Chapter 569: Seven Thieves

(Chapter 1 to)

“Hey, let me tell you, if you dare to drag me away with the fire cloud vine, daddy will never go! Did you hear that?” The Killer Fairy screamed viciously while running towards the wall on the left side of the fortress. .

Jiang Feng ignored him, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

After a while, “Um, what do you take, you slow down…”

Jiang Feng couldn’t help but glanced back at him, “You can’t keep up with the speed of 30?”

The killer fairy tale couldn’t help being angry, “It’s only 30 speed? Only a few people in the special full server can move speed up to 30? Daddy is not a Quanmin thief, is Daddy a fighting thief, okay?”

Jiang Feng curled his lips directly, “You are a fart fighting thief!”

However, the speed has not increased any more.

Coming to the bottom of the mountain wall, Jiang Feng’s figure dashed directly at the top of the mountain wall.

“Hey, there really is a way here!” The Killer Fairy Tale came to the front and couldn’t help wondering.

On the mountain wall between, there are actually small holes connected in a line, which can be used as a foothold.

At this time, Jiang Feng stepped on these small holes and kept climbing up.

The killer fairy tale no longer hesitated, and quickly followed.

“Hey, there is such a road here, are you sure that no outsider knows it?” The Killer Fairy Tale couldn’t help asking.

Such a channel, if known by the dark night Chenxiang people, without even thinking about it, it would definitely be a big and troublesome one.

Jiang Feng said solemnly: “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about it.”

The killer fairy tale was taken aback, and then exclaimed: “Are you fishing?!”

Jiang Feng gave him a white look.

The killer fairy tale shut up.

This section of “steps” led to a low-lying part of the mountain wall, and the two quickly rushed up.

After coming up, the Killer Fairy tale noticed that there was still a person waiting on it.

It is the tricky blade!

This guy’s way of assassin almost ignores the barriers of any terrain, even the killer fairy tale can’t help but envy it.

Gui Jian met Jiang Feng and said nothing, followed Jiang Feng, and ran towards the distance.

In the course of this rush, the team grew larger and larger. Chasing the wind in the wind, Tang Qian, six ways, ruining tirelessly, spring wild blue.

The six people with the heart of the Holy Spirit, as well as Chun Ye Lan, all followed up with their own means.

These seven people also represent the most cutting-edge thieves strength of the World Guild.

From the Heilun Mountain Range, bypassing the countless army of undead, the seven ran all the way, and finally, behind the army of undead, they saw the decaying thousands of mountain bumping beasts.

The special abilities of Ghost King are somewhat special.

Any creature that dies in front of him, whether it is a player or a monster, he can control the corpse, transform into an undead for a short time, and be controlled by it.

However, this kind of manipulation is not permanent.

These undead will continue to decay in the process of being manipulated, and when they are completely decayed, they will no longer be undead and get rid of the control of the ghost king.

Here, there is a considerable distance from the Hidden Flame Canyon.

Moreover, the ghost king obviously gathered a whole batch of bumper beasts and attacked them together.

By the time they got here, the undead of these bumping beasts had already decayed, and they wouldn’t last long.

However, it does not hinder anything.

Ghost King and Dark Night Chenxiang also knew very well that with the current firepower on the Black Wheel Fortress, these mountain bumping beasts themselves could not last long.

The seven came close to the Beast Mountain Beast, glanced at it and said directly: “Tang Qianhe Zhuifeng is responsible for attracting the blame, and the remaining four are divided into two groups to output the Bump Mountain Beast I have beaten.”


Although, no one else has seen the special effects of Jiang Feng’s destruction, and they don’t know the significance of Jiang Feng’s tactics.

But at this time, they all directly chose to obey the command.

Immediately, Jiang Feng flipped his hand and took out the Colmar-style burst of shots, and shot at a bumper beast.

At the same time, Chasing Feng and Tang Qian’s figure in the wind rushed out directly.







Six amazing damage values ​​floated up, shocking everyone.

In addition to the killer fairy tale, it is the first time that other people have seen Jiang Feng’s output.

But, just for a moment, no one made any movement, and then he went into the battle again.

At the same time, they also understood at a glance why Jiang Feng arranged such a tactic.

Jiang Feng can reduce defense!

Mountain Beasts are mostly ordinary monsters of level 65-75. However, their defensive attributes are good, and in terms of frankness, they are about twice as high as the spiked ghouls of level 60 elites.

Jiang Feng shot each bumper beast for two rounds in a row, and if he encountered a level 75, he shot three rounds in a row.

The rest is left to others to finish.

The other four thieves are also very powerful. Whenever Jiang Feng hits a bumper beast, the output can always be connected.

In other words, when Jiang Feng hits the next mountain-smashing beast, other thieves can always bombard and kill the previous one.

But this indifferent is not enough.

Even if it is a perfect connection, it takes 2.5-4 seconds to kill a bumper beast by a few people.

It will take at least two hours to completely slaughter thousands of smashing beasts.

What Jiang Feng wanted was that no mountain bumping beast could walk under the Black Wheel fortress.

Therefore, the wind chasing the wind and Tang Qian’s Yinguai are extremely heroic!

These two windy boys, with their left hand and a dagger in their right hand, swayed in front of all the mountain bumping beasts.

They drew all the mountain bumping beasts!

Then, the two of them took the group of bumper beasts, circling in circles on the battlefield before the Black Wheel fortress.

The five players, including Jiang Feng, are all top players. There is no need for command at all. Every time, he will follow the wind and Tang Qian’s pulling, and adjust his own position in time.

Judging from the wall of the fortress, it is extremely spectacular—thousands of huge mountain bumping beasts, chasing two tiny black spots, are constantly spinning on the plain.

And the other five black spots, cruising on the side of this “double bead playing dragon”, quickly strangling mountain bumping beasts one by one.

At this speed, I’m afraid that it won’t take long before these seemingly ferocious mountain bumping beasts will be strangled to death by seven thieves including Jiang Feng.

Hidden Flame Canyon.

The Titan Great Ape is still roaring and hammering the bumper beasts one by one.

The ghost king followed, “resurrected” one by one.

On the side, hundreds of mountain bumping beasts were waiting there, preparing for the next wave of offensive.

In the entire Hidden Flame Canyon, there must be at least 1W bumper beasts in total. Enough to sustain three waves of such an offensive.

On the side, Dark Night Chenxiang and the others were observing everything outside the Black Wheel Fortress through a crystal ball.

The main thing is that Jiang Feng and other seven thieves are killing thousands of mountain beasts!

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