Chapter XVIII The First Batch of Backbone

While watching the various god-tiers in the group, or various performances of pure mind or intrigue, Jiang Feng began to search for some information on the official website.

Slowly, someone in the group began to ask why Jiang Feng hadn’t appeared yet.

“What about Qingfeng god-tier? Why haven’t they come out yet?”

“Qingfeng god-tier, I shouldn’t come to test us personally.”

“Then someone has to come out. It’s been a while now, the number is almost broken.”

At this time, Jiang Feng also searched for what he wanted.

Subsequently, two pictures of shoulder armor were released in the group, only pictures, no information.

One is the expanded shoulder pad, and the other is the close-fitting shoulder pad.

Jiang Feng spoke in the group: “The two types of shoulder pads don’t need to consider enchanting, materials, etc., but only consider the type of armor. What is the difference in armor and movement speed, and how much is the difference?”

Many people were stunned by this question.

“Qingfeng god-tier, did you make a mistake? The defensive properties of leather armor come entirely from materials and enchantments. You can’t tell if you only look at the tool type.”

“Just so, the movement speed attribute of the shoulder pad is even more outrageous. The movement speed of the shoulder pad is almost entirely dependent on enchanting, and the effect of the tool type is also very small. There is no answer.”

“God-tier, are you fooled by someone? Who made such exam questions?”

“Yes, god-tier, although I am not a top cobbler, I have been a Life professional player for a long time. No one has ever calculated it like this.”

Everyone was complaining about Jiang Feng’s assessment method, but they didn’t want to. At this time, an ID that had never been seen before appeared.

Qingshan is not old!

“Externally expanded shoulder pads have higher armor. Regardless of other factors, this type of weapon can increase the upper limit of armor by about 1-5%;

If the speed is moving, the body shape is better. The influence of this device type on the speed is to reduce the wind resistance, but the influence value is almost certain, which can reach more than 5%. ”

At this point, the whole group fell silent for a while.

Then someone started to say, “What nonsense? If you don’t understand, you don’t understand, you have to pretend to be very cowhide!”

“Yes! The movement speed is 5% and I dare to say that the movement speed is not armor. It can be hundreds of thousands. The movement speed of the shoulder guard is usually only two or three points. How did you calculate the 5%? It is not 0.1. Can you figure out the error too?”

“That is, I don’t pretend to be a draft!…”

However, after Jiang Feng saw this place, his eyes were bright.

Jiang Feng himself didn’t understand these, but in his previous life, he had seen an interview with the Craftsman God.

The bookish craftsman god is actually more like an otaku. During the interview, he didn’t have the style and style that a craftsman should have, but rather restrained.

Only when it came to talking about own profession, the young craftsman god began to talk freely.

One of the issues I mentioned at the time was the subtle difference between the expanded shoulder pad and the close-fitting shoulder pad.

And the craftsman god said, and this green mountain is not old, almost the same.

Moreover, Qingshan is not old?

This ID Jiangfeng is a bit familiar, but can’t remember where he has seen it for a while.

“Actually, I think I also agree with what Brother Qingshan said. I also estimated this problem. Although there is no accurate data, it should be about the same as Brother Qingshan.”

At this moment, a guy named Fengchuan Panji suddenly appeared and said something pretentiously.

Immediately, many people were dumbfounded.

However, after Jiang Feng saw it, he rolled his eyes, and there were so many dramas.

This wind-blown panty chicken is also an undercover agent of a big guild, from the dark Wandering Xia.

Jiang Feng was sure that he was just following the trend, playing mystery and talking nonsense.

After froze for a while in the group, it was still the most active people who opened their mouths to break the embarrassment.

Killing Shen Jian: “Haha, Qingfeng god-tier, I don’t know anything, but I want to mix with you?!”

I am a sock: “Ibid.”

Kilimanjaro’s blood: “Ibid.”

I am a sock: “Fuck, upstairs you don’t even know who the Qingfeng god-tier is, so embarrassed to be the same as above!”

Kilimanjaro’s blood: “I just went to check it, it’s really worth mixing with him!”




“Bull beer!”

Jiang Feng glanced at the chat in the group, and he had some direction in his heart.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng sent another drawing to the group.

The content of the drawing is the one in the Borno world where the dry skin is softened, which is the second process of fur’s primary processing.

However, what Jiang Feng sent was just a screenshot, without any detailed information, only a rough idea.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng asked his second question, “Who can see what this drawing is for?”

The first question, what Jiang Feng wants is the research and learning ability of leather goods making.

If, at this stage, the research of leather goods can be brought to the point where the green hills are not old, it will definitely be the top cobbler in the future.

And the second question, what Jiang Feng wants is the degree of investment in leather production.

If he is willing to understand even the initial processing of fur, then this person is absolutely obsessed with the production of leather goods.

As a result, as soon as Jiang Feng’s question was asked, the two answers floated at the same time.

Qingshan is not old: “The softening of dry skin!”

Ye Xianyu: “The softening of dry skin!”

The answers of the two are exactly the same.

I am a sock: “Damn, can you two do it, you all learn to soften dry skin?”

Killing Shen Jian: “You are now, especially like when you finished the test and Xueba checked the answers.”

I am a sock: “…I thank you!”

Jiang Feng smiled slightly, it’s done!

It is enough surprise to find these two guys!

Qing Shan is not old, although Jiang Feng can’t remember who it is for the time being, but can give such an answer, Jiang Feng absolutely believes in his ability.

After all, Ye Xianyu didn’t answer the first question either.

And Ye Xianyu?

Jiang Feng can only say that it is worthy of the name.

Absolute craftsmanship.

Different from Qingshan Immortal, Jiang Feng guessed that Qingshan Immortal would go to understand the primary processing of fur. It is very likely that he would understand it only after calculating something.

But Ye Xianyu was different. This guy who looked like a salted fish had a paranoia in his bones.

For leather goods production, he is really dedicated!

Jiang Feng believes that if he and Qing Shan are not old to study together, they will collide with each other.

After that, Jiang Feng made a few polite words in the group, and after expressing his gratitude and apologies to everyone, he disbanded the group.

However, five friends were left behind.

Green hills are not old.

Leaf salted fish.

I am a sock.

Kill Shen Jian exclusively.

The blood of Kilimanjaro.

These five people are the first batch of backbones that Jiangfeng has invested in Life’s professional industry!

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