"Go find Atma!"

Farah looked at a three-story tavern in the distance: "That hard-working woman needs to know the news."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I'll go right now.

When he arrived at the tavern, it was actually the most famous tavern in the entire Lu Gaoin, and told the ill-fated woman the news.

"They say revenge tastes bittersweet, but I think I like it."

After receiving this news, although Atma was super calm on the surface, her blue-veined hands revealed her true thoughts: "In addition to my eternal gratitude, I have already told others about your righteous deeds. The townspeople. The merchants have all agreed to express their gratitude and let you buy their goods at the lowest possible discount. Oh...Jehine wants to meet you too. You can find him in front of the palace.

"I see.

Zhang Yang nodded, but he wasn't ready to go to Jay Hein, the King of Ru Gaoin, right now.

Just because this king, on the surface, admires adventurers very much, but behind the scenes, he is an out-and-out hegemonist.

He wants to be above the head of the adventurer all the time, which can be seen from the fact that he always wants to arrange people to enter the adventurer's guild.

In the later stage, after the dark wanderer caused a solar eclipse, he took the opportunity to put forward a request that was difficult to climb to the sky, in order to check and balance, and even control the Adventurer's Guild for his use.

Of course, he was also punished later.

The devil invaded his palace, the huge royal family, and only he and his daughter survived.

This is another story.

Atma took out a beautifully packaged magic book from the tavern, and gave it to Zhang Yang solemnly: "This is a magic book that my husband treasures, I am a woman, and I don't need it, so I gave it to Zhang Yang. is you."

"Thank you. 35

Zhang Yang accepted the book and said goodbye to the old lady.

Next, he did not go to Lu Gaoyin's palace step by step to eat that meal, but left the city directly.

"Hint: You came to the gravel wasteland"~. "9

Outside Lu Gaoyin, there is a large area of ​​Gobi, known as the gravel wasteland.

Here, you can rarely see green, follow the trail left by the man stamped on the horse, and after about a day, you can reach another area, called the dry highlands.

In the dry highlands, there is a small city called Highland City, which can provide food and lodging services for adventurers and herdsmen who come here.

Going further south, you will reach a distant oasis. The land here is very strange. Although it is in a desert, it has a more pleasant climate than Lu Gaoyin, which is close to the Twin Seas. There are large and small oases all over the place, providing a lot of water sources. .

Therefore, there is also a city here, which is called the City of Oasis.

Functions the same as Highland City.

Further south, is the city known as the Forgotten. It is located in the center of the desert. During the day, there is a hot wind that is enough to dry people. It is rumored that if an egg is hit on a stone, it will be completely cooked in an instant. of fried eggs!

At night, the temperature here is very low, and a sneeze can be used as a hidden weapon.

In such a place where the temperature difference between day and night is huge, ordinary people can't survive at all, and only those adventurers who are not bad money can set up tents with enchanted magic to not be afraid of this.

According to rumors, the Lost City was built on an ancient battlefield, and there were many equipment with sealed attributes buried near the city. Therefore, there were many desperate poor people gathered here, and bloodthirsty robbers in the desert were also attracted.

From the second floor of the Endless Tower, the area has begun to expand greatly. If you want to explore the entire second floor, I am afraid that you will have to prepare for a month.

Zhang Yang rode on the skeleton dragon, looking at the rapidly passing scenery below, he couldn't help but recall the blood and tears he spent here for a month and a half before his rebirth.

Really tie the Q!

It must have been more than 2 hours before Zhang Yang finally left the gravel wasteland and came to the dry highland.

You know, this is more than 2 hours for the skeleton dragon to fly at full speed!

Instead of walking, it is estimated that it will take at least two days to get here.

It took about more than an hour for Zhang Yang to find his destination in one place.

It's also an entrance to the underground.

"Hint: You have come to the first floor of the Temple of Death."

With Zhang Yang officially entering the Temple of Death,

The first thing that catches the eye is the promenade made of stone, and the air is in a humid state.

A rotten stench hit the nose, mixed with the stench of blood, making people sick to the stomach.

Magic torches were hung on the pillars supporting the main body of the building, exuding an unpredictable dim light, and the darkness of the promenade was like the open mouth of a wild beast, waiting for the entry of its prey.

On the ground, snakes and mice scurried past from time to time, and they stayed in the dark corner without any hesitation, their eyes glowing with crimson light.

And the black scorpion, when the mouse ran past it, the poisonous tail would stab out like lightning, killing it with one blow!

Survival of the fittest, respect for the strong.

These laws are on full display here.

Still the same, Zhang Yang summoned the undead army.

Before dispersing the army, a new monster appeared.

The hollow corpse, which is similar in strength to Rodamen, but has far different strength, as well as a large group of skeletons and other monsters that it resurrects and controls.

A group of human-like, but long (Li Nuozhao) throwing cat monsters with cat heads.

There are also desert wings that are similar to bats but are difficult to fly.

Although it is not strong, it is extremely annoying in a dim place like the Temple of Death.

Simply Zhang Yang did not fight on his own.

His undead army can solve these problems.

Because the prompt was blocked, Zhang Yang couldn't see how many monsters the undead army had killed, and he didn't care about them.

He is now happily cleaning the battlefield.

Fortunately, although the Temple of Death is complicated, it is not large, and the undead army quickly found the passage to the second floor.

Still the old rules.

Meeting at the entrance of the passage on the second floor, Zhang Yang put the valuables into the backpack, and the worthless ones were directly decomposed.

It wasted about 3 minutes in this way. After all the drops were processed, Zhang Yang went to the second floor of Yang.

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