Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Seven

Jiang Feng did not relax at all, his brows were still frowned, and he looked very worried.

The team quickly reorganized and began to output saber-toothed tigers.

It didn’t take long for the saber-toothed tiger’s blood volume to bottom out.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng received news from Jiang Chengzi again: “Boss, Nanshan, Tiger, and Qianxing’s team are all in trouble!”

After a pause, Jiang Chengzi added: “It’s the same situation as Long Lin!”

Jiang Feng raised his brows and said, “I see!”

Afterwards, Jiang Feng issued a series of instructions in the guild chat channel.

After that, the swordsmen in each team began to leave the team and formed a team of hundred swordsmen.

Most of them came towards the right front that Jiang Feng was in charge of. The rest is scattered among the remaining fronts.

Swordsmen, even swordsmen of the World Guild, are still a disadvantaged group when spawning monsters.

Therefore, their departure does not have much impact on spawning monsters.

As a scout, more than 20,000 swordsmen sprinkled and directly covered the entire front!

In addition, the elites of many guilds also retired one after another and came quietly to the right.

However, Jiang Feng disappeared from everyone’s vision.

After that, many thieves will still come out to make trouble.

Even more than 20,000 swordsmen, almost covering the entire front, can even reach the point of five steps one person.

But there are still some thieves with special means that can forcefully surpass the blockade of these swordsmen.

However, at this time, all teams have been prepared.

At the very least, each team strictly guarantees that the hatred value of the deputy T is kept within the effective range.

For a time, the number of affected teams plummeted.

On the contrary, any thieves who take action will receive the thunderous encirclement of the elites of the Guild of the World!

Subsequently, the guild activities proceeded as usual.

It seems that the entire guild did not take this small episode to heart.

And at this moment, behind the front.

In a jungle map that had been emptied, Bu Feiyan wanted to watch the formation of the Guild under the Heavens, and exclaimed: “Awesome, he didn’t take us seriously.”

Dark Wandering Xia stood beside him with a smile, “No way, now people are creating a bloody guild “personal design”!”

Bu Feiyan smiled faintly: “But you have to say, people are successful! They are much better than us!”

Darkness Wandering Xia nodded when he heard such words, “Hmm, it is.”

“Well,” Bu Feiyan said lightly with bright eyes, “Let’s get started.”

On the left side of the front of the World Guild.

On this front, the number of swordsman scouts will be much smaller. It’s about a dozen yards, and there is only one person.

Most of the swordsmen have been transferred to the one-third of the battle line on the right.

But at this moment, a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded: “Slot, there is a thief!”

A thief suddenly appeared behind a team, cut directly into the side of a priest, and instantly controlled it.

“Everyone, be careful!”

But immediately, hundreds of black shadows appeared at the back of this team at the same time, slaying against these fragile wizards.

“Slot! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

“Everyone flash!”

“Captain, enemy attack!”

A group of mages instantly went into chaos.

There is no way, the thieves are the nemesis of the mage. Few mages can do it. The thieves suddenly get close to each other without being shocked.

What’s more, now, hundreds of thieves suddenly appeared behind him!

And when many mages were in a panic, more than twenty elemental mages in the team flashed forward at the same time and appeared directly in front of many thieves.

Then, at the same time, resist the ring of fire!

More than 20 rings of resistance fire, directly connected into a line, indiscriminately pushing all the thieves out to three yards.

Then, these wizards waved their staffs one after another, one by one with the earth wall technique and the ground thorn, standing up in front of them, blocking the path of these thieves.

At the same time, the team leader began to command, “Don’t panic, everyone! The shield warriors continued to fight the monsters, and the priest followed the shield war.

All elemental wizards, directly behind, extreme distance, earth wall art, extreme distance, ground thorn…

Holy Word Mage, Illumination at the back, Binding of Light…


With command, these players are also very powerful, and they can join the guild of the world, at least their operational strength, among all players, is upstream.

Facing the thief, staggering the initial panic, he quickly recovered his state.

Can the mage not fight against thieves?

Of course it can, but it’s really not easy to play.

And a group of mages face a group of thieves, is it hard to fight?

It’s not easy to fight!

But, it’s not that difficult to play.

The game is a group game. In a team composed of a single profession, the increase in mages must far exceed that of thieves.

Thieves are born solo professions.

The greater the number of mages, the more terrifying.

Just like at this time, more than twenty resisting rings of fire stopped hundreds of thieves for a second.

Then, in the middle of the battlefield, hundreds of dirt walls, hundreds of ground thorns, and countless control magics were erected in an instant.

The slowdown caused by ice magic alone was enough for these thieves to suffer.

Then, it was the overwhelming killing magic.

It is very extreme for the thieves to fight the mage.

If there were no more than 20 rings of fire resistance at the beginning, and these hundreds of thieves had slammed into the formation of these mages, it would be a one-sided slaughter.

Those fancy control and restriction magic are also difficult to effectively release.

But now in this situation, these thieves can only pay for the speed of the wind.

It may not be able to run away.

As for the first twenty-odd wizards?

Naturally, Jiang Feng and Li Qianmo had arranged it a long time ago.

If the Longsheng Consortium is so obvious that the tiger is moving away from the mountain, and Jiang Feng can’t see it, then there is no need to play.

It’s not just these twenty-odd masters.

At the same time, no fewer than fifty teams were all performing this scene.

In some teams, they rely on elemental wizards to resist the ring of fire, some rely on powerful pets, some rely on special scrolls, and some are secretly in the mages camp with a large number of thieves hidden…

Since Da Jiangfeng issued the first order in the guild channel, there have been more and more detailed orders, which were passed on in secret.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the order is not necessary, and it must be issued in the guild chat.

It was just for the guild spies to see it.

And everything in the dark, it can be said, came from Li Qianmo!

Since the plan is to be calculated, it is of course necessary to ensure that the arrangement is reliable enough.

At the same time, we must ensure that they have enough strength to cope with sneak attacks.

It has to be deployed in a short time. No one can do this except Li Qianmo.

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