Soon, a post quickly became the hottest post on the forum.

Title: "The first auction house, the auction will start on time at 8 o'clock tonight, and there are 1 purple epic, 12 top-quality dark gold, and 99 top-quality yellow rare equipment!"

The content is to briefly introduce the nature of this auction house, the charging standards, and the benefits.

When high-end players saw the attribute maps, their eyes widened,

"Hey, isn't this the ice resistance equipment I'm thinking of? With it, our team can definitely defeat Duriel and step into Kurast Harbor!

"This piece of equipment actually comes with a third-level anti-cold halo? With it, our team's anti-cold resistance has finally reached the standard, and we can go to attack Duriel!"

"And this one, the best dark gold wand with fire storm skills +3 and fire skills +2... The magic attack is as high as 1300. With this, the mere Duriel, isn't it easy to capture?

As for civilian players, it focuses on welfare.

"As long as you put a piece of blue or higher quality equipment on the shelves, you can get 5 bottles of life potion or mana potion? According to the current price, that's 300 copper coins, ah, blue equipment is sold for 1,000 copper coins, right?

"Yellow rare equipment, you can get 50 bottles of medicine? 3000 copper coins? 3 silver coins? 39

"Dark gold-level equipment, you can get 1 bottle of small comprehensive recovery potion? Hey, this kind of instant recovery percentage potion only available on the side of Eternal Night, each bottle costs 1 gold coin! Isn't this too generous?

"Epic equipment, you can get a bottle of large-scale comprehensive recovery potion? Instantly restore 100% of life magic value? This is a life!"

"God-level equipment, can you get 1 bottle of attribute potion?! Attribute potion for 1000 gold coins?!"

"Hey!!! Too strong!"

After various players saw the benefits, the crazy Amway's own friends, for a time, Zhang Yang's auction house popularity rose rapidly.

This can make those consortia worry.

"This damn Yong Ye, actually got the auction house's certificate... Why is he?

"If you are not convinced, you can also go to Jay Hein and see if he gives you this certificate or not"~?"

"You think I didn't go? He said I wasn't qualified! TNND!"

The consortium's vision is much better than Zhang Yang's. They have already prepared to build an auction house, but because Jay Hein has never given a certificate, they can't set up a formal auction house.

They are all small auction houses established by manpower and mainly by a small circle.

Now, as soon as Zhang Yang's auction house opens, there is no doubt that their small auction house will greatly reduce the business flow.

After all, there is no need to worry about being hacked.

Coupled with the welfare that makes them look very envious, it is even more desperate.

Even they wanted that greedy attribute potion, but in order to not be able to compete with the enemy, they notified all the powerful people with connections and abilities to refuse to buy this potion.

In this way, the qualified and capable people can only sigh and sigh because of the obstruction of the consortium, and the incompetent people can only watch and drool.

These days, there are too few people who can leave the relationship with the consortium.

This also led to Zhang Yang's attribute potion, only 1 bottle was sold.

Seeing that the auction house in the teleportation formation area on the left and the functional area on the right have been built, Zhang Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"The purple iron gauntlet you want.

Lao Tie was beside Zhang Yang and handed a pair of iron gauntlets with purple light to Zhang Yang.

"I really don't know what you want this garbage for."

Old Tie didn't understand why Zhang Yang ordered an iron glove with super high physical and ice resistance.

Except for the higher defense, this glove has all the shortcomings.

"Old iron, you don't understand at all. 99

Zhang Yang looked at the properties of this iron glove and patted Lao Tie's stomach: "But I am very satisfied with your craftsmanship. 35

[Old Iron's Iron Gloves (Purple Epic)]

【Gloves and Armor】

【Defense: 1000】

【HP: 8000】

[Reduce 100 points of damage when attacked]

[Increase 50% Freeze Resistance]

【Cannot be frozen】

[Epic Skill: Iron Cloth Shirt (Greatly increases defense, reduces damage by 1000 points when attacked, lasts 10 seconds, cooldown: 10 minutes.)]

[Equipment Level: 35]

The attributes of this glove, even Zhang Yang, thinks it is very good.

The first is the defense of 1000 points, almost catching up with the general defense of top and bottom equipment.

Then there is the 8000 health value, so that people will not be killed at once when facing Duriel.

Reduce 100 points of damage, which may not be useful for BOSS battles, but for those large numbers of mobs, it can be said to be an artifact!

Directly immune to the forced damage of these mobs!

Increase the freezing resistance by 50%, which is not explained, anyway, as long as you know that Duriel's attacks carry ice elemental attacks.

The inability to freeze this greatly reduces the threat of Duriel.

It can be said that this glove is specially made for the boss of Duriel.

The owner's pressure against Duriel can be greatly reduced.

This is also the reason why the high-level players who are stuck in Duriel are crazy.

There are also the remaining dark gold and gold equipment, which Zhang Yang asked Lao Tie to build specially.

It was originally intended to be thrown into the weapon shop, but now it is placed directly at the auction house, where it can be sold for a higher price.

""|| Just waiting for a good show at night.

Zhang Yang took Lao Tie and sat down in the Tianzi No. 1 (not to mention vulgar) room, chatting while waiting for the auction to start.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, except for some people who are not well informed, there is no one to be seen.

Almost everyone flocked to somewhere in the city.

The first auction house!

This is the name Zhang Yang took for the auction house.

Don't be underestimated, Zhang Yang has asked Farah to join forces to set up a space expansion magic circle. Just to stabilize the loss of the magic circle, if converted into materials, you will get 10 complete gems a month!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang has a variety of small crystals that can act as a source of energy, which is equivalent to no loss.

Zhang Yang can accommodate 5,000 people, and only those who have paid a deposit of 10 gold coins (Wang Dehao) can enter.

Players who are unwilling to pay or have no money to pay the deposit can also participate in the auction, but they need to register with the resident of Lu Gaoyin hired by Zhang Yang outside the door to qualify for the cloud auction.

As for the private rooms...there are 100 herringbone private rooms, and you need to pay 100 gold coins before you can enter.

There are 50 private rooms, and 500 gold coins are required to enter.

There are 10 Tianzi private rooms, and you need to pay 1,000 gold coins to enter.

There is nothing special in the private room, the herringbone private room just has more places to sit and provides free tea.

Dizi private rooms provide comfortable sofas and delicious meals from Zhang Yang's hotels for free.

The Tianzi private room provides a luxury package, and there is only one more bottle of small comprehensive recovery potion than the Dizi private room.

Zhang Yang didn't even think about how many private rooms could be rented out, but when the auction started, the private rooms were snapped up, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Rich people...that many?"

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