Chapter 691 The Trap Is To Blow Up

(Chapter 1 to)

Jiang Feng moved his feet and jumped directly to dozens of yards away–a siege crossbow was facing him.

Seeing that the siege arrow was about to hit the wall, Jiang Feng jumped down.

On the way to the fall, it happened to be in front of the Siege Crossbow.

Jiang Feng’s eyes were clear, he fixedly looked at the siege crossbow shot from the shot, and raised the Xuming Sword.

Yujian Jue·Block!


The next moment, a huge impact, stimulated everyone’s nerves.

The calf thickness and the five-meter-long siege crossbow bolt were firmly nailed to the city wall, shattering a large area of ​​the outer wall.

Large fragments of rubble fell, and the body of the arrow was still shaking and humming.

However, there was only this sound of the two crossbow arrows.

The other one, wrapped in an outrageous force, hit Jiang Feng’s body, but it was like hitting a copper wall and iron wall, and the entire arrow body burst open instantly.

Before the huge siege crossbow, Jiang Feng, which seemed particularly insignificant, was only hit by a huge force and hit the city wall.

Everyone is stupid.

“Boss, is it blocking the Siege Crossbow…?”

“Boss, it’s so awesome!”

Regardless of the ordinary congregation, even Hundred Flowers Killer looked at Jiang Feng with shocked expressions, and his expressions full of disbelief.

This is like carrying cannonballs with bare hands in certain anti-Japanese dramas. It’s so magical.

However, Jiang Feng didn’t think so much. After landing, he roared, “Fight back!”

Immediately, above the city wall, suddenly there were four walls sliding to the left like sliding doors, exposing a square space.

In the space, each has a siege crossbow.

The next moment, “Shoo~shoo~shoo~shoo~!”

There were four strong breaking winds in succession, and four huge crossbow arrows pierced the air.

“Damn, why does Xueluo Fortress have a siege crossbow?!”

“Didn’t it mean that they haven’t assembled a siege crossbow yet?”

“Quick! Protect the catapult, protect the siege crossbow!”

There was an immediate riot in the siege army.

All the shield battles guarded by the siege equipment, one after another, carried their big shields, trying to intercept the four terrifying siege crossbow arrows.

But how can it be so easy?

Just hearing “Boom!”, a siege crossbow in the rear burst into pieces.

The primary targets of the four siege crossbows are the two siege crossbows in the rear.

The same is a siege crossbow, Qin Xiao’s two can beat the city wall, and these four can naturally also beat them.

It’s just that the accuracy of the siege crossbow is not high. It doesn’t matter if you bomb the city wall, but the hit rate is too low for a point attack.

The four crossbow arrows, only the one controlled by frugal food and clothing, hit the target.

These four siege crossbows were indeed made secretly by Jiang Feng.

Prior to this, the Xueluo Fortress had not been opened. Although the people of the World Guild would use the teleportation array to pass by, it was often empty.

The four siege crossbows were successfully hidden in the city wall.

“Dammit, aim the siege crossbow at the opponent’s siege crossbow, and launch!” In the siege army, someone who could understand finally ordered.

Siege crossbow arrows are simply beyond the reach of manpower–except Jiang Feng.

The remaining siege crossbow was more than six hundred yards from the city wall. There are more than a hundred yards from the range limit.

At the speed of a ballista, it is too late to run.

The best choice at this time is to destroy the siege crossbow on the opposite side before being destroyed.

The profound meaning of war is the consumption.

This war is especially true.

Immediately, the siege crossbow that had been loaded with crossbow arrows immediately began to aim at a siege crossbow on the wall.


“Shoo~!” With a sound, the crossbow arrows whizzed away and blasted towards the city wall.

There was a bursting sound, this crossbow arrow hit a hole accurately, tearing a siege crossbow into pieces.

Li Qianmo’s expression changed, “Dammit, so bad luck!”

This arrow obviously has a lot of luck.

However, after returning to the city wall, Jiang Feng standing beside Li Qianmo had a calm expression, “It doesn’t matter, sooner or later.”

Li Qianmo’s expression moved, and he didn’t understand the meaning of Jiang Feng for a while.

Jiang Feng did not explain.

The next moment, below the river wind, three crossbow arrows roared through the sky.

It is very stable, not greedy, and the second wave of attacks, the three siege crossbows all target the siege crossbow that the opponent is participating in.

With a sound of “Boom!”, two crossbow arrows passed through the ballista and shattered it.

“Dammit, brothers, charge me!” The siege army became angry, and someone shouted immediately.

It just so happens that the “minefield” on the frontline has also been leveled by a group of shields. Hundreds of thousands of troops immediately pressed into the fortress.


On Jiang Feng’s side, the remaining three siege crossbows were still firing continuously.

It takes an average of twenty seconds to fire a crossbow arrow.

Every time you launch, you can easily kill several people in seconds, no matter what occupation you are hit.

“Dammit, hurry up! Send the catapult!” someone yelled.

Facing the unrivaled siege crossbow, the siege army spread out, allowing the remaining twelve catapults to sway from side to side, maintaining a serpentine position, desperately trying to send the catapult into the 300 Code range.

The catapult is not like a siege crossbow. It needs an “expand” action. Once it is within its range, it can start attacking immediately.

Moreover, the attack frequency far exceeds that of the Siege Crossbow.

However, even so, from time to time some catapults were hit by crossbow arrows and directly blasted to pieces.

When it was about to enter the firing range, there were eleven catapults, and seven were left.

At this moment, there was another series of explosions of “Boom! Boom! Boom!”

In the front row of the shield battle, countless traps were once again stepped on, and a large number of magic fried eggs were also buried in the traps.

“Slot, don’t listen to the catapult, keep moving!” The commander on the side of the siege army gave the most correct order the first time.

However, while moving, you can easily swing from side to side and move in a serpentine shape.

However, it has stagnated, that is, it is not swaying from side to side, but running back and forth in a broken line on the spot.

This is obviously not an easy task for large-scale equipment.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

In an instant, two more catapults were broken into slag.

The commander on the side of the siege army was eager to split his eyes, “Shield warrior, hurry up!”

However, at this moment, a group of thieves suddenly appeared in front of the siege army.

Ten digits apart, one after another black balls are thrown towards this side.

It was the thieves who planted two waves of traps for them.

Time is running out, they can’t bury more traps, so they are traps themselves.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

There was another bombardment, and the front row shield battle of the siege army was still in deep water.

“Slot! Hurry up, stop these thieves!”

This does not need to be directed, a large piece of magic has already been smashed down.

Jiang Chengzi stood in front of the formation, facing the overwhelming magic, smiled slightly, and had no intention of retreating at all.

A golden light flashed on his body, he started the wind stance, and continued to sway the magic fried eggs at the shield soldiers of the siege army.

Trap is used to explode!

Three seconds later, all the thieves fell under the magic bombardment, and no one retreated.

However, all the catapults of the siege army have also been destroyed.

Old Jiu: “After all, I didn’t write it out in the morning, but I think this method is right.

Before five o’clock in the afternoon, the second chapter will be published. ”

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