Chapter Ninety

Hulan River Valley, as the most important resource secret realm at level 20, the credentials to enter are extremely important.

But so far, very few certificates have been issued in the Hulan River Valley. When Jiang Feng was in the Tauren Canyon, he was lucky to get one.

Then, in “Overture of the Dead”, Jiang Feng chose this humble Hulan Stone for his brothers among the many rewards.

But even so, it’s not enough—no shameless bastard.

I believe that the major guilds have very few brushes currently.

Because the Hulan River Valley is a level 20 secret realm, but its entry voucher, Hulan Stone, is only a level 25 map to explode.

Moreover, it is still a specific level 25 map, Blue Valley.

You know, don’t look at the Supreme Naughty Boys who are looking at level 25 maps as if they are playing, but at this stage, it is absolutely rare that they can really leapfrog level 25 maps.

Even with this strength, there are so many level 25 maps, how can it be so coincidental that you have found the Blue Valley?

Others didn’t know in advance that the Blue Valley would explode the Hulan Stone. There is no such information on the official website.

However, Jiang Feng knew.

The memory of Jiang Feng’s previous life is his greatest wealth, which allows him to always be ahead of others.

There are supreme urchins and they go to clean the blue valley. The Hulan Stone of the World Guild is definitely the most full service.

At that time, regardless of whether you belong to the Longsheng Consortium or the Battle Soul Tribe, even the Twilight of the Gods will be useless.

Without Hulan Stone, you cannot enter the secret realm.

Whoever has more Hulan stones, who speaks loudly.

Moreover, the current masters of the World Guild are not just the six supreme urchins.

Regardless of the more than 30,000 people who voluntarily joined the World Association, a few masters have to be found, like Jiang Chengzi and Liu Bai under the moon.

Jiang Feng himself and the people who arranged for Li Qianmo to invite were all top-level players.

For example, the four of White Crescent, Leng Feng Jue Sword, Xiao Chong, and Ninth-level Che Zhen, joined the World Guild shortly after meeting Jiang Feng yesterday.

Moreover, listening to Li Qinmo said that his few partners who were originally not strong enough actually performed supernormally and all passed the test.

It seems that meeting Jiang Feng once has a great motivational effect on them.

The four White Crescents also got the elite contract from Li Qianmo, and signed them without much hesitation.

In addition, for the list that Jiang Feng gave to Li Qinmo yesterday, Li Qinmo was also on the forum during the day and sent them email invitations one by one.

At present, some have replied, and some have not.

But those who replied were very satisfied with the elite contract of the World Association.

It has only been more than four hours since it was online today, and Li Qianmo has already issued a 13-point elite contract.

Moreover, there are many players who are still growing although they have received invitations, Li Qianmo did not rush to give out contracts.

With these people, there are even more.

These people will be able to promote the existence of legendary professions in the future!

With them, Jiang Feng believes that the future of the World Association will inevitably be magnificent.

After Jiang Feng arranged for the Supreme Urchin to go to the Blue Valley, he himself still rushed in the Borno Dunes.

Ever since he was trapped in Borno World, Jiang Feng’s level has been somewhat shabby.

Don’t mention the comparison with the people on the ranking list. Even the average level of the first-line players, Jiang Feng has always been two third-level.

As a result, many people have forgotten the time to be ruled by Jiang Feng.At that time, even the killer fairy tale with a wild magic weapon could only rank second.

The dunes of Borno.

Cut with a knife!

Jiang Feng dodges the sand soldier’s halberd, and Sword Qi erupts and hits the sand soldier on the back. It happens to clear the sand soldier’s blood volume and beat the sand soldier into a piece of yellow sand.

And then, another Sand Soldier who was awakened by Jiang Feng before happened to arrive, got up, and continued to be brushed by Jiang Feng.

If the supreme naughty boy saw this scene, he would feel very familiar.

Once Jiang Feng came into the wild, it was like a precision machine, mechanical, and efficient.

Outside the wilderness, a group of players from the Guild of the World were scrambling for the monsters. The leader, surprisingly, in the first battle against the Tang and Song dynasties, behaved as if Jiang Feng and Li Qianmo were both a little amazing.

Everyone was brushing, and Liu Bai suddenly whispered, “Huh~?”

“What’s wrong?” everyone asked.

Yuexia Liu Bai said with some doubts: “We will grow up, it seems to be a break through.”

“What’s so strange about the promotion of the president?” everyone laughed.

Among them, a thief named Yuhuo gave him a roll of eyes, “Our president upgrades, isn’t that a matter of minutes? Do you think the president’s swordsman is like you?”

“Damn…” Liu Bai felt bitter at the end of the moon when he was bitten by his brother.

However, he didn’t get entangled with Yuhuo, and explained: “It’s not that, but, the guild leader has been upgraded so fast. Not long ago, he had just risen to level 16 and now he is level 17!”

“You are wrong, isn’t the president already level 16?” said a pastor who called Hua Qianyuexia.

“No, you forgot? The guild leader died with us once. We fell to level 15 before, and we just started to level up today.” Yuexia Liu Bai said.

“Damn, really!” Yu Huo looked at the level of Jiang Feng in the guild, and said in surprise: “This is too fast!”

After a pause, Yu Huo continued: “However, how come you know so quickly? If you pay attention to the president so much, isn’t it a crush on the president, right?”

Everyone immediately laughed.

However, it is true that Jiang Feng is now on the ranking list, behind hundreds of thousands.

Under normal circumstances, it is really difficult to find changes in Jiangfeng’s level.

Yuexia Liubai curled his mouth, “What do you know? When the president was first on the ranking list, I already followed the president on the ranking list. After just a while, I have been constantly receiving system prompts, the president In the ranking list, how many places Ascension has gotten!”

When she said this, Yuexia Liubai’s face was full of pride, as if she was proud, and the time for herself to be in Jiangfeng was earlier than the others here.

Yuhuo rolled his eyes directly, “Okay, the guild leader’s ability is not comparable to us, maybe, I believe the guild leader directly broke the rank list today, hurry up and practice our own level!”

“Yes, leveling and leveling!”

Sunset mountains, Qixia Mountain.

As usual, Pingbu Qingyun led the elite team to practice levels here.

To be honest, Pingbu Qingyun can definitely be regarded as a diligent guild leader. When leveling and clearing the wild, he has almost never been lazy, hiding from the experience of others.

This is extremely difficult for a shield fighter. Because the shield warrior is often the most tiring one in the team.

Even the ordinary congregation will definitely have time to go on a small business trip. But as the leader of the guild, T, Pingbu Qingyun almost only has time, and he will definitely devote himself to it.

And today, because Jiang Feng’s trouble was resolved smoothly, his mood is also very good.

Li Hua told him that Jiang Shang Qingfeng promised to stop for a few months. Although I didn’t say it clearly, but this period of disappearance for a few months, it should also include, no longer flattering him.

For Pingbu Qingyun, this is simply a great gospel!

Even more than Jiang Feng stopped hunting other congregations in the Tang and Song dynasties.

Although it doesn’t seem to be said on the surface, in Ping Bu Qingyun’s heart, Jiang Feng is a large shadow that has been hanging in his heart.

And just as Qingyun was working hard to carry the monster, he suddenly heard a message from the system:

[System: The player you pay attention to, Jiangshang Qingfeng has reached level 17. 】

The steady pace was taken aback for a moment.

Like Yuexia Liubai, Pingbu Qingyun also paid attention to Jiang Feng. However, he was paying attention when Jiang Feng’s level was stagnant.

Moreover, he is only concerned about Jiangfeng’s grade Ascension, not ranking Ascension.

At that time, he was killed by Jiang Feng so that he could only escape off the line, and then after hearing that Jiang Feng’s level had stagnated, he happily returned to the line, leading the Tang and Song dynasties to level up frantically.

At that time, he was sure that as long as the level could completely crush the Jiang Feng, no matter how strong the Jiang Feng was, he would not be able to turn it over.

Therefore, he paid attention to Jiang Feng.

Before, when he heard Jiang Feng suddenly rise to level 16, he didn’t feel anything.

I just felt that Jiang Feng really gave up hunting the Tang and Song Dynasty and himself, just like Li Hua said, and went to leveling with peace of mind.

But then, just over an hour later, the system reminded him again that Jiang Feng’s level had reached level 17!

Qingyun’s face turned green in an instant.

More than an hour, get up to first-level? !

What’s this special, how about playing?

These elite groups of the Tang and Song dynasties, forming a group to fight monsters, took an average of more than a day to advance to first-level.

Why can you be promoted to first-level in an hour?

The original good mood immediately fell to the bottom.

Although Jiang Feng will not trouble him for the time being, Ping Bu Qingyun is also very upset to see Jiang Feng’s Ascension himself so fast.

Moreover, Pingbu Qingyun had already faintly felt that once Jiang Feng took the time to start leveling and Ascension himself, that might be something he was more reluctant to face.

Pingbu Qingyun could only pray secretly in his heart, maybe Jiang Feng just submitted a certain task at a time, or certain tasks with relatively rich experience rewards, so that the level of Ascension was so fierce.

However, within two hours, Pingbu Qingyun heard a system prompt again;

[System: The player you pay attention to, Jiangshang Qingfeng, the level of Ascension has reached 18. 】

Qing Yun’s face looked ugly again in an instant.

At the same time, a post appeared on the forum: [After two weeks, Qingfeng god-tier started to level again! 】

In the post, before Jiang Feng, the third-level content was continuously flushed for a few hours.

Those who paid attention to Jiang Feng were not just the two of Yuexia Liubai and Qingyun walking peacefully!

Just like now, as soon as the post was posted, it immediately resonated with many people.

“I also received the prompt, too strong!”

“Qingfeng god-tier is awesome, level or something, just go for it!”

“Qingfeng god-tier, come on, get to the top of the rank!”

By this time, within the World Guild, it was natural that Jiang Feng was rushing to the ranks.

Immediately ran to this post to fill in water, so the official had to add precision to this post.

Soon, more and more people appeared in the post.”Damn, is this real? An hour first-level? It’s a lie?”

“Do you have money to lie to you? Really, Qingfeng god-tier is really so awesome.”

“Fuck, Jiang Shang Qingfeng won’t go directly to level 20 today, right?”

“It’s a bit difficult. The experience wall from level 19 to level 20 requires too much experience. It took two days for the killer fairy tale to break through.”

“But Killer Fairy Tales, it took nearly a day to reach other levels. The fresh breeze on the river is measured in hours.”

“Qingfeng god-tier is awesome, work to level 20!”

“Chill breeze, god-tier, come on!”

The people on the forum actually felt like they had returned to the ranking list when Jiang Feng ruled.

The ID of Jiangshang Qingfeng entered the public eye for the first time. On the first day of the game, when each main city was ranked first, Jiangfeng crushed various god-tiers on the ranking list.

At that time, Carolan was second in rank, and the killer fairy tale was pulled two and a half levels.

The city of the firmament ranks second, and the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties are even more directly ranked third-level.

Moreover, thinking about it this way, on the first day of Jiangfeng’s game, the level was already close to level 6, but before today, it was only level 16, which is also interesting.

Just like on the first day of the game, everyone was speculating whether Jiangfeng could reach level 6. Now the forums are discussing whether Jiangfeng will break through the level 20 mark.

Some people have even opened a handicap on the forum.

In the Borno Dunes, Jiang Feng emptied the blood bar of a sand soldier again, gaining a lot of experience.

At the same time, waiting for the arrival of the next sand soldier.

But after waiting for a while, it was discovered that the expected sand soldiers did not arrive as expected.

Um? Jiang Feng frowned.

As usual before, when this sand soldier was about to be killed, he shot an arrow at another sand soldier not far away.

Logically, the sand soldier should have been attracted.

Jiang Feng turned his head and found that the sand soldier shot by Jiang Feng had not been awakened, and was still in a “sand sculpture” state, with the refined iron arrow still stuck in its body.

Jiang Feng was slightly surprised, and then remembered: Elite monster!

For a long time, Jiang Feng hadn’t used this map for a long time in his previous life, so he had forgotten the situation of the elite monsters here.

The elite monsters here need to be attacked three times in succession before they can be awakened.

Now that an iron arrow failed to awaken the sand soldier, Jiang Feng remembered.

The sand soldier of the elite monster is not only stronger in all aspects, but also has two extremely difficult skills to deal with. It is not like other ordinary sand soldiers, which is very suitable for the current Jiangfeng to brush.

In other words, the current Jiang Feng is quite dangerous to deal with this elite monster.

Therefore, Jiang Feng hesitated.

The most important thing is that it doesn’t help Jiang Feng’s leveling.

Jiang Feng is now completely free to put this thing aside, and come to clean it up when he is free in the future.

At the current level, it is impossible for anyone to come and snatch Jiang Feng’s monster.

However, Jiang Feng is always eager to try.

The ordinary sand soldiers who have been fighting for so long, even Jiang Feng, are already a little impatient.

That was too boring for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng hesitated for a while, then made a decision, go!

The big deal, just drop the first-level. That is, two or three hours of delay.

Determined to be certain, Jiang Feng raised his hand with two arrows, and shot at the elite sand soldier.

PS: Thank you book friend 8g1wj81kd for your reward!

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