In the Blood God Council, no one spoke.

They have countless means to control a small demigod to death.

Now that the bitter master Dracula no longer demanded that Zebexiu be held accountable, the old blood god no longer spoke, but began to discuss how to prevent the attack of the mysterious god.

During this discussion, they received Zebeixu's spaceship and approached another Blood God's territory.


The old Blood God looked at "June 43", another Blood God known as the fastest and strongest among the new Blood Gods: "What are you going to do?"

"I'll go back and get ready.

After Max saluted the old blood god, the figure disappeared in the blood god council.

"Let's go."

The old blood god rubbed his temples: "Pay close attention to everything after Max Territory.


Neptune Hidden.

After Zhang Yang passed through the portal, he came to a paradise of birds and flowers.

The old hair is in a bun and is happy.

It was recorded in ancient books, and now Zhang Yang has seen such a real scene.

"Young man, where did you come from?"

An old man found Zhang Yang and greeted Zhang Yang cheerfully: "This is Taoyuan Village, you are welcome to join us. 35

"I don't want to join you.

Although this place looks like a paradise, but after the death power is attached to the eyes, it all changes.

The amiable old man turned into a seriously rotting corpse, and the children turned into blood babies with green faces and fangs, which were extremely terrifying.

The whole village hasn't changed much, it's just changed from a paradise to a mass grave.

"Young man, come!"

The walking corpse still wanted to confuse Zhang Yang, but he didn't know that Zhang Yang had seen through their essence.

There was no response, Zhang Yang just summoned the undead army.


After the walking corpse saw Zhang Yang's army of undead, the flesh on his face was shocked: "Damn, go!

I have to say that although the body of this walking corpse is highly decomposed, it is very fast, and it runs to the mass grave with a group of blood babies.

Zhang Yang did not rush to kill, but was a little puzzled.

This walking corpse, obviously has half of its brain, how can it be so clever?


With this question in mind, Zhang Yang walked towards the mass grave with the undead army.

Along the way, there are corpses with missing arms and legs everywhere, some adults, some children, and the death is extremely miserable.․ .

This situation, the closer to the mass graves, the more serious.

Although Zhang Yang was used to seeing life and death, it was the first time he had seen such a tragic situation.

When he came to the gate of the village on the mass grave, he actually felt a breath of living people?

It's weird.

You must know that this area is full of power that ordinary people will fall into the deepest despair at a glance, and now there is a living person in the village with the strongest power of despair?

Zhang Yang pushed open the rotten wooden door, and what he saw was a cruel scene that is not often seen in the abyss and hell.

Countless human bones were randomly discarded in various parts of the village, forming a high mountain.

In the center of 5.4 of the bone mountain, is a human.

The walking corpses around them kept sending the supposedly dead human corpse in front of the human, and they carefully divided them and placed them in different positions according to the parts for the human to enjoy.

After eating the meat, the bones were discarded by the human and piled on the ground.

Disturbed by the sound of Zhang Yang pushing the door open, the human turned back and glanced at Zhang Yang.


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