"She ordered all the powerhouses above the boss level, and they all gathered elsewhere."

Xiao Lier looked at Zhang Yang and lowered his head resignedly: "I didn't leak this on purpose, it just happened when I left Camp Rogge."

Zhang Yang nodded to show his understanding.

Because this is actually the case with everyone in the Rogge camp.

Zhang Yang also guessed from the reactions of everyone in the Rogge camp.

It now appears that his guess was correct.

"Where is it, can you tell me?

Although Zhang Yang didn't report any hope, he still asked.

"She already knew."

Little Lier answered the question: "She asked me to tell you that the price you need to pay for enslaving Andariel is life."

"Then tell her for me.

Zhang Yang had a sly smile on his face: "I hope she can do what she says!


Little Lear looked at this smile and couldn't help but mourned for himself in this world for a few seconds.

"Ah, damn, arrogant, arrogant mortal!"

Andariel stood up from his throne, his fiery red hair fluttering: "I will let you know, why I am called the Queen of Pain and Torment!"

In a hurry, Andariel could no longer suppress his inner anger, and left the underground prison on his own initiative, and came to the upper monastery.

Here, the old Pope has completely become her subordinate, and Uriel has been corrupted into a fallen angel knight.

Then the ashes of the cathedral, the blacksmith of the barracks.

Andariel gathered all the power in his hand, preparing to destroy the Rogge camp in one fell swoop.

Most importantly, catch that arrogant mortal, draw out his soul, devour his flesh, and torture him for eternity.

Only in this way can she vent the anger that is like a river of flames in her heart.

Under her order, all the powerhouses on the side of hell gathered together and brought their subordinates to form a lineup that was as terrifying as the first-layer monsters to attack the city.

When Andariel also came, the war to destroy Rogge's camp was only kicked off.

"Again? 35'

After receiving Rogge's report, Akara looked at the people around him and couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Should I say that this child's ability to cause trouble is too strong? Or should I say that his ability to draw hatred is too strong ?"

"In fact, even if he doesn't come and doesn't appear, Andariel will wipe us out in the near future."

Kasha saw it very clearly: "Just like us in that world.

"I know.

Akara also sighed, they really don't want to repeat what happened to themselves and others in that world.

It takes strength to stop this.

Although a few of them are strong, their fists are hard to beat with four hands. There are too many strong men in hell. Just one or two drag them, and the rest is enough to destroy the entire camp.

In this magical battlefield, what matters is not quantity, but quality.

As long as an absolute powerhouse is enough to change the situation of the entire battlefield.

Because of Zhang Yang, Andariel started the war in advance.

Even if Akara and the others are unwilling, they must be prepared to fight this war.

Not for others, but for yourself.

Zhang Yang returned to Camp Rogge.

He has known everything from Xiao An.

Andariel also knew that he knew everything.

It's like playing the same cards on both sides.

Back at the camp, looking at the Rogge army that was ready for war, Zhang Yang found Kasha and asked them to disband the Rogge army.

"Are you really confident that you can win this war by relying only on yourself?"

Akara looked at Zhang Yang with a serious face: "You know, this war is not only about you, but more about the lives of tens of thousands of people in the Rogge camp. 99

"Believe me."

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