Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

170: The four rice, who are over-confident, swept the mines of death!

"Got you!"

Sidao looked at the figure with a fierce light in his eyes, and attacked Zhang Yang step by step.

Because of the existence of stealth, he didn't pay too much attention to the surroundings, and he didn't notice that he was gradually surrounded at the moment.

When he came to Zhang Yang's back and prepared a dagger to end Zhang Yang, he found that he had been knocked out of the invisible state.

Suddenly looking back, Si Dao found himself surrounded by the undead of various colors.

"Don't you know that the so-called invisibility is ineffective against the undead?"

Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at the guy with cold sweat on his face: "What an idiot. 35


Just as Sidao was about to say something, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his soul instantly left his body.

He saw that his body was chopped into slag by a random knife, and it was obvious that there was no way to revive it.

"Damn it! 35

Although dying on the sixth floor is only a loss of the attributes of the sixth floor sub-professional, but for an arrogant person like Si Dao, the number of enemies is countless, just because their level is okay, they can't help themselves.

Now that he has lost 10% of his attributes, he can no longer occupy an absolute advantage. He can already foresee his tragic fate in the future.

"It's all this damn guy!"

Si Dao did not consider why he was beheaded by Zhang Yang at all, but looked at Zhang Yang resentfully.

Because yin and yang can't communicate, he didn't notice the smirk on the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth.

Zhang Yang raised his hand and enveloped the soul of the small mouth "Pap Pap" in front of him with life force.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the other party, he killed the other party again.

Then the reincarnation was repeated. When Zhang Yang resurrected Si Dao again, there was no anger in the other party's eyes, only despair remained.

"You...just a devil!!!"

Sidao looked at his attributes that had all been cleared, and pointed at Zhang Yang with trembling hands: "How did you do it.

"you guess?"

Zhang Yang wouldn't tell him that the way he could ignore yin and yang and resurrect him was because he had a profession called the God of Life.


Sidao was furious, and after he vomited out a big mouthful of blood, the whole person gradually became blurred and went offline.

From then on, although Si Dao was not reduced to a waste, it was almost the same.

"It's so boring.

Zhang Yang looked at Si Dao's disappearing figure with some regret and expressed regret.

To tell the truth, this Si Dao will be a celebrity in the future.

He is the only player in the entire Azeroth world who is hated by all the Alliance tribes.

Besides him, there is a player named Madman Wind.

Under them, there is a player known as the God of Law, who is regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the alliance - Sanjidao, with sharp tactics and amazing combat power, but he has already gone to a higher level and can only meet later.

Zhang Yang raised his level to level 20 in one day, and then came to the first team dungeon in the Azeroth Alliance area through the teleportation array—the gate of the Death Mine.

"Death Mine 4=1 milk, no matter the size, come milk!"

"I am A-level defensive talent, Mage A-level attacking talent, Assassin S-level attacking talent, now I am waiting for a milk, even if it is C-level talent or even D-level talent, it doesn't matter, ask for milk!!!


At the door of the Dead Mine, a large group of people were shouting hard. Obviously, there are very few professions that can heal here.

After all, the world of sanctuary does not need healing, and the aura of a paladin is enough.

"Handsome guy, is that milk? The three girls in the team are all pretty!

"Dude, buddy, do you want to do dungeons, buddy? The atmosphere of reading physics is so good, buddy, as long as you are a milkman, even a Druid can come, buddy!


After Zhang Yang came here with the third girl and the second primary school, he was warmly welcomed, and everyone looked at him with anticipation, hoping that he was a therapy professional.

But when Zhang Yang raised his hand and summoned a devil kid, everyone's eyes showed disappointment.

Warlocks are also a powerful DPS class, but they need milk!

If there is no milk, the final level boss will not be able to pass!

After all, this is different from the Sanctuary World. The attacks here are all locked. Even if you dodge, you can't dodge, you can only resist.

Declining the invitations of these players, Zhang Yang came to the door of the dungeon and walked in without hesitation.

"Another big guy who wants to go head to head.""

...... ask for flowers.....

"Hey, I still haven't been beaten by a dungeon, I think I was so confident back then!

"Why is this world's attack a lock-on attack? That's a lot less fun."

"Who knows, I miss the world of Sanctuary anyway, and even facing Baal, I didn't really feel bad!"9



Seeing Zhang Yang go in for a single swipe, these people are no longer surprised.

After all, they were once.

It is mainly a bad habit developed in the world of Sanctuary, which is the 1-5th floor of the Endless Tower.

All attacks in the Sanctuary world can be dodged as long as you are agile enough.

But in the world of Azeroth, this is not the case.

Most of the attacks here are locked, do you want to dodge?


Not at all.

Therefore, most of the people who have just been born from the world of Sanctuary will have the illusion that it is just a junior dungeon, and I, the big guy who has killed the Demon of Destruction, can't beat it?

But reality will slap you quickly.

Of course, it is not that no one can singled out, but most of them are professional bosses who are meaty, have high output, and can recover blood.


Those who are talking about the double Paladin profession.

"Death mines!

Zhang Yang breathed in the slightly humid air, looked at the miners of the Defias Brotherhood who were mining quietly, and waved his hand.

The army of undead rushed out, and there was no existence that could stop the torrent of death.

Defias miners, Defias overseers, and even Defias spiritualists, are not good enough.

Soon, the team came to the first boss, Lakzo.

This most basic BOSS, although it is only for everyone to practice, but the attributes are not cheap, if it is hard to resist, few people can stand it.

It's just... Although Zhang Yang's current attributes do not take effect, the occupation still exists, and the occupation passive still exists.

A mere powerhouse among human beings, for these skeletons, the quality gap is too large.

It was a knife, and Lakzo fell to the ground unwillingly, as if he had suffered a heavy blow.


Zhang Yang felt that this was very boring, and after seeking the opinions of the three girls and the second primary school, he put away the undead army.

Then rely on the devil kid and go all the way down to Guang.

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