Chapter 60 Follow Me Like a Shadow

After rushing out of Moon Bay, Jiang Feng plunged into the nearest jungle.

Behind him, the moon witch’s furious roar: “Little thief, don’t run!”

There is no need to look back, Jiang Feng felt the skyrocketing power behind him, and the crimson energy swept the entire sky.

What Jiang Feng couldn’t see was that everything that the crimson energy around the moon witch would encounter would be destroyed and clean.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The moon witch in anger dropped crimson energy light balls, bombarding the earth frantically.

Jiang Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead as he ran.

Dammit, this is all out of Moon Bay, this girl is still chasing!


At this moment, there was another huge roar behind him, and a large piece of land behind Jiang Feng was directly hit by the Moon Witch and collapsed.

Jiang Feng’s face was ugly. He didn’t expect that this moonstone was so important to this moon witch.

Now this girl is crazy!

Jiang Feng could already feel that above his head, the entire sky was dimmed by a black cloud.

It was the crimson energy of the sky that had caught up with the wind of the river, covering the entire sky like a dark cloud.

That’s it! Jiang Feng felt cold in his heart.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng saw that it was the middle-aged thief who gave him the Thorn Bird badge at the gate of the Thieves Guild that day.

Jiang Feng was overjoyed. Sure enough, this task hadn’t become unreasonable yet, there were still other forces joining.

With this guy here, Jiang Feng should be fine.

“Master Jersey?” Jiang Feng asked uncertainly.

He is still not sure that this thief is the “Master of Jersey” in the middle-aged berserker’s mouth.

The middle-aged thief smiled and nodded, “It’s me.”

Above his head, there was the Moon Witch who went crazy and wanted to destroy the world, but this Jersey didn’t seem to take it to heart, his face was full of calmness and calmness.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you away.” Jersey said with a smile.

With his words, Jiang Feng was finally completely relieved.

But take him away?

How to bring it?

Seemingly knowing the doubts in Jiang Feng’s heart, Jersey said: “Wait, I will take a step forward. You follow me, don’t go wrong.”

Jiang Feng was taken aback, what kind of operation was this?

In his previous life, Jiang Feng had never heard of such a method by thieves.

However, doubts turned into doubts, since Master Jersey said so, Jiang Feng naturally followed suit.

After that, Jersey was just a yard in front of Jiang Feng and began to move forward slowly. The steps under his feet were a bit strange, but they were very agile and elegant.

Jiang Feng did not hesitate, and immediately followed Jersey’s movements, copying it step by step.

As he moved forward, Jersey looked back at random and nodded in satisfaction, “Yes, I learned very fast.”

After a pause, “Follow up, otherwise, your life will be lost, especially the parts of your bright moon night, you will also have to be taken back.”

Jiang Feng was shocked. On a bright moon night, does Jersey know about the bright moon night?

Does this thing need to be turned in as a task item?

Jiang Feng was still worried before that the item in this mission was actually a part of Mingyue Night, so whether he should hand it in or not.

Theoretically, if you don’t hand it in, the task is considered unfinished, but the official NPCs, NPC, shouldn’t snatch the player.

As for the inheritance of the night of the moon and the thorn bird, it is hard to say who is more important.

However, it now appears that this matter seems to have other turning points, and Jersey actually knows that this moonstone is a part of the night of the moon.

Could it be that he was deliberately asked to steal it?

However, Jiang Feng has no time to ask about this matter, because the pace at the feet of Jersey has become faster and faster, and Jiang Feng has become more and more struggling to follow.

In fact, there are only fourteen steps in this step, and it’s just repeated.

But Jersey speed Ascension is too fast!

Within two rounds, Jersey’s speed has broken through 15 and it will soon reach the maximum speed of Jiangfeng.

And just after that, Jiang Feng suddenly discovered that he had easily breakthrough his own maximum speed!


A system prompt sounded:

【System: Enter the state-like a shadow and follow you.

Follow the shadow: By following the shadow dance step, following another person who also performs the shadow dance step, both parties can enter the shadow follow-up state.

After entering the follow-up state, the follower can ignore the movement speed attribute and achieve the same movement speed as the follower. 】

Jiang Feng’s eyes widened, what a powerful dance!

I don’t know if all legendary thieves have this ability.

If it was, it would be terrible.

It seems that this ability seems very tasteless, because it only helps the weak.

However, Jiang Feng knew that even at the top professional stage, even if they were all legendary thieves, their abilities in all aspects were very different.

Especially moving speed.

The movement speed of the all-sensitive thief is about 30% higher than that of the control thief and the one-sword thief.

And this kind of dance step allows a Quan Min thief to move forward with a high output thief. In this case, if it is used for assassination, it is simply not too scary.

More importantly, this dance step can be performed in a stealth state.

No wonder that in the previous life, the last gang of Thorn Birds, when they were still high-level thieves, easily killed a legendary mage in seconds.

Under the cover of the jungle, the speed of Jersey and Jiang Feng increased, 20 yards, 30 yards, 40 yards…

Soon, the movement speed of the two broke through 50 yards per second, which was almost equivalent to the effect of Jiang Feng’s continuous use of wild power.

And at this terrifying speed, Jiang Feng’s also slowly broke away from the crimson energy envelope, running farther and farther.

After a short while, he was out of the range of the Moon Witch’s perception.

Master Jersey slowly slowed down and turned to Jiang Feng and said, “Okay, bring you here, my mission is completed. Uh, your mission is also completed.”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Feng received the system prompt:

[System: Congratulations, you have completed the task—Thorn Bird’s test, with a task completion rate of 95%.

Get rewards, experience points +15,000, gold coins +1.

Get extra rewards, light up the second skill of the thorn bird badge-shadow dance. 】

Jiang Feng is overjoyed, this shadow dance step is actually a reward for own!

Without rushing to take a closer look, Jiang Feng saluted Master Jersey: “Thank you, Master Jersey.”

“No thanks, you are the back of my choice, and the difficulty of this task, I don’t take action, you can’t complete it. Therefore, it is necessary to help you.”

After a pause, Master Jersey didn’t have the time to speak to Jiang Feng, and continued: “About the Moonstone, it was proposed by Master Yi and added to the assessment. It should be prepared for you. As for whether you can get it. ,see your performance.

Of course, you have it now.

Remember, on the night of the bright moon, you cannot wear it and appear within 10,000 yards of Moon Bay until the recovery is complete. Otherwise, the Moon Witch will rush out to find you. ”

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