After the formula of this potion was reversed through the Alchemy of God, Zhang Yang returned to Anya and fed her the potion.

The effect is obvious.

After the potion took effect, the ice that enveloped Anya's body shattered directly, and the weak girl fell down without support.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang helped her directly, preventing the girl from falling to the ground.

"Thank you. 35

After Anya thanked weakly, her face turned a little rosy.

Zhang Yang is also not a chick, he saw that the girl was pregnant.

But he pretended not to know, just sent the girl back to Harrogath, handed it over to Mara, and was about to leave.

But not far, Mara came out with Anya and stopped him.

"Anya told me why she and Nilasek quarreled that day."

A rare anxious look appeared on Mara's face: "That bastard actually took the barbarian's sacred artifact and wanted to make a deal with the devil! 99

"He is simply stupid to the extreme, hopeless to the extreme.

"In dealing with the devil, how many have taken advantage of it since ancient times?"

"cough cough..."

Mara was obviously out of breath, coughed a few times and said, "Adventurer, can I get rid of you to stop this terrible thing?"


"If Baal really took control of that relic, the whole world would fall into his hands. 39

Looking at the quest prompt that appeared, Zhang Yang nodded.

By the way.

"In order to reduce the time, I will send you to that bastard with Anya."

In the face of Mala and Anya's kindness, Zhang Yang did not refuse.

Afterwards, a portal leading to Watt's Hall was opened by the two of them.

"Be careful with Nihlathak's magic. Although he is young, he is the only surviving elder in the tribe."

Mara finally told Zhang Yang: "Especially when there are corpses around, stay away from the corpses.

"Hmm. 35

Zhang Yang nodded, then stepped into the portal.

Watt's Hall.

After Zhang Yang cleaned up a few mobs at the door, he summoned his army of undead.

The Death Knights led by Arthas took the lead, leveling all obstacles for Zhang Yang.

Pushing horizontally all the way to the center of Watt's Hall, a magic circle flashed with light.

Zhang Yang knew that through the magic circle, he could go to the independent space where Nilasek was located.

It was a space filled with all kinds of demons.

Baal deceived Nihlathak, transformed him into a demon, and gave him the authority to control the demon.

Even the authority to summon was given to him.

He really wanted to see what kind of choices a person who tried to resist him and finally wanted to trade with him with a precious sacred object would make a final choice.

Is it self-defeating, abandoning the identity of human beings and becoming a general under His command?

Or with the devil, against the devil.

But there is another problem.

Nihlathak has been transformed into a demon's body, the holy mountain Atri will never welcome him, and those thorny ancient spirits will not help him, even more likely, is to personally suppress Nihlathak. under the holy mountain.

Baal's sinister intentions, Nilasek did not know, he is still shivering in the independent space, fighting against the cold from the soul.

When the teleportation array lights up, a soft glow attracts its attention.

At this time, Nilasek no longer looked like a human, and the dry skin would even make people think it was a mummified corpse.


Nilasek's voice was hoarse, his thoughts were chaotic, and various negative emotions were constantly impacting it.

"rest in peace.""

Zhang Yang looked at Nilasek, who had turned into this ghost, after sighing lightly, he waved his hand.

5 seconds.

After the demon's words, Nilasek, whose HP reached 5E, only lasted for 5 seconds before being pierced by a long sword exuding a biting chill in Arthas's hand.

The blood volume returned to zero, and the power of the devil dissipated from its body, but it did not change his appearance.

He was still a demon, just a corpse.

Nilasek contributed a purple ring to Zhang Yang and nine dark gold pieces.

As expected of the person who inherited the wealth of an entire tribe.

[Demon Contract Ring (Purple Epic)]

【Rings and accessories】

【Damage: 1.2W】

【Spirit: 8000】

【Physique: 5000】

[Epic Skill: Power of Contract (You can sign a contract with any existence. If you violate it, you will be punished by the power of the contract. If the host violates the power of the contract, you will also be punished.)]

[Equipment Level: 65]

"Contract ring?!

Looking at the ring in his hand, the expression on Zhang Yang's face was very strange.

There is confusion, there is relief.

"It turns out that the foundation of the God of Contract's becoming a god actually exploded from Nilasek's body.

Before Zhang Yang was reborn, he had dealt with the God of Contract, and that strange power was hard to guard against.

For example, the God of Covenant asks if you have eaten?

How do you answer?


Very good, the contract is established, now, you must eat, otherwise you will be punished by the contract divine power, from temporarily reducing basic attributes, to permanently depriving a certain skill, or clearing a certain attribute, any punishment may appear .

It is rumored that there is an enemy of the God of Contract, who has been deprived of the hidden attribute of luck, and has become a well-known unlucky person.

Even if they stay in the safe area, there will be a great possibility of accidents, and eventually, in the continuous unfortunate incidents, they will die with hatred.


For this kind of 630 evil things, Zhang Yang stayed away and chose to swallow the swallowing ring directly.

Let me tell you here that Zhang Yang didn't get an epic ring on the fourth floor, so now he has one more place to swallow.

Only on the fourth floor.

After swallowing the contract ring, the attributes of the swallowing ring itself rose a lot, and the light damage was approaching 2W.

This is worth a level 60 full-body general-level equipment player.

Of course, for Zhang Yang, the properties of this thing are just that, better than nothing.

What he valued most was the power of the contract.

After putting on the Devouring Ring, the usage of the power of the contract has been transmitted to his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, he understood why the power of the God of Contract was so strange.

This is simply impossible to prevent, even if you ignore it, it only takes a small action to determine that the contract is established. Do you think this evil is not evil?

Fortunately, this thing has now fallen into his hands, but he does not know whether the future God of Contract will appear.


A young man suddenly sneezed at the Kutlas Seaport.

"What's the situation, who is talking about me?"

Rubbing his nose, the young man suddenly looked up at the sky: "I always feel that something important is missing... delusion?"

"Let me do the math."

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