique.

For more than two years in the previous life, Jiang Feng had nothing else, and only trained this melee skill.

In the previous life, when he first entered the game, he could pass the assessment. If the current Jiang Feng cannot pass, then he really doesn’t deserve to have this inheritance.

Just stepping away from Jin Jin ignoring the forward body, Jiang Feng’s own figure came to an abrupt end.

Before the golden warrior turned around, Jiang Feng flashed to the left side that Jin ignored like a ghost.

Just now, Jiang Feng rushed from the right side that Jin ignored, so the Golden Samurai naturally turned his head from the right side, swept the halberd, but swept away.

Jiang Feng was already standing safely behind the Golden Warrior.

The Golden Warrior waited for half a second before realizing the problem and looking back again.

But as soon as his shoulder moved, Jiang Feng judged the direction of his head turning.

It is the left side.

The wind follows the river like a shadow, as if stepping on the wind under his feet, lightly following the golden warrior’s footsteps, always fighting behind the golden warrior.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

The next moment, the Golden Samurai suddenly swept with the Euphorbia and directly pulled up a full circle, covering all the positions around the body.

Jiang Feng leaned back abruptly and made an iron bridge, and the euphorbia swept across Jiang Feng’s belly.

Immediately, Jiang Feng exerted force on his feet and supported the ground with his hands. The whole person jumped into the air, the golden hook hanging upside down, hanging upside down in the air.

However, before the Jiang Fengren landed, the golden samurai’s Euphorbia had already stabbed.

Being in the air, Jiang Feng twisted his body strangely, changing from hanging upside down to horizontal, and then he spun around.

At the same time, Lihuojian slashed the halberd across the body, and the whole person took advantage of the strength to fall towards the distance.

Just after landing, Jiang Feng immediately rolled on the spot, and then heard the sound of the halberd hitting the ground.

Ten seconds.

The halberd came again, Jiang Feng turned around and dodged, and his figure flashed past the golden samurai again.

Suddenly, the golden warrior turned backwards and hit the river wind with his halberd tail.

Jiang Feng was like rootless duckweed, his waist shrank back, letting him pass the blow, but then he stood up magically.

15 seconds.

The golden samurai’s halberd was up to the sky, slamming it against the wind.

Jiang Feng leaped back and easily escaped.

20 seconds.

The golden warrior forced the wind of the river to the corner, swept across with the halberd, covering all the space, seemingly exhausted.

With a flick of Jiang Feng’s left arm, a fiery red vine jumped out, grabbed the ground in the distance, and dragged Jiang Feng from the ground.

25 seconds.

Jiang Feng pointed to the ground from the fire sword, using the tip of the sword as a fulcrum, took advantage of his strength to fly into the air again, avoiding the attack of the Golden Warrior.

30 seconds.

The golden warrior, the euphorbia fell on the head, but Jiang Feng stood still, standing still.

However, when the Euphorbia touched Jiang Feng’s scalp, it suddenly stopped.

Time is up.

Afterwards, the blue-gray space dissipated, and the golden samurai stood there, his hollow pupils seemed to look at the wind of the river, and then turned around, walked back to the stone, and sat down again.

As if never moved.

Immediately afterwards, in the open space in front of the Golden Samurai, the yellow sand flowed upwards like a stream of water.

A light blue stone bead slowly emerged from the sand, floating in the air.

Afterwards, the light blue light above the stone beads diffused, and instantly enveloped the river breeze.

It was as if a light that was different from the light blue misty light blasted Jiang Feng’s body.

Then, in Jiang Feng’s ear, he thought of a mechanical voice.

[The grade does not exceed 10, qualified. 】

[The attribute amplitude exceeds 80%, and it is qualified. 】

[Movement speed exceeds 15, qualified. 】

[If the conditions are met, you are allowed to enter the Borno Trial Space. 】

After three consecutive mechanical electronic sounds, a light flashed in front of Jiang Feng, and the original yellow desert world disappeared before his eyes.

When he regained his vision, his eyes had already turned into a dark space.

Jiang Feng remembered the previous electronic sound, there are three indicators, all of which meet to finally enter this so-called trial space.

It’s just a trial space, an opportunity for inheritance, not the ultimate inheritance.

Jiang Feng felt a little scary after thinking about it.

Not to mention that the attribute amplitude exceeds 80%, which has eliminated more than 90% of the people.

Actually want the level not to exceed ten, but the movement speed must reach 15?

This is the most abnormal!

The moving speed in “Hero Origin” is harder to increase as you go up.

The character’s movement speed is composed of three parts: the basic movement speed, the movement speed of the attribute point bonus, and the equipment bonus.

Base movement speed + attribute point bonus. Before reaching 10, it is 1 agility and +0.2 movement speed.

After 10, it is 1 point agility, +0.1 movement speed, directly halved.

Jiang Feng now no longer adds to the movement speed. At least for a short time, he doesn’t need that much movement speed anymore.

The movement speed of the equipment bonus is also the more difficult it gets as you go up.

A first-level boot will also increase movement speed by at least 2 points.

But a level 10 boot can add 5 points of movement speed, which is already the best.

A 50-level boot is likely to increase movement speed by 10 points.

Adding these three conditions together, Jiang Feng couldn’t think of anyone other than himself that could achieve it.

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